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"I don't know about this Dakota." You swallow nervously as Dakota places her hand on your back to push you forward.

"Come on Y/N, it'll be fun." Dakota grins as she continues to push you across the room. "Besides, you'll thank me later." She insists.

You try your best not to have a breakdown as Dakota pushes you right up to the man that you were deathly afraid to talk to. Ricochet. You had a crush on the man ever since he came to NXT a few months ago, and Dakota was tired of hearing about it.

"Hold up a second Ethan." Ricochet puts his hand up to his friend before he turns to you and Dakota. "Hey Y/N." He grins at you. "Dakota, what can i do for you girls?" He asks as he looks at the two of you.

"Well." Dakota bounces with a grin. "Me and Y/N were wondering if maybe you two would like to come to dinner with us after the show?" She asks. "I've been meaning to ask you out Ethan, and i'm sure Y/N here would love to tag along with you Ricochet." She explains as she flashes a grin at Ethan.

You swallow again as Ethan and Ricochet both share a look, like they both knew what eachother was thinking. Much like that way you and Dakota looked at eachother often.

"Yeah i'm game if Ethan is." Ricochet nods.

"Yeah sure i'd love to go to dinner Dakota." Ethan agree's.

"I'll pick you up at the locker room after the show then Y/N." Ricochet flashes a grin at you.

"Y-yeah." You nod.

"It's settled then." Dakota claps her hands happily. "See you boys later then." She winks at Ethan and the two of you walk off.

You walk back to the locker room and let the fact that Ricochet said yes to a date with you, well kind of anyway. Dakota wears a look of triumph the whole way back to the locker room.

"Well that went well." She finally speaks up when you both step into the safety of the locker room.

"Yeah." You nod and rub the back of your neck a bit.

Truth was, you had no idea how you were going to get through this date. It was like whenever Ricochet was near you you're brain just shut off. Dakota grins and pats you on the back for support.

"Don't worry N/N, Ricochet seems into you. And we both know he's a super nice guy." She reminds you.

"I know i know." You nod your head. "That's one of the reasons that i like him." Dakota nods her head.

The two of you head out for your match with Lacey Evans and Shayna Blazer, on the way there you run into Ricochet coming back from talking to the crowd a few minutes ago.

"Hey Ricochet." You wave at him, you figured that you mind as well try and be a little less shy around him.

"Hey Y/N." He grins and waves right back. "Looking forward to our date tonight." He nods to you.

"Yeah me to." You smile a little. "See you tonight." You pass by him and head out to the ring.

"See that wasn't so bad." Dakota hits your arm lightly. "We're both gonna have fun tonight." You nod.

Maybe going out with Ricochet wasn't going to be as hard as you were shaping it up to be. Afterall, he was one of the easiest men to talk to, not to mention cute and charming.

After the match is over you and Dakota head back to the locker room to change. You dig through your bag to find something to wear that you brought with you. After smell testing everything you find a suitable pair of ripped jeans and a black tank top. Dakota also gets dressed and the two of you wait for Ricochet and Ethan to arrive.

Sure enough, after a few minutes of waiting a knock comes at the door. You and Dakota both share wide grins and she goes to open the door.

"Ladies." Ricochet nods when Dakota opens the door and you step next to her. "Both of you are looking lovely tonight, Ethan went ahead and pulled his car around for us." He explains as his eye's trail you.

You try not to freak when you catch Ricochet eyeing you up, you just stay calm and look to see what he was wearing. A casual but still stunning grey shirt and a a pair of black jeans. And damn did he look good.

"Great." Dakota nods and steps into the hall.

The three of you walk down the hall to the parking lot, Dakota walks a little ahead of you and Ricochet falls back with you.

"You look really nice tonight." He compliments you with a grin.

"Thanks." You blush a little. "You look good as always." You return the compliment.

The three of you get to the parking lot as soon as Ethan pulls the car around. Dakota immediately jumps in the front seat, you go to open the back door but Ricochet beats you to it and opens it for you.

"Ladies first." He grins.

You giggle a little and climb in, Ricochet climbs in after you and shuts the door. Once inside you glance up at Dakota who has already started flirting with Ethan.

The drive to the restaurant takes a few minutes so you and Ricochet mingle a little, you find that even after hours he's still super easy to talk to. Once you all get to the restaurant you pick a booth and slide in, Ricochet slides in after you.

"This is a nice place." You comment when all of you settle in.

"Yeah." Dakota agree's with you from across the booth.

"Only the best for you ladies." Ethan nods his head.

Ricochet nods his head also and the waiter comes with menus and water. The date gets off to a start, you and Ricochet begin a conversation and soon tune out Dakota and Ethan flirting it up across the table.

The night comes to an end and Dakota and Ethan decide that the night is still young, neither you or Ricochet decide to go with them to party so you take a cab back to the hotel together. When you get to the hotel he offers to walk you to your room.

"Well i don't know about you but i had a ton of fun." You grin and turn when you get to your room.

"Yeah, i had a ton of fun to." Ricochet nods.

"Hey." You all of a sudden get an idea. "Do you wanna maybe come in and hang out for a little while? I have a feeling Dakota won't be back for a few more hours." You nod to the door.

"Yeah sure." Ricochet flashes a toothy grin that makes your heart flutter a little.

Thoughts race in your mind as he follows you into the room and shuts the door. Maybe Dakota wasn't the only one getting lucky tonight.

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