Byron Saxton

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You walked out to the ring high fiving kids on the way down, you where getting ready for a match against Becky Lynch. You looked down to the commentary table and it's cast of men, your eyes immediately fall to the cheesiest commentator Byron Saxton. As usual he wears a wide smile on his face, you nod to him and hop on to to apron.

"And as always y/n is looking fine." Corey comments as his eyes fall on you. "She's set to take on Becky Lynch next." The camera switches off and Corey turns his attention back to you as you chill on the apron closests to him.

"Are you always this flirty to all the other girls Corey?" You ask from your spot with a smile.

You were just being friendly, in reality you had no interest in Corey Graves. He was the type of guy you'd usually avoid, all those tattoos and bad attitude just wasn't your style.

"And here comes y/n's opponent for the night, Becky Lynch." You hear Tom announce as Becky's music hits.

You look to Becky as she makes her way down to the ring, you can faintly hear Corey and Byron arguing as always. Becky steps into the ring and the bell sounds, you ready up and get to work.

"Isn't it just amazing how y/n is easily able to counter Becky's attacks with swift kicks to the abdomen?" Byron asks as you kick Becky again in the stomach.

"She's quite the superstar yes." Corey nods. "And here we go, she's climbing up to the top rope." He points out as you climb up.

"Oh but she better watch Becky." Tom adds as Becky stands and pushes you down.

In an attempt to keep from hitting the floor you shift your weight in front of you, you fly down and land in a handstand on the announce table. Unable to keep your balance you fall forward on your but and come face to face with Byron.

"Byron." You smile and nod to him before you roll backwards off the table to your feet again.

Byron sits in his chair frozen, you had been so swift to land in front of him he didn't have time to register it. All he had seen was your face right next to his with a smile present on it, then you were gone and back in the ring.

"Looks like Byron is still a little shocked from that amazing feat by y/n." Corey teases as Byron stays silent.

Tom and Corey begin teasing for a moment since its a commercial. You sit in the ring with Becky in a hold when she whispers to you.

"That was awesome dude, sorry for pushing you so hard." She whispers as you hold her.

"No problem Becky." You shrug a little as you move your arms.

The cameras coke back on and Becky taps out for the camera, the bell rings and you let her go. After she's free you take one more glance at the announce table before you head backstage, SmackDown is over for the night so you're free to find something to do.

"That was some nice moves y/n." Shane nods at you as you pass him. "Looks like you kinda spooked Byron to." He chuckles a little.

"Oh yeah huh." You nod your head remembering you'd basically ran right into him earlier.

Shane hangs back as you dismiss yourself to change in the locker room. He lingers as Byron and the rest of the commentary team pass by him chatting.

"You should go talk to her Saxton." He hears Tom suggest to Byron as they pass him.

"I'm sure it was just an accident man, she doesn't like me." Byron replies quickly.

Shane chuckles at this comment and all three men come to a stop and look at him.

"You'd be surprised Saxton." He grins. "I'd take Tom's advice and go pay her a visit." He tells Byron.

Byron nods silently to Shane then turns to go down the hall, as soon as he's gone Corey and Tom turn to Shane with smiles.

"You know that he's going to make a fool of himself right?" Corey grins.

"Oh yeah." Tom nods his head. "We'll never hear the end of this for a while." He sighs.

Both men chuckle and continue on down the hall.

Back down near the locker rooms Byron inches his way to the oak door with your name stuck to it with a white sticker. His heart beats fast as stands outside the door, he lifts his hand up to the door and knocks twice.

You stepped back into the locker room fresh out of the shower, damp hair still sticks to the back of your neck as you run a towel through it the best you can. All of a sudden a knock comes quickly at the door, you furrow your brows. Who would be at the door you didn't know.

"Coming." You reply to the knock as you move the towel to the other side of your hair and walk to the door. "Oh hey Byron." You smile as you look who stands in your doorway.

The door swings open and Byron comes face to face with you. You stand in the door towelling your hair dry, your wearing a sports bra and shorts and that's it.

"Umm hey." Byron kind of half waves to you. "I uh just wanted to come tell you that you were amazing in your match earlier." He tells you.

"Oh thanks." You smile and nod. "Oh and sorry for kind of running into you back there." You apologize for your actions.

Byron smiles and nods his head as well as waves his hand.

"Oh don't worry about it, it was super impressive by the way. I mean from the top rope to the announce table from being pushed into a handstand? Amazing." Byron gushes.

"Haha thanks, to be honest I was surprised I even landed it." You admit. "Anyway, you doing anything after the show?" You ask Byron with a smile.

"I..... Uh no why?" Byron stutters a bit.

"Wanna maybe go grab some coffee or something?" You ask him.

"Yeah I'd love to actually." Byron smiles wide.

"Cool, just give me a bit to change." You giggle before you shut the door.

Byron turns to leave happily, he succeeded in his attempt. Kind of anyway.

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