Chapter 6

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Quick Note: 2,000 worded chapter! Oh, and....idk, I just wanted to say Hi!! :)

Tommy POV

Friday ~ 6:34pm
I felt someone shifting beside me, as I woke up and saw Ranboo smiling at me. I hadn't seen his face up close in a while, and he always wore sunglasses to hide his eyes. He didn't have them on right now though. I finally got to see his beautiful eyes that I could stare at for hours. I smiled back then rubbed my eyes asking, "What time is it?"

"It is 6:34. If your tired, I can walk you home. Our talk can wait till tomorrow. " He said still smiling at me. Oddly, I liked it...

That's okay though. I'm straight!
I just had to quickly remind myself.

"No, I may not know what this is about. But I know it's important to you so walk me home and we can talk there." I told him, finally sitting fully up next to him.

"Are you inviting me over Toms?"He asked with a small smirk and eyebrow raised.

I playfully rolled my eyes and said, "Yeah, so are you gonna accept my invite....or just ignore it like it never happened?"

"Low blow Tom, I'm sorry for ignoring you. And if you insist on me coming then I must accept!" He said standing up and offering me his hand.

I took his hand and he pulled me up off the booth seat. I wobbled slightly, for my legs had gone a teeny bit numb from sleeping in such a tight space. He grabbed onto my waist however, making sure I was stable, "You good there Toms?"

I slipped out of his grasp and headed for the door as I said, "Yeah I'm good, now c'mon let's go."

I walked out the door and down the sidewalk towards my house. I turned my head slightly to make sure he was following and he was. He was now wearing his sunglasses, and he was a bit behind since I had just started walking without notice. Because of this I slowed down my pace and he caught up to me pretty fast.

"Why'd you slow down Toms? Did you want to walk with me and hold my hand~" he cooed teasingly.

This made me instantly regret my decision as I said, "No, I just didn't feel like walking fast. Though now that you mention it, I don't think I'd mind that either..."

I stuck my index finger out slightly to graze the outer side of his hand, signaling I did indeed want to hold it.

Yep, I'm straight. Plus it's not like I've never held Tubbos hand....right?

He chuckled softly and then did the same thing back to me. It was obvious he was just trynna tease me now.

"Are you gonna hold my hand or not?" I blurted out.

He laughed and to my surprise said, "Not"

I huffed and said, "Quit being a tease and just hold my hand."

He looked at me shocked as he replied with air quotes, "I'm not being a 'tease'. And if you want to hold my hand then take it, I'm not gonna do anything I don't want to."

Now it was my turn to look at him in shock as I whiningly said, "So your saying you don't want to hold my hand? I thought you said you missed me?"

He didn't reply and instead he just faced forward completely ignoring me. At this, I knew it wa my turn to be the 'tease', so I repeated my earlier motions and I felt him stick his pinky finger out to hold mine, but I pulled back not letting him. I was sure this would piss him off, but it didn't. And that just pissed me off even more.

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