Kenny Omega

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"Ugh!" You yell, your hands go up in air as you storm out of the room.

"Hey get back here!" Juice yells after you. "We're not done talking!" You scoff and don't stop progressing down the hall.

"Fuck off Robinson!" You yell back at him for anyone to hell, to angry to care you just keep walking away from the hotel room and go downstairs.

Still pissed and with nothing better to do you walk down to the gym intent on punching your feeling out. It's later in the evening so not many people still remain, it was a good thing the gym was 24 hours. You grab some tape from the locker rooms and tape up your hands and walk over to a mat with a punching bag. After you put your headphones in and play a good playlist consisting of the likes of Kendrick Lamar and other "hype" songs you begin your assault on the punching bag. Each time your fist collides with the bag sending it back a few feet a bit of your anger fades.

Back upstairs Kenny and Marty chill in their hotel room with the door open since they have to room at the very end of the hall, Kenny shakes his head and he nurses a soda in his hand.

"Man you hear Juice and y/n arguing again?" He asks as he turns to Marty who sits on one of the twin beds scrolling through his laptop while also nursing a soda.

"Those two are always arguing, man just wait like an hour or so. She always ends up coming back in time." Marty nods to himself not looking up from his computer.

"Yeah." Kenny exhales as he glances at the open door, to him it sounded like you where pretty upset. All of a sudden Kenny stands to his feet and turns back to Marty even though the brit isn't paying him any attention. "I'm going downstairs, be back later." Marty waves him off eyes still looking down.

Kenny heads out the door and walks by Juices hotel room, the door is cracked open and he peers inside slightly. From where he stands he can see Juice sitting in a chair his face red from yelling and his body a bit shaky, although he cant hear anything Kenny can tell he's mumbling something. Shaking his head Kenny heads downstairs in search of the equally fuming h/c girl that juice had managed to completely piss off.

After a few rounds of assaulting the punching bag your fists begin to tire a bit, you can feel them throbbing under the tape. Not trying to hurt yourself you take a break and go get some water, glancing around the room you notice that besides a few guys lifting weights near the front of the room you stand relatively alone. This pleases you, you didn't really have a desire to talk to anyone at the moment. 

After finishing your drink you walk back over to the punching bag, your hands no longer throb from being used so often. You take a stance and add a deep breath for good measure then go back to what you where doing. As you start you cant help but feel like a pair of eyes are watching you.

Across the gym floor near the door Kenny leans against the counter and watches as you absolutely punch the lights out of a punching bag. After looking in just about every other place that you could have gone in the hotel Kenny assumed you'd be in the gym, and looks like he was right. With a chuckle he makes his way over to you and taps your shoulder lightly.

"What?" You turn around sharply as you take an earbud out after you feel a hand on your shoulder.

"Might wanna give that bag a break." Kenny chuckles as he smiles at you.

"Omega?" You ask now seeing who was bothering you, your mood lightens a bit. You'd always found Kenny good company, he was a chill and patient guy when you got to know him. "What brings you down here at this hour?" You ask him as you remove the other earbud.

"Could ask the same about you." He grins. "No i heard you and Juice arguing again, wanted to see how you where." His expression changes to a more solemn and serious one.

"Oh." You quietly reply wiping some sweat from your brow. "Yeah, its no big deal." You wave your hand for emphasis. "We're always arguing." You sigh a bit. Kenny nods and rubs the back of his neck.

"Yeah i know, no offense but why are you still even friends with him?" He asks you as he looks you in the eyes all of a sudden. "I mean he's always yelling and second guessing you, it must get exhausting dealing with him all the time no?" He asks. You smile at this, glad to know that someone cares.

"On all honesty man." You heave a sight out looking back at the man in front of you. "I don't think i have and answer for you." You admit. "I've always just kind of went along with what Juice does, he is the only reason i've got a job here you know?" You rub your arm in an awkward manner.

"Hmm." Kenny muses. "Hey you want my opinion?" Kenny asks you with a serious tone. You nod happy to hear his opinion. "Fuck him." He says blatantly. "You are ten times more talented as Robinson is, any person around here would be fucking over the moon to have you at their side man. You don't need that fucking scrub, he's just an asshole that's using you because he can." He blurts out not realizing that he even felt so strongly on the matter.

You look taken aback for a moment, you didn't even know Kenny had an opinion on this matter let alone such a strong one. 

"You really think so?" You ask him with an unsure voice. "I mean where would i even go?" You ask him.

"Hmm." Kenny puts a hand to his chin for a moment then cracks a smile. "It just so happens that i was talking to Tama Tonga yesterday about looking to get him and his brother a manager." He smiles. "Tell me y/n whats your opinion on working for a couple of bullet club members?" He asks you with a smile.

"Hahaha." You giggle beaming with a smile. "It just so happens that i'd love to if he'd take me." You reply. "Kenny high fives you but you block it and go in for a hug. "Thanks Kenny." You smile into his chest.

"Hmm. No problem, and hey." He looks to you as you let him go. "I officially take up the position as your new favorite person and potential partner in crime." He nods to you.

"Oh is that so?" You grin at him. "Well i hate to tell you this but that is a very prestigious position to fill, you think you have what it takes?" You giggle.

"I think i just might." Kenny nods confidently laughing with you.

You both head out of the gym side by side, you no longer even think about Juice sitting in his hotel room probably expecting you to come sulking back any minute now. To bad for him you've found a new man to treat you fairly.

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