Seth Rollins

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Seth was in a rut, ever since Dean left to go do his own thing and Roman left to get over his illness Seth found himself alone and slipping away from the spotlight. He needed to get his fire back, to get back to being the kingslayer, the architect, the man. Problem was, he had no idea how to do that.

You broke out in NXT faster than most, the crowd loved you and your personality that screamed heel. You didn't take shit from anyone, and you always let everyone know that you didn't care what they thought of you. With a personality like that, and your impeccable in ring ability you made it to the Raw roster in record time. But WWE thought it might be a good idea to pair you up with a partner, they had a certain superstar that wasn't doing as hot as they would like him to, so a match was made.

"Lets see, locker room 247." You look down at the number written down on the paper.

Today was the day that you would find out who your new partner on the main roster was, you were just hoping that it was a heel that you could work well with. You stop at the door and knock twice to see if anyone was in the room.

"Come in." You hear a voice yell from inside the room.

You take a deep breath not recognizing the voice and turn the doorknob. You enter the room and immediately scan for another person, your eyes land on none other than Seth Rollins.

"Seth Rollins?" You ask aloud as you shut the door behind you and look at him.

"Yep, you must be Y/N l/N." Seth drops his bag with a bright smile and walks over to you.

"Uhh yeah." You nod and shake his hand. "Hmm, no offense but you aren't exactly the person that i was expecting." You tell Seth after he shakes your hand.

"Yeah i can understand that." Seth nods with a small sigh. You can tell that he was used to hearing that more often than not.

"Hey but don't worry man." You try and perk up a little. "We can make this thing work for sure." You recall the brilliant heel run that Seth had a few years back.

The man was a talent in and out of the ring. His mic skills were great, and he could pull of a heel better than most. He just needed the right motivation.

"Man i hope so." Seth nods his head not as enthused.

"So who are you currently beefing with?" You ask Seth as you take the time to set down your bags and get some things out.

"No one." Seth replies. "I'm mostly doing mid-card stuff right now." Seth replies as he watches you pull things from your bag.

"Well that's a place to start." You reply as you finally find your usual top that served as ring gear and a good top to go about your business in. "Tell me Seth, who seems like a good person to piss off right now?" You ask him as you pull the top over your head.

"Umm." Seth stutters a bit.

You pull your old shirt out of your sleeve and set it back in your back then pull your jacket from the bag as well. Seth stands in silence for a moment taking you in a little.

"You know i was thinking maybe Finn Balor. God knows his goodie two shoes and fight for the little guy speeches are getting old." You suggest when Seth doesn't speak up. "And he's always hanging out with Bayley, we all know she could learn not to open her mouth as much." You turn to Seth who looks a little overwhelmed.

"Umm." He stutters out. "I didn't think we'd be getting into this so fast." He admits as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Why not?" You reply with a furrowed brow. "It's pretty simple, i've got your back no matter what, and i'm gonna have faith that you've got mine. Together me and you can cause some real havok around here, all the while getting some gold around our waists." Seth nods his head admiring your confidence in the whole thing.

"I guess so yeah, you really got my back?" He asks you.

Seth wanted to be sure of this, he had his back stabbed to many times before to let his guard down again so easily.

"For better or worse man, always." You nod and pat his shoulder. "Now get ready, we've some victim selection to do." You grin.

Seth nods his head a little more confidence starting to show. You wait on your phone while he changes to ring gear just in case something happens. Once he's ready the two of you begin walking through the backstage area to look for something to do.

"Well if it isn't little Seth." Your attention snaps to Drew Mcintyre and Dolph Ziggler when you hear Seth's name. "Still sulking because we took your championship?" Drew asks with a sly grin.

You silently look over both Drew and Dolph, a plan forming in your head. A quick glance at Seth and you are almost positive that you and him have the same idea.

"Get lost boys." You step up and wave them off. "My ears are already hurting from having to listen to that accent." You grin at Drew who scoffs.

Both men walk off and you wait for them to be out of sight before you turn back to Seth.

"You thinking what i'm thinking?" You ask him with a smile.

"If your thinking that we get my belt back from thing one and two, then yeah we're on the same page." Seth nods his head.

"See." You grin. "That's what i like to hear." Seth and you both chuckle. "I'll run interference on Drew, meanwhile you can serve Ziggler a little taste of the new Seth Rollins." You suggest a quick plan.

Seth agree's and the two of you head out to the ring. You go first and distract Drew from what he's doing easily enough. While he's occupied with you, Seth slips in the ring and manages to serve Ziggler a little beating. When he's done he slips from the ring and eye's you.

You look passed a now fuming Drew to see Seth had done the deed, now all you needed was to escape disaster. You look right then when Drew does the same bolt left and past him up the ramp with Seth. The two of you get to the top of the ramp and you happen to have a mic in hand.

"Hey Drew, Dolph, guess who's back?" Seth grins into the mic as he looks down at both men.

"I'm afraid that gold is coming home with us boys." You add before Seth lets the mic drop to the floor.

Drew comes sprinting up the ramp so you and Seth bolt out of the way as fast as you can. You are a faster so you get ahead of Seth and turn the corner. Seth panics a little as he doesnt see you when he rounds the corner. But then a hand grabs his and pulls him into one of the empty room.

"Y/N?" Seth asks as the room goes dark when the doors closes.

"Told ya that i had your back." You whisper as you hear Drew yell in the hall and walk by the door.

"Yeah i guess you did." Seth breathes. "That was fun." He comments.

"Yes it was." You nod. "Told you that we'd get that fire back." You grin in the dim light.

"Ha, well let's see what other trouble we can get into partner." Seth grins down at you.

"I like the way you think Rollins." You nod.

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