Marty Scurll

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"Ugh." You groan as you stretch your arms out, you'd been on a plane for around 6 hours. "Finally." You here a pleasant pop come from your shoulders.

Next to you Kenny stands and rolls his shoulders out a bit, you walk over to him to retrieve the bag he'd carried off the plane for you.

"Well that was fun wasn't it?" Kenny asks you as you approach.

"Oh yeah." You roll your eyes. "Listening to you snore on a plane for 6 hours is a blast." You tell him.

"Hey I was tired." Kenny defends himself. "Besides, when I was awake all you wanted to do was listen to music and talk." He retaliates.

"Whatever you mumble, look theres Marty and Cody." You spot the pair arguing as they walk your way.

"Well if you don't like it then find a new travel partner." You here Cody yell. He'd always been easily annoyed. "Hey Kenny y/n." He calls both of you. "One of you switch me marty as a travel partner." He asks both of you.

"Here." You immediately hand over your tickets. "I'll pair with him for you." Cody nods a thanks and you walk over to the lone brit with a smile. "Hey Marty." You greet him.

"Hey y/n." He smiles at you. "I guess you're my new travel buddy then?" He asks you.

"Yeah, I've that's alright." You nod as you pull your heavy bag with you.

"It's cheeky." He replies with a grin. "You want me to get that for ya love?" He asks noticing you lugging the heavy bag behind you.

"Uh yeah thanks." You nod, marty picks up the bag with ease and you both walk to the parking lot to catch a car waiting for you.

"So what's your usual schedule?" He all of a sudden asks as you both drop into the lot.

"Well." You begin. "Usually I drop the stuff at the hotel than change and then whatever needs to be done is next." You explain your usual routine with Kenny.

"Sounds like a plan mate." Marty nods.

You both load the car up fast and head to the hotel, when you get there you head up to the room as fast as possible. When you get inside you set your bags down and plop down on one of the beds, you would only be here for a night, then it was back on the plane for you.

"Ugh." You sigh as you flop down on down on the soft mattress. Do you ever get tired of plane rides Marty?" You ask him as you stare at the white ceiling, you feel someone lay down beside you.

"Ha all the time, id give anything to spend more that three days in one place once in a while." He breathes out next to you.

"Ha. I know how you feel." You lay in silence for moment, something you rarely got with Kenny. "Well we better change and get ready for the rest of this hellish day." You suddenly kick to your feet and walk over to your bag.

"Yeah." Marty nods as he to stands. "This is going to be a long night." He sighs.

After changing you and Marty meet the rest of the guys at the arena your performing at for the night, when you arrived you see Kenny and Cody happily talking to each other. A bit hurt you turn to Marty who also looks a bit offended.

"God they look like they're having the time of their lives." You complain looking at them.

"It's disgusting, they can't have a good time without us. Wankers." Marty agree's.

You both stroll over to the pair side by side and greet them.

"How's your new partnership?" You ask with a slight tone.

"Good. Better than hanging with you." Kenny sneers at you not liking the tone in your voice. "How's your new bff?" He asks.

"Better than putting up with your demanding ass." You grimace at the taller male.

Kenny waves you off and turns back to Cody who had just been arguing with Marty, you pull the Brit away to go find Matt and Nick for the nights plans.

"The nerve of them." You complain as you walk away.

"Yeah we make great company." Marty agrees with you. "I don't find you annoying." He tells you.

"Yeah. And I don't think you're annoying either." You nod. "Theyre just difficult ass's." You insist.

"Yeah." Marty nods in agreement.

After the show you and Marty slink back to the hotel tired, when you arrive you lay down and groan.

"Dude my shoulder is killing me." You rub the sore muscles. "That spill from the top rope really got me." Marty nods looking at you.

"Yeah but that moonsault was worth it, beautiful." He tells you with a smile.

"Thanks, but tell my shoulder that. I'm so not getting any sleep tonight." You sigh as you fall back onto the empty bed.

The night goes on and both of you try and get some sleep, your shoulder bothers you through the night and you don't get much sleep.

In the morning you get up tired and groggy.

"Morning." Marty greets you with a smile. "Sleep well?" He asks you.

"Mmm, not really." You rub your eyes a little. "My shoulder kept me up." You rub your right shoulder.

"Ah to bad." Marty sympathises with you. "Maybe you can catch some sleep on the plane, I usually don't talk much anyway." He tells you.

"Yeah that's the hope." You nod as you lug your bags behind you.

"Here." Marty stops you. "Lemme get those for you." He takes your bag so your free to drag yourself on the plane. You meet Kenny and Cody on the boarding dock.

"Hey look who it is Cody." Marty points to you. "Long night with scurll y/n?" He asks.

Too tired to give him a snarky reply like you normally would you flip them both off and trudge to your seat. Marty trails behind a bit and turns to the pair.

"Assholes." He pegs both of them before boarding with you.

You lean back in you chair and pull out your headphones, as you do Marty takes a seat next to them.

"Thanks for that." You nod at Marty knowing he told them off.

"No problem, now get some sleep. You look like you're about to die." He tells you as you settle in.

You nod and put your headphones in and play some music, soon enough a bit after take off you doze off and your head falls on Marty's shoulder. Marty sits still and watches his tablet and let's you sleep.

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