Mark Andrews

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"Did you grab your jacket?" Mark asks you as you lean by the door waiting for the blonde to join you.

"No, it's nice I dont need one." You shake your head a little as you glance down at your phone.

"Alright." Mark shrugs his shoulders. "But when you get cold I'm not giving you my jacket." He turns the knob on the door and you both head out.

When you get outside the sun shines bright and not a cloud is in sight, you can feel the sun lightly radiating off your skin.

"See." You muse with a smile. "It gorgeous out today, why are you even wearing that jacket?" You ask Mark as you glance at his jacket clad shoulders.

"You'll see." He simply states as the two of you walk side by side.

By the time you get to the location of the nights addition of 205 a few clouds have started rolling in. This doesn't worry you, they'd just pass right on by.

"What's the match for the night again?" You ask Mark as you both walk to his locker room.

"Me and Drew again." Mark mumbles, he knows that you'll worry.

"Again?" You groan. Mark cracks a small smile, just like he thought you'd react. "Does management just like seeing you getting pummeled?" You ask.

Mark shakes his blonde hair out making it fall into his face a little, he pushes his hair back and turns to you.

"I can take care of myself you know?" He reminds you.

You both reach his locker room and mark unlocks the door. You walk in behind him and shut the door.

"I know that." You nod to him as you go to take a seat. "But as your best friend I care for your personal well being." You fall into a chair as Mark digs through his bag for his ring gear.

"And I appreciate it." He grins a little. "Hey can you grab me a water from catering while I change?" He asks as he turns to you.

"Yeah sure." You nod as you rise to your feet. "Be right back."

Once you're gone Mark sighs heavily and pulls his grey pants from his bag.

"Best friend." He mumbles to himself. "It'll always be best friend." Pulling his shirt off Mark took the time to sulk a little.

The man was head over heels in love with his best friend, you'd never see him the same way. Did he wanna be in love, not really. But he couldn't help it, but the way you smiled. The cute crinkle in your nose, and how you always managed to be cheery. It was the way that you swayed along to his music when he played.

He could count every time that he lulled you to sleep with a guitar and his voice with the likes of Coldplay and other bands that he'd otherwise never listen to, but you liked them so that was enough.

You weave through the people in catering and grab two bottles of water from a machine, then you turn to leave and run smack into someone.

"Watch it loser." You snap as you look at the person you collided with.

"That's no way to talk y/n." Drew smirks at you.

You roll your eyes and move to the side in order to pass him, you don't get far when he slides in front of you again.

"I was talking to you." He smiles as he blocks your path again.

"Yeah as I was ignoring you." You reply with a grin of your own. "If I've told you once I've told you million times drew, not interested." You tell him making his smile fade a little

"See that's what bugs me." He tells you. "You're single and a gorgeous girl, let's face it, I'm a tall drink of water. We'd make a perfect couple babe, what's holding you back?" He asks you.

"Ha." You laugh. "You aren't as hot as you think you are Gulak, not to mention your an egotistical dickwad." You explain through a wide smile.

"Whatever." Drew fumes. "Go crawl back to your idiot band geek." He waves his hand at you.

"With pleasure." You smile and turn away.

When you get back to marks locker he's dresses in ring gear and ready to go, you hand him his water and sit back down in a chair for a little while.

"Hey be careful out there tonight." You all of a sudden turn to Mark. "I ran into Gulak earlier and may have kinda pissed him off." You smile innocently.

"Did you now?" Mark chuckles a little. "Turn him down again?" He asks you.

You nod, Mark nods back. He had the right mind to kicks Drews ass, flirting with you.

"Mark." You snap the blonde out of his thoughts. "Your match is in a few minutes we better get going." Mark snaps back into reality when you lightly smack his arm.

"Ouch." He groans. "Okay I'm going geez." He teases you.

You giggle and shut the door as you both walk out. You get down to the ring and you take up a spot in marks corner just as Drew's music hits.

"Go get him." You nod to mark as drew enters the ring.

The match starts out fine, but the longer it goes on the more you sorry for mark. You hated seeing him in matches, seeing him get hit made you shudder all the time. You loved the British dork, all he did for you. The sweetest guy imaginable, but he didn't feel the same way.

You're pulled from your thoughts when you hear your name, you look to the ring to see drew with mark in a submission locked in. The light from marks eyes fading as he attempts to tap out, unable to do a thing you look to the ref who stops the match. But drew doesn't let go.

"Let him go Gulak." You yell inching closer to them.

Drew doesn't budge until a few officials pry him off, you don't get to mark in time for the medics to carry him off.

"Asshole." You approach drew who stands unharmed.

"Hey that's just... " You stop his sentence with a solid hit to the face.

"That's for Mark." You spit at him before sprinting off.

You get to the infirmary and Mark it awake and looking okay, you run over and pull him into a crushing hug.

"God don't do that to me." You scold him still hugging his body. "I love you dork and i can't do that if you aren't here." You didn't care anymore, he needed to know.

"Y/n." Mark replies as he pulls you up to look at him. "I love you to." He pulls you close to him. "Sorry I scared you.”

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