Ethan Carter III

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You stand near the ring with nerves coursing through your veins, which usually didn't happen to you. You almost never worried about Ethan when he was in the ring, he was just to good at what he did. But this new opponent Ethan had recently gotten involved with, AJ Styles, he scared you in terms of his in-ring ability.

Before you met Ethan while on a vacation at the beach you were working in Ring of Honor and a few other small indie companies, mostly interviews and personal training stuff. While working the circuits you'd had a few run ins with AJ, specifically when he was with Bullet Club. And you'd never be dumb enough to ever have anything to do with that group of delinquents. No matter how many times one of them came calling your name with a sweet smile and even sweeter offer, you always declined the offer. It just wasn't for you.

"Come on babe." You cheer Ethan on as he struggles to keep up with AJ in the ring.

You'd heard a rumor that AJ was still single, which partly baffled you. Saying that the man was attractive was a bit of an understatement, not that he was your type anyway. You'd been with Ethan for almost two years now, and that wasn't going to change anytime soon.

Your eyes stayed glued to the ring, watching Ethan try his best to keep AJ slowed down and away from the ropes at all costs. But in the back of your mind, you feel AJ's eyes rake over you ever so often. You manage to stay composed, for Ethan, but you can still feel that uneasiness in the back of your throat.

Despite Ethan's best efforts he loses, the bell rings and you slide in the ring yourself to make sure that he's okay. Ethan grunts when you slide next to him as he sits up on the ring matt.

"I can't believe i lost." He shakes his head, getting to his feet.

"Hey, it's alright babe." You hold his arm lightly and help him to his feet. "Everyone loses sometimes." You assure him, not wanting to see your boyfriend upset.

"Yeah i know, but i just......i don't know." Ethan shakes his head again. "Do you know him?" Ethan looks down at you next to him with a curious look.

"I ran into him a few times when he was with Bullet Club. Why?" You furrow your brow at the question.

"He was eyeing you up the entire time." Ethan huffs, a jealous tone in his voice.

"Aww babe." You smile a little at the act of jealousy. "You don't have to worry about anything, i turned him and his buddies down once, i can do it again no problem." You pat Ethan' arm assuring him that you wanted nothing to do with Styles.

"Good." Ethan nods his head. "I don't know what i'd do if you left me." He chuckles to himself, smiling down at you.

"Probably cry yourself to sleep every night." You giggle along with him.

"Probably." Ethan agree with you.

The next afternoon you're doing some work with some prospects at the performance center about promos and how to get the crowd to react in the right way when AJ shows up.

"That's right." AJ speaks up as he cuts through the crowd that you're talking to. "You've got quite the insight on getting crowd's to react Y/N." He gets to the front of the crowd and smirks at you.

"Thank you AJ." You keep calm and collected since there's a crowd. "Anyway, as i was saying. Depending on whether or not you want the crowd to boo or cheer, you have options on the way that you speak, or even the kinds of things that you talk about or do." You continue the lesson as AJ watches from the sidelines.

"What is a sure fire way to get the crowd to react to something?" One of the girls in the front of the crowd speaks up.

"Well." You nod and think for a second.

"All crowds love a good love triangle." AJ speaks up again from the sideline. "We all know the storyline, gorgeous girl is with great guy. But things get mixed up when a mysterious stranger, or a face from the past swoops in and knocks the girl off her feet." He grins at you with a sly wink.

"AJ's right." You nod your head, cringing on the inside. "Love triangles are an old trope though, no girl in a committed relationship these days are going to leave their partner for some random man they knew in the past." You add, hoping AJ will get the hint.

The crowd in front of you all wear suspicious looks, making glances between you and AJ. You smile at them lightly and continue with the lesson, trying your best to change the tone of the room.

AJ remains on the sideline and comments every once in a while, that is until Ethan show's up to see how you're doing. As soon as you spot him walk through the door behind the crowd you smile wide, your worries were about to come to an end.

"Hello." Ethan nods to the crowd of people as he walks over to you.

"It looks like we're also going to be joined by SmackDown live's own, EC3." You grin at Ethan as he stands next to you. "You guys are a lucky group." You ignore AJ off to the side of you.

Ethan looks over the group then spots Aj off to the side and looks down at you. You shrug your shoulders, not wanting to make a scene in front of the crowd.

"What are you doing here Styles?" Ethan speaks up as he glares at AJ.

"Just listening to lovely Y/N here." AJ replies with a smirk.

"Get lost Styles, i know why you're really here." Ethan snarls. "And i'll be damned if i'm gonna let you continue to hit on my woman from afar." He steps in front of you.

You shake your head, face going red as the crowd whisper among themselves and take a step back from you and Ethan.

"Last time i checked it was a free country." AJ replies, his eyes going past Ethan and right to you.

"Styles." Ethan warns the older male again. "I said get lost." You set a hand on Ethan's arm, afraid that he'll do something.

"Make me." AJ replies firmly.

That's what sets it off, in an instant Ethan is on AJ hard. Both men rolling around on the floor and trading punches like madmen. You know better than to try and break it up, instead you sprint across the room and grab a few friends of yours to help out. Finn Balor and Roman Reigns come to your aid with no question and break the two men up.

"Ethan that's enough." You put a hand to Ethan's chest when he's separate from AJ for a moment. "Let's just go." You beg him, seeing the rage in his eyes.

"Yeah." Ethan nods his head, breathing heavily as he looks down at you. "Sorry babe." He sighs, the anger fading from his face.

"It's okay." You nod your head and glance over at AJ, Finn has a firm hold on him across the room. "He deserves an ass kicking for interupting my class anyway." You joke to lighten the mood.

"Yeah." Ethan chuckles as the two of you walk off. "Well he'll get another one next week, properly this time." He nods his head in a determined gesture.

"Can't wait." You giggle next to him.

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