Braun Strowman

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"Braun Strowman?" You repeat what Kurt had just told you. "Okay, that's cool I guess." You shrug not really having an opinion on the monster. "Where is he anyway?" You ask Kurt.

Just as he's about to answer the man himself comes stomping into the office. You turn and smile politely.

"Hey Braun, I'm Y/N." You hold out a friendly hand.

"Nice to meet you Y/N." Braun smiles right back.

He shakes your small hand with his own much bigger one. Wasn't he supposed to be mean and scary? He seemed nice enough to you so far.

"Alright now that's all settled, you to can leave now." Kurt dismisses you.

You nod and follow Braun out of the office. He shuts the door behind him for you and you both start walking.

"So...... What's our plan?" You bounce a little as you walk down the hall.

"Plan?" Braun replies. "Yeah I guess we could use a plan." He nods his head after thinking for a moment.

"Cool." You smile and also nod.

You and Braun walk and talk for a bit, you both decide to go out for some coffee and think about a game plan. Your dressed in normal clothes so you wait outside the men's locker room for Braun to change from ring gear.

"Well hello Y/N." You hear a familiar voice cool as you wait.

You roll your eyes and turn around to see Elias looking at you with that stupid grin.

"What brings you to this side of the building beautiful?" He asks you with a sly grin.

"I'm waiting for my mix match challenge partner, so if you don't mind." You try and blow the man in front of you off.

You had no interest whatsoever in Elias. But unfortunately for you, he didn't seem to be getting the hint.

"Hmm challenge partner eh, who'd Kurt decide to pair you with babe?" Elias asks curiously.

"That be me." You hear a slightly deeper voice answer for you.

You glance behind you to see that Braun had come back from the locker room. Elias sees Braun and takes a cautious step back. This pleases you.

"Ah i see. Have fun with that." Elias takes his leave from you.

You wait until you're sure that he's gone to turn back to Braun and thank him for scaring Elias off.

"Thanks for that man." You thank the much taller man with a smile.

"No problem partner." Braun nods. "Now coffee?" He asks with a grin.

"Yeah coffee." You giggle a little.

You and Braun go out for some coffee and you learn a little about the monster among men. The main point being that the real Braun was a huge teddy bear, Nothing like what he was when he was working.

The first night of the mix match challenge comes up and you and Braun prepare to sweep Carmella and R-Truth.

"You ready for this big man?" You ask Braun as you fix your boots.

"Oh yeah." Braun nods. "This will be an easy win for sure." He grins.

You nod and agree, you'd faced Carmella before and knew all her tricks and sneaky moves. And you didn't need to worry about R-Truth, Braun could easily handle him.

You and Braun head down to the ring and you spot an old friend in Carmella's corner. Ty Dillinger stands next to her and Truth.

"You okay?" Braun sees you freeze slightly.

"Hmm? Oh yeah i'm good." You assure him. "Ty's just a good old friend is all." You explain as you lock eyes with Ty from across the ring.

The charming Canadian gives you an adorable smile and a small wave. You'd almost forgotten just how cute he was. Nevertheless you take your place in your corner and wait for the bell to ring.

"Looks like i'm going first." You comment as Carmella steps into the ring.

Braun nods and politely separates the ring ropes for you, you step through and the bell rings for the match to start. You and Carmella go at it for most of the match, she's smart enough to tag in only if she absolutely has to. It was the only way that she was going to win fair.

After a while you decide to try and get the upper hand with a dive from the ropes to Carmella on the outside. You climb up and dive with ease, Carmella manages to get up and push Ty in the way. You prepare for yourself to tumble into Ty but instead get caught by Braun who managed to get to the other side of the ring fast enough.

"Oh, thanks Braun." You quickly nods as he sets you down and decks an incoming R-Truth with ease.

You kick Carmella out of the way when she comes at you then drag her into the ring for a pin.

"One....Two....Three." The ref's hand pounds the mat and the bell rings.

You get to your feet and have your hand raised, Braun joins you and easily picks you up in celebration.

"And the winners of the match, the team of Braun Strowman and Y/N L/N." The ref announces.

You giggle at Carmella yelling at poor Truth and Ty as all three of them retreat backstage. You and Braun celebrate a little bit more then head backstage.

Over the next month or so Braun and you hang out all the time. Anything from training to him being muscle for you when guys on Raw give you trouble. Together the two of you sweep through the mix match challenge and get to the final round, the finale against Miz and Asuka.

"Alright big man, this is it." You shake your nerves out. "The big one, our chance at being crowned mix match challenge champs." Braun nods and the two of you head out to the ring.

When you get out there Miz immediately starts his onslaught of insults and tactic to try and get into yours and Brauns head.

"Oh look who it is, beauty and the beast." Miz grins with a mic in his hand. "Y/N Y/N Y/N, how does it feel making Braun doing all the work for you?" He asks you with a smug smile. "And Braun, you do know the princess is just using you for a win right?" Braun's fists clench but you shake your head.

"Don't let pretty boy get to you, let me go first i've got Auska." You tell him to ensure that Braun doesn't go off and get you both disqualified.

"Alright, just make sure i get a chance to pummel that little gremlin." Braun nods and lets you go first.

You and Asuka battle it out in a great match for a while. Then she eventually tags out and Braun easily finishes Miz up for you both.

The match ends and you both wait for your trophy and interview.

"Y/N, Braun, what does it feel like to beat last seasons champs for the trophy?" Renee asks you.

"It's great Renee, but i couldn't have done it without the best mix max challenge partner in the game." You pat Brauns arm with a confident smile.

"Braun." Renee then turns to him. "Thoughts?" She asks him.

"I mean Renee, with Y/N as my partner i think that everyone knew that we were gonna win." He grins. "I mean i don't think you could come up with a better pair than us."

Renee finishes the interview and you and Braun head backstage. One your way to the locker room you get stopped by Kurt. He informs you both that he wants to do a romance storyline with you and Braun. You both agree without hesitation, the thought of a romance line sounds like a brilliant idea to you. You don't mind at all.

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