Marty Scurll

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You giggle at the face Marty was currently making, the brit never failed to make you smile. Your older brother kenny sat across the room and glared daggers at the newest member to bullet club, he was uneasy about anyone messing with his baby sister, even if they where “Friends” of his.

“Ken your face is going to freeze like that if you keep this up.” Matt breaks Kenny’s concentration, Nick nodds and laughs a bit.

“Honestly man they're just talking.” Nick adds, Kenny looks at the brothers and scoffs.

“He’s up to something.” Kenny glares across the room. “I know it.” Matt and Nick share a look and shake their heads.

“Whatever you say Ken.” Matt shrugs.

Across the room you and Marty sit facing each other casually talking about one of your interests.

“All i'm saying is the hobbit movies are better.” You tell him making your case.

“I don't see how that is.” Marty replies. “Lord of the rings is a classic movie trilogy man.” He protests.

“Yeah.” You agree with his claim. “But the hobbit was way better. It had a better story and gave so much background and insight to the tolkien world before the rings and sauron and his armies where even a huge thing.” You argue. The brit looks at you and roll his eyes. “Hey don't be mad because i'm right.” You warn him.

“Whatever you say love, lord of the ring will always be better in my book.” He tells you. Cody walks up to both of you and leans down.

“Hey nerds.” He beckons to you both. “Make yourselves useful and go grab some grub for the rest of us.” He hands you some money and a list of food requests from the rest of the guys.

“Yeah sure thing.” You nod as you grab the money and the list. “But you’re driving Marty.” You tell him.

Marty stands up and nods, as soon as Kenny see’s you both leaving the room he springs up and calls your name.

“y/n.” He calls you, you stop and turn to him. “Where are you going?” He asks you.

“Me and Marty are going to go pick up dinner for us all.” You tell him confused as to why he sounds so concerned.

“Why does he have to go with you?” Kenny asks as he glances at Marty pulling his jacket on. You look at your brother and roll your eyes, you knew from the moment Marty had caught your eye that your brother would go into overprotective mode.

“I'll be fine Kenny, the place is just down the street.” You assure him with a pat on his back. He looks at you sternly then walks off knowing that you'll go no matter what he says. “Be back soon guys.” You call to the other three men in the room as you step out the door.

When you get out to the parking lot Marty is already waiting by the passenger side door, you walk up and look at him.

“I said that you were driving.” You remind him.

“I know.” He replies with a smile. “But i'm a gentleman.” He opens the door for you, you shake your head with a grin and climb in the car.

Marty joins you on the drivers side and you're off, a few minutes into the ride marty speaks up.

“Your brother hates me, you know that right?” He tells you as he glances your way.

You direct your attention to the brit driving the car, he almost looks sad. “He doesn't hate you marty.” You tell him. “He hates the fact that we like each other. He's done the same thing with every man that so much as looks at me.” You explain what you'd been dealing with since boys started liking you when you where a kid.

“That's ridiculous, he knows i'd never do anything to hurt you.” Marty replies his accent getting thicker from him talking faster. You can't help but crack a small smile while listening to him. “Hey why are you grinning?” He asks you.

“I'm sorry.” You giggle. “It's that damn accent, its super adorable when your angry.” You tell him through giggles.

“Oh so i’m bloody cute when im angry am i?” He asks looking at you giggling like a little kid.

His accent was fully prominent and you couldn't contain your laughter at the way he sounded, he just glared at you slightly eventually smiling himself finding your own laughter contagious. The car pulls into the parking lot of the restaurant with both of you laughing.

“Ahh i'm sorry.” You wipe a tear from your face from laughing. “You just sound so british, it's like a bad stereotype or something.” Marty chuckles and looks at you loving your smile.

“Well i'll try to tone down the slang a dash for ya love.” He tells you his accent dying down a bit. You nod a thanks and leave the car to grab the food.

Back at the hotel Kenny and Cody argue with each other about you and Marty.

“Have you seen them?” Cody asks the older man. “They love each other company. She’s a great girl and Marty loves her humor, y/n loves being around him and being able to talk about movies with him.” Kenny stubbornly shakes his head.

“I just don't see it man.” He stubbornly replies, Matt and Nick both roll their eyes out of sight of the pair. Kenny was the only one that couldn't see that his sister and the newest member of bullet club made the best couple.

The door opens and you and Marty step back in with dinner in hand, all the men gather around and divide out what's what on one of the tables. You and Marty each grab your food and settle back down to talk.

“Okay i've got one.” You tell him as you settle in your seat.

“Shoot.” Marty replies as he opens his food box up.

“Harry Potter.” You reply. “I say that the best one by far was Prisoner of Azkaban.” You tell him.
“Nah.” Marty immediately replies. “When it comes to movies Order of the Phoenix is way better.” He argues with you.

“And there they go again.” Matt teases from his spot across the couch.

“Do you two know every movie in existence?” Nick adds agreeing with Matt.

“Yes.” You both reply in unison and laugh as you do.

“Ok what about Batman V Superman?” You ask. “Comes out in a week, who’s winning?” Marty thinks for a moment.

“Superman definitely.” He replies making his decision. You look at him and shake your head in disagreement.

“Batman definitely.” You tell him.

Kenny sighs across the room as he looks at you and Marty.

“See Cody all they do is argue.” He points out to him.

“Yeah all in good fun man.” Cody protests. “They both are huge movie buffs, i can't tell you how many movies Marty has dragged me to go see.” He shudders.

“Face it Ken.” Matt speaks up. “They are perfect for eachother.”

Across the room you spring up in shock and grab Marty by the hand. “No.” You ask shocked. “We need to fix this right now.” You tell him.

“Fix what?” Kenny asks thinking somethings really wrong he stands up.

“He’s never seen any of the captain america movies.” You reply like it’s a horrible thing. “Come on i've got them all downloaded on my laptop, and i've got a projector.” You pull Marty to the door. “We’ll see you all in the morning.” You call to the rest of the boys.

Before Kenny can protest you drag Marty out of the room, Matt and Nick laugh as Kenny stands there angry.

“Uh oh.” Matt teases.”They'll be all cuddled up together for at least 8 hours.” Nick snickers with his brother.

“You'll just have to live with it now Ken.” Cody adds. “If i know Marty and your sister is anything like him you won't see those two until morning for anything.” He smiles.

All three men sit and enjoy the sight of their good friend angry as hell with nothing to do about it but have wild thoughts about what you and Marty are doing all night alone in your room.

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