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"So what are your thoughts on the challenge put out by Adam Cole of Undisputed Era earlier today regarding you and your championship?" You ask the handsome man standing right next to you.

"Well Y/N, Adam can taunt me all he wants." Ricochet replies with a grin. "But no amount of talk is going to change the fact that i beat him fare and square during the last TakeOver." You nod your head.

"And do you have anything to say about your champion vs champion match with current UK champion Pete Dunne later tonight?" You ask your last question of the interview.

"As a matter of fact Y/N i do." Ricochet nods. "Dunne better watch out, because as you know, well i'll let you tell them." He looks down at you with a confident smile.

You sheepishly nod, the way Ricochet was looking at you making you a little nervous.

"You're the one and only Ricochet?" You speak into the mic in somewhat the form of a question.

"Damn right." He nods.

You grin at the camera before it turns off and you drop your hand to your side, it was a little tired from being held up for the interview.

"Hey sorry for putting you on the spot like that." Ricochet all of a sudden apologizes to you.

"Oh no that's okay." You shake your head. "I just was expecting it was all." You insist.

"Well if you say so." Ricochet rubs the back of his neck. "I still feel kind of bad though, so umm here." You watch as he strips the shirt off of his body and hands it to you. "Root for me in my match later?" He asks you with a small grin.

"Y-yeah sure." You blush a little as he drops the shirt in your hand.

"Perfect." Ricochet nods. "Now i for sure can't lose." You blush again and watch as he walks off back to the locker rooms.

The camera crew all burst into small fits of giggles, you glare at all of them and bark at them to get back to work. They all listen but continue to poke fun of you in quiet as they work. You decide why the hell not and slide on the shirt that Ricochet gave you, it's a little big so you simply tie it into a crop top to fit better.

"Picking sides already Y/N?" You watch Adam Cole sneer as he saunters over for his interview that was scheduled to start in a few minutes.

"What's it to you Cole." You snap back at him.

"Woah calm down doll, i was only joking." Adam puts his hands up defensively. "Thought you'd look much better in an Undisputed Era shirt." He winks at you with a flirty grin.

You roll your eyes and hand Adam a mic to hold while you fix a few stray wires before the camera's turn back on again. You manage to stomach your dislike of Adam long enough to get his little segment one.

"Well that was fun." Adam wiggles his eyebrows at you as the camera's turn off again.

"Not interested Cole." You roll your eyes at him.

"Oh i know." Adam nods his head. "Almost everyone knows that NXT's best female broadcast colleague only has eyes for Ricochet." He teases you.

You send a glare Adam's way and he walks off with a chuckle. Once he's gone you take a small break from all the work before you've gotta step in front of a camera again. While you take a break Ricochet finds himself looking for you again.

"Hey Y/N." He catches your attention as he walks your way now in a different shirt. "Hey my shirt looks great on you by the way." He nods at the shirt he gave you.

"Thanks." You blush a little. "What brings you back here again?" You ask him. "Not that i don't enjoy your company that is." You are quick to add.

Ricochet chuckles a little, god he looked so hot when he was relaxed. You can feel heat creep in your cheeks as his gaze returns to you.

"Yeah i like hanging with you to." He tells you. "Anyway, i was just passing through to go to my match with Dunne and thought i'd say hello is all." He explains.

"Ah." You nod. "Good luck by the way, i know you'll be able to beat Dunne." Ricochet nods and gives you one more smile before he heads out to the ring.

You watch as he leaves, heat still lingering on your cheeks as he leaves. Once he's gone you turn back to the job you were paid to do. You arent there for long when Adam Cole comes by again wearing his usual up to no good smirk.

"Back so soon Adam?" You ask him with a roll of your eyes.

"Yep babe afraid i am, i've got some business to take care of in the ring." Adam replies with a grin. "Besides, you know you missed me." You roll your eyes again at him.

"Not a chance Cole." You tell him. "What business in the ring do you have anyway? Ricochet and Pete Dunne are out there right now." You point to the monitor were the match is being broadcast.

When Adam doesnt answer you and you notice that he brought Kyle O'Reilly and Roderick Strong with you realize why he was here. You step in front of Adam in an attempt to stop him from getting to Ricochet and Pete to interrupt the match.

"Ah no i don't think so doll." Adam shakes his head.

You gasp when Kyle walks up behind you and holds an arm around your torso in order to keep you out of the way. You struggle all you can but Kyle is to strong and his grip to firm on you. You sit and squirm as you watch the monitor displaying Adam and Roderick ruining the match.

A little way into the beating you see Adam lean down and whisper something to Ricochet that no one could hear, whatever it was it makes Ricochet go wild. He gets up and in a rage easily takes out both Adam and Roderick then you watch as he bolts up the ramp. At the same time you feel Kyle finally let you go and run off in the back.

"Y/N!" Is the first thing you hear when Ricochet comes barreling through the curtain.

"Ricochet?" You reply confused as to why he was looking for you. "I'm over here, what's going on?" You ask as you wave to him a little.

"Oh thank god." Ricochet sighs in relief and runs over to you. He engulfs you in a hug when he gets to your side without warning.

"Ummm, what's got you all worked up?" You ask him a little nervous and confused as to why he was all of a sudden hugging you.

"You." Ricochet replies softly as he lets you go so the two of you can make eye contact.

"Me?" You reply still confused.

"Adam told me that O'Reilly was with you, i wasn't sure what he was planning on doing." Ricochet explains. "I was worried about you." You blush again as you look at him.

"Worried about me? For what?" You reply, you couldn't have been that important to the champ.

"Well i mean, i do like and care about you." Ricochet rubs the back of his neck. "I just kind of been too nervous to ask you out is all." He explains with a small chuckle.

"You nervous?" You reply with a small laugh of your own. "Why in the hell would you be nervous over me?" You shake your head at the idea.

"I mean you're pretty, and confident. Why wouldn't i be nervous to ask you out." Ricochet replies "So what do you say, wanna let me make sure that Adam and his buddies never mess with you, or anyone else for that matter?" He asks you with one of his confident smiles.

"i'd love to." You reply with a shy smile and a nod.

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