Kenny Omega

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Kenny stares daggers across the room at Marty as you laugh at a joke that Marty had just told you. He didn't like how close Marty was sitting to you, or that fact that you looked just a little to happy being at Marty's side. Beside him Matt casually texts his wife when he notices the look on his friends face.

"You know hard as you might try, im afraid Marty isn't gonna explode man." Matt chuckles as little and nudges Kenny to get his attention. "What's the deal with you man, they're just talking." Kenny mumbles something under his breath and turns to Matt.

"Whatever man." He tries his best to ignore it.

Across the room you fall into a fit of laughter again as Marty cracks another joke. You both have a good laugh until you notice your boyfriend looking a little tense across the room.

"Hey i'll be right back Marty." You pat his shoulder and get up from your seat.

Marty nods and galnces at Kenny as you walk over to him and Matt. Kenny stares daggers at the brit as you get to his side.

"What are you over here being all pouty for?" You ask Kenny as soon as you get over to him.

Kenny huffs and pulls you down into his lap, you roll your eye's and wrap your arms around his shoulder.

"Marty needs to understand that you're mine." Kenny mumbles to you as his eyes still stare daggers at Marty across the room.

"Oh knock it off." You hit Kenny firmly on the arm. "We were just talking, that's no reason to be getting all alpha male on poor Marty." Kenny groans and burries his face in your neck.

You sigh and sit in silence and let Kenny calm back down to his usal happy and goofy self. After a few minutes you shift so Kenny has to actually look up.

"You still grumpy?" You ask him with a small grin playing on your lips.

"No." Kenny shakes his head.

"Good." You nod and kiss his cheek gently. "Now i'm gonna go back over to Marty, and if i catch you giving him dirty looks again i'm gonna come over here and smack you." You get up from Kenny's lap and walk back over to Marty.

Kenny mumbles something under his breath and watches as you make your way back over to Marty. You sit down next to Marty and greet the brit with a bright smile.

"Sorry abou that Marty, now please tell me some more of those jokes of yours." Marty nods and happily cracks off another joke your way.

You giggle and make sure to glance Kenny's way to make sure that he's behaving, sure enough Kenny is talking to Matt and not staring down Marty again.

The next night Kenny has a tag match with Nick and Matt so you hang out backstage and wait for them to finish up their match. While your are waiting for the match to end you spot Tama Tonga headed your way.

"Hey Tama." You flag down the much larger man with a smile.

"Y/N." Tama saunters over to you. "What's up shorty?" He asks you with a grin.

"Waiting for Kenny and the Bucks to finish up a match, what are you doing here?" You throw the questions back at Tama.

"Waiting for a match i've got with Zack Sabre Jr in a little while." He explains.

"Ah, that outta be entertaining." You reply.

"Oh with me shorty, it always is." Tama flashes you a flirty smile and eyebrow combo.

You know that Tama is only joking around with you, despite his reputation you knew that he was a wholesome guy. However, Kenny on the other hand doesnt like the sight of Tama standing a little to close to his girlfriend, especially with that look on his face.

"Y/N!" Kenny calls you catching your attention.

"Oh hey babe." You grin as you look back to see Kenny walk your way. "Look who showed up." You point to Tama.

"Yeah." Kenny gets to your side and imediatly wraps an arm around your waist. "How are you Tama?" Kenny asks in a not so happy tone.

"Fine man." Tama furrows his brows, not knowing why Kenny seemed angry at him. "Are you alright?" He asks Kenny.

"He's fine." You answer for Kenny. "He's just being an overprotective ass is all." You hit Kenny's arm again. "We'll see you later Tama, it's always good talking to you." You tell him before you drag Kenny away with the Bucks in tow behind you.

You drag Kenny back to the locker room and shut the door behind you, both Matt and Nick know not to follow.

"Man he's sure in for it now." Nick jokes.

The door clicks shut and you glare at Kenny as he looks at you with slight fear in his eyes. You glare at him and place a hand on your hip. Kenny goes to speak but you put a hand up to stop him.

"Don't even try." You snap at him. "You're gonna sit down and listen you stubborn ass of a man." Kenny slowly nods and sits down. "You need to get over being jeleous of all of our friends talking to me or we're gonna have a problem." You tell him.

"I'm sorry." Kenny mumbles out. "I just don't wanna risk loosing you." His gaze falls to the floor.

"Kenny Omega." You sigh with a small smile and walk over to him. "I love you more than any person on this planet, and no one is ever going to change that." You easily slip into his lap and kiss him on the lips.

"Promise?" Kenny replies with a small smile of his own.

"Promise." You nod your head and stand back to your feet. "Now come on, you're gonna go apologize for being rude to Tama and Marty." You grab his hand and pull him to the door.

"Aww, do i have to?" Kenny groans.

"Don't push your luck Omega." You snap at him jokingly.

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