Dean Ambrose

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It was official, Shane had won his right to be the commissioner of SmackDown live which in turn meant you had a new GM job. You got the call not an hour after it was official and you rushed to pack a bag and grab a plane from Toronto to LA for turn following SmackDown live show.

The following afternoon you slide into the arena happily to meet Shane before the show started, when you get there you find shane chilling backstage and greet him with a hug.

"Shane-o." You smile as you walk up to him in open arms.

"Y/n." Shane replies just as happy to see you. "I'm glad you could make it in time." You smile and let him out of the hug.

"You kidding me?" You ask him with a grin. "GM of SmackDown and a chance to bug your sister? I'd be an idiot not to pass that up." Shane nods and you walk with him down the Hall.

"So what have you been up to since you left Impact?" Shane asks curious as to why you left your old job so suddenly.

"Not much." You shrug your shoulders. "To be honest I've been bored out my mind, ever since I left Impact and broke up with Ethan I've had nothing to do." You tell him recalling your reason to leave Impact being Ethan Carter III.

"Well at least this'll give you something to keep you busy." Shane replies hopefully. "And who knows, you might find a better guy than Carter." He smiles at you.

You nod and fidget with the hem of your yellow Lakers Jersey. Shane walks you down to the ramp entrance and you both stop to wait for your cue, while you wait as if its fate a few superstars make their way to see Shane.

"Oh hey Dean, Seth." Shane greets the two men politely.

"This who you get for our GM?" Seth asks as he looks you over.

"It is." You answer yourself. "So I'd learn to behave real quick boys." You grin. Shane nods and Dean tilts his head a bit.

"Oh is that so?" He asks you with a smile. "We've never been ones to obey authority." You wear a smile and roll your eyes a little.

"We'll see Ambrose." You smirk.

You hear Shane's music and tip your snapback before you follow behind him out to the ramp, as you roll up the crowd cheers even louder at you and Shane as a pair.

"Hope you don't mind sis, but I brought a friend with me." Shane gestures to you behind him.

"Long time no see Steph." You smirk with your own mic. "How longs it been? 10 years now?" Stephanie looks to you in shock, she had no idea Shane had brought you along with him.

Once your all done exchanging words with Stephanie and Vince you and shane drive them off leaving you both to address your new show.

"Well you all should have guessed I didn't just bring y/n along to handle my sister." Shane smiles. "No I believe you are here to fill my GM job?" Shane asks you.

"That would be right, I feel like I'd do a wonderful job keeping all these fine stars in check." You nod.

"Well what do you guys think." Shane asks the crowd.

They all cheer loudly and shane nods Maine his final decision, after a little more talking you and shane leaving the show to actually start.

When you get backstage you run into dean and Seth again.

"Well looks whos back." You grin when you see them. "Can we help you boys?" You ask both of them.

"Well I'm here to talk to Shane." Seth looks to Shane next to you. "I have no clue why dean came." He tells you as he looks to Dean.

"Oh I'm just here to enjoy the view." Dean replies with a smile. "Seeing as you'll be here for a while mind as well scope out what I'm dealing with." You roll your eyes again, something you have a feeling you'll be doing often.

"Well?" You turn to Dean. "See anything worthwhile? Cuz I sure as hell don't." You smile at him.

Dean chuckles and takes a step to you while Seth talks to Shane a few feet away, you examines the man in front of you. He wasn't like the men you usually hung around, he was more of a bad boy than just a stuck up pretty boy.

"I mean we both know that's a lie but tell yourself whatever babe." Dean shrugs. "We both know I'm adorable as hell, and you're definitely digging me." You smile and nod your head.

"Okay." You muse. "I'll admit you're kinda cute, we'll just have to see if you're worth it." You smile as Shane joins you. "Ready to go Shane?" You ask the older male.

"Yeah." Shane nods. "We'll be seeing you boys around." And with that you both leave Dean and Seth for the night.

As soon as you leave Seth turns to Dean with a wide smile, Dean pushes his friend back a little since he's so close.

"So how'd it go with our little to cool for you girl?" He asks Dean curious about his conversation.

"Oh she digs me." Is all Dean says with a grin before dropping the subject.

The next few weeks as you get settled in as a GM Dean is always there with a flirty comment or idea for you. After about a month or so you finally get tired of just being flirty, also because Shane was also tired of Dean lurking around to see you.

"Hey Ambrose." You call the brunette from down the hall. "Wait up will you?" You ask him and you catch up.

"Hmm running after me are we now y/n?" Dean smirks as you get to his side.

"Oh be quiet." You pant and smack his arm. "Look shanes tired of seeing your face when you come looking to bother me so we mind as well get it over with and go out." You flat out tell him not wanting to sugar coat it.

"So you do think I'm adorable?" Dean brings up an earlier conversation you'd had with him. "Yeah sure, but to be fair I'm still gonna come looking to bother you after this." He smiles.

"Yeah well you can bring that up with Shane later." You giggle as you take his arm.

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