Ethan Carter III

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"Yeah thats right run away." Billie yells with a grin as you scurry up the ring. "Peyton was right, you're nothing but a coward." She smirks.

You hold your ribs and head backstage in a huff, it was nothing like you to back down from a fight. But with Peyton in her corner Billie was now twice as dangerous as usual. She'd gotten the upper hand on you when Peyton came out during your match and managed to drop kick you off the ropes into the barricade. You were smart enough to retreat for the time being.

"Y/N." A referee calls to you as he approaches. "Are you alright?" He asks as he places a hand on your shoulder.

"Yeah i'll be fine." You assuringly. "I'm gonna take the rest of the night off." You tell him so he can pass it onto the boss.

You knew you had to find a way to get an upper hand on Billie now that Peyton was around. Problem was, you didn't have many friends willing to help you out with the Australian best friends. You change in the locker room and decide to brainstorm in the gym for a while. On your way out however you spot the best friends in the hall ahead of you and duck behind a box.

"I know he's so dreamy right?" You hear Billie giggle.

"Yes he's so gorgeous, you should defs go talk to him." Peyton replies also giggling. "Oooh but remember to wear one of his EC3 shirts, he'll love that." She adds.

You wait until you're sure that both girls are gone to move, you'd totally forgotten that Billie had a huge thing for Ethan Carter III, or EC3 as he called himself. This didn't surprise you one bit, Ethan was tall tanned and jacked, not to mention rich. Why wouldn't she like him, he was just her type.

You make your way to the gym and aren't there for long when a plan forms in your head, what would Billie think if you stole the man of her dreams? It was a perfect plan, you get a boyfriend that doubles as protection, and Billie can't have the man she wants.

"Now i just have to find him." You mumble to yourself as you scan the gym.

Luckily for you across the room enters the man of the hour, EC3 himself. A smirk forms on your lips as you watch him walk to a weight rack, conveniently next to a squat rack.

"Perfect." You think to yourself as you make your way over there.

Getting Ethan to notice you wasn't going to be a problem,. you'd seen him checking you out before. It was a good thing that Billie just happen to like the one man that you could snag for yourself while actually having fun with him.

You walk over to the squat rack and nod a little "Hello" to Ethan before you put your headphones in. Ignoring him for a while, or pretending he wasn't there was the fastest way to get his attention.

Sure enough it doesn't take more than an hour for Ethan to go from sneaking glances at you to not being able to just watch any longer. You keep calm as he walks over to you, you can see his reflection in the wall mirror near you.

"Hey Y/N." He taps your shoulder. You take out your headphones and turn around to him with a grin.

"Oh hey Ethan, didn't see you there." You grin up at him giving him your full attention. "So whats up?" You ask him.

"I was wondering if you'd like to grab a drink, i mean you must be thirsty from all those squats." He offers you with a grin of his own. "You must have done at least four sets." He adds looking a little impressed.

"Five actually." You correct him. "And yeah sure i'd love to get a drink with you." You accept the offer.

You and Ethan part ways for a while to change out of your sweaty clothes. You meet back up and decide on a bar not to far away from the hotel you both happen to be staying at.

"So since you knew that i did at least four sets of squats i assume that you where watching me." You grin as you wait for your drink order.

"Guilty." Ethan nods his head and folds his hands on the table. "I mean when one of the most gorgeous and kick ass girls of NXT is right there, well who isn't going to stare?" He admits with a sly grin.

"Hmm." You hum a little. "So i'm one of the most gorgeous girls in NXT am i?" You ask catching Ethan with what he had just said.

"Did i say that?" He replies with a grin.

"Mhm." You nod as the waiter brings back your drinks.

"Whelp guess the cats out of the bag now then gorgeous." Ethan winks as he takes a sip of his drink.

You and Ethan get deep into a conversation and before you know it a few hours have gone by. You learn that Ethan is much more than just a pretty face and soon start to feel bad for using him to get back at Billie.

"Hey i've got a confession." You all of a sudden speak up interrupting Ethan's story.

"Yeah?" Ethan replies as he takes a sip of a drink. "Shoot." He tells you as his gaze falls on you.

"This is gonna sound super selfish, but i was originally planning on using you to get at Billie Kay. She has a crush on you and me being with you would really tick her off." You explain fast hoping that saying it fast will somehow make it better. "But i've been sitting here with you for like a good four hours and you're such a nice dude, and i actually genuinely think that i like you." You admit with a small smile hoping that Ethan wont get up and leave.

Silence falls over the table for a moment, then Ethan breaks it with a chuckle. You look a little confused as he laughs.

"Oh wow." He laughs. "Okay, well then. That was one of the best stories i've heard in awhile." He wipes a tear from his eye. "Well for what it's worth babe, i don't care what you had planned." He all of a sudden tells you. "You changed your mind about me, and for what it's worth, i'd have been happy to help you ruin Billie's day. That girl has been a pain in the ass for a while now." You sit speechless for a while.

Ethan grins and orders one last drink for the both of you.

"Well that went better than i thought." You grin at Ethan. "Looks like my plan worked out after all, and i got a hot boyfriend out of the deal." You giggle.

"Yes you did, the hottest boyfriend." Ethan nods and hands you your drink. "To us." Yo both clink glasses.

A few days later Billie makes her way to Ethan's locker room with a confident grin, this was that day that she was going to tell Ethan that she liked him. She walks up to the door and knocks twice, her face crinkles into a scowl as you open the door.

"Oh hey Billie." You grin at her as Ethan's shirt falls loosely on your shoulders. "Ethan's a little busy right now as you can see." You grin as Billie falls silent.

Billie looks you over then turns tail in a huff, you shut the door with a grin and pump your fist in the air.

"Oh you should have seen her face." You giggle as you plop down back into Ethan's lap.

"You are one evil babe." Ethan comments as he shakes his head. "I like that."

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