Seth Rollins

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You sat in Seth's locker room casually scrolling through twitter while he got changed into his ring gear for the night. His intercontinental championship belt as well as both of the tag belts sit to your right, you glance at them once in a while. The whole Dean thing still fresh in your mind, you were probably even more pissed off then anyone.

"It still amazes me how you take longer to change than i do." You comment with a small giggle when Seth finally emerges from the other room.

"Hey it's not my fault, perfection takes time babe." Seth replies as he grabs his boots from the table across the room and sits down to put them on. "So what belts should i bring out to the ring?" He asks as you he pulls his boots on.

"Bring them all." You reply not looking up from your phone. "Flex all the championship gold you've earned." Seth nods his head even though he knows you won't see it and grins.

"Mind as well." He shrugs and walks up to you.

You look up from twitter when Seth sets one of his boots on your lap, you raise a brow and he wiggles his foot.

"Be a sweetheart and tie my shoes for me." He asks you and flashes a dorky smile.

"Lazy." You half grumble half grin as you take the laces of the boots and tie them.

Seth takes his foot back and raises the other one for you to tie, while you do this he takes the opportunity to snag your phone and scroll through your twitter feed.

"That's mine you know." You tell him as you push his now tied shoe off of your lap.

"I know, i'm just looking." Seth replies as he scrolls down the feed.

"Mhm, okay times up." You attempt to snag the phone back. "Give me my phone Rollins." You groan as Seth holds it out of reach.

"Come get it princess." Seth taunts you as he holds the phone in the air.

You glare at your boyfriend as a grin spreads on his face, your phone sits in his hand just a few inches out of reach. You jump to grab it, getting more annoyed by the second.

"Seth." You complain as you reach as far as you can for your phone. "Don't you have a match, or some rant to get to?" You ask him.

In your head if Seth was busy working then he couldn't hold your phone hostage. Seth grins and continues to hold the phone out of reach.

"You can have it back if i get a kiss for good luck." He offers up a deal with a smirk.

"Ugh." You groan and peck his cheek lightly. "There, now give me back my phone." You hold your hand out.

"Not so fast babe, i want a REAL good luck kiss." He taps his lips gently with his free hand. "None of this cheek nonsense." You roll your eyes back aren't able to keep from smiling.

Sometimes it amazed you just how much you loved the dorky man in front of you. You oblige to Seth's wish and place a soft but sweet kiss to his lips.

"Atta girl." He grins and hands you your phone back.

You shake your head and pocket the phone before you look at the time on the wall clock.

"I believe that you've got a match to get to." You nod to the clock.

"You mean we've got a match to get to." Seth corrects you as he picks up his belts. "You're coming with me for good luck, and to help hold these belts." You roll your eyes again and pick up the tag belt that was supposed to be Dean's.

You and Seth head out to the ring side by side, you stand back a bit while he does his entrance but walk next to him down to the ring once it's over. You both step into the ring and you nonchalantly stand next to Seth while he starts talking.

A little bit into Seth talking about stuff going Corbin shows up and makes a tag match for Seth against AOP.

"So you can go ahead and take that belt from your lovely girlfriend because you're about to defend those titles against AOP." Corbin grins from the titantron.

You watch as AOP and Drake Maverick walk down to the ring, you kiss Seth's cheek and hand him the belt on your shoulder then slide down t the floor. The match starts and you keep an eye on Drake for Seth's sake, you knew that it was unlikely for him to keep the tag titles alone. But you could try your best to make sure that at least Drake couldn't worsen the odds.

The match ends like you figured it would, Seth gets annihilated by AOP and ends up losing the belts. Out of respect Drake orders his men to leave Seth be and they leave with their new belts. You slip in the ring to Seth's side and go help him to his feet, as you help him stand you hear Dean's music start up. Your eyes scan the arena and catch Dean heading down to the ring.

"Ambrose." You grit your teeth as he steps up on the apron.

"I'm not gonna hurt you Y/N." Dean replies as he steps through the ropes. "I'm here for him." Dean looks past you at Seth.

"Well if you want Seth then you'll have to hurt me because i'm not about to move." You snap back and stand your ground.

Your eye's shift to Seth as he gently pushes you off to the side, you try and stand in place but Seth protests.

"I'll be fine." He nods his head as he pushes you aside.

Dean doesn't waste any time once you are far enough to the side to where he can get to Seth without causing you any physical harm. You watch knowing not to try anything as Seth once again gets his ass kicked by his best friend.

"Sorry you had to see that." Dean nods to you as he goes to leave.

"Shove it up your ass Dean." You reply as you lean down to Seth making sure to keep your eye's on Dean the whole time.

Once Dean is gone you help Seth to his feet again and take him back to the locker rooms. When the two of you are in the safety of the locked door you let out a sigh.

"I shouldn't have moved out of the way." You complain to yourself.

"You did the right thing babe." Seth shakes his head.

"He wouldn't have attacked you if i didn't move." You reply.

"Y/N." Seth replies again. "It's Dean, we don't know that, it's better for me to take a beating and you staying safe then not." You sigh heavily and hug your dumb stubborn boyfriend.

"Still doesn't make it right." Seth nods his head and kisses the top of your head.

"I know babe." He sighs. "We'll get back at him, don't you worry."

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