One More Sleep *H.MM x J.JK* Part 2

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(Go back to Book 1 to read part 1)

One Year Later

"Felix! Seungmin! What are you doing?" Jungkook called out to his sons, holding their sister Jisoo. The boys were standing a bit too close to the Christmas tree, ready to try to get their Christmas/birthday gifts or pull the lights down for the eighth time.

"Appa!" Seungmin spoke up, running to him. Felix stay by the tree. Jungkook picked up Seungmin, while Felix was about to grab a gift until the tree. "Jeon Felix!" Felix jumped up by the tone of his father's voice, he went into the tree and got stuck in the lights. Felix started to cry, as Jungkook put the other two children in their playpen to go and help Felix.

"Just like me as a kid, now I know how my parents felt," Jungkook mumbled to himself, as he was untangling the lights from Felix's arm and leg. "Now you better listen to Appa when he say don't go near the tree." Felix cried and nodded, as Jungkook finally free him and picked him up. "Okay buddy, you can stop crying now. You are safe." Felix snuggled into his arms still crying, as Jungkook placed a kiss on head. "It's all right, Appa won't let anything hurt you." Felix calmed down, as Jungkook bounced him up and down.

"I'm back," Momo called to everyone in the home, as she entered the house. Jisoo and Seungmin was bouncing up and down in the playpen, while Felix looked around for Momo, still crying.

"Now you two don't start..." Jungkook said, as Seungmin start to cry. He wants to see his mother, as she been gone all morning, doing last minute shopping. Jisoo didn't cry thought which Jungkook was thanking his lucky stars. When all three are crying, it's chaos.

A few minutes later, Momo entered the room to see her little family. Seungmin was reaching for Momo, as she went over to him and pick him up. "Hello my little Seungmin, you been good for Appa?" He stopped crying and snuggled with her. She kissed his head and reach down to rubbed Jisoo's hair. She giggled and sat down in her playpen. Felix finally saw Momo, reaching out and crying to her. "Oh Felix."

"He was caught trying to sneak a gift or playing with the lights, I don't know anymore," Jungkook answered, as he leaned over to Momo, giving her a kiss. "I'm glad you are home, love."

"I'm glad too, I miss you and the children." Felix was still screaming and crying, wanting to go to Momo. Jungkook took Seungmin in his free arm, as Momo took Felix. He finally stopped and was happy in his mother's arms. Seungmin look like he was going to cry, as he was comfortable in Momo's arms. "Let me sit down and I can hold Seungmin as well." She sat down in the arm chair and Jungkook placed Seungmin in her lap and he was happy. Jungkook moved to pick up Jisoo before she try to cry.

"Tomorrow our babies are going to be one," said Momo, kissing Felix and Seungmin on the cheek. "I remember like it was yesterday when I gave birth to them."

"Yes and our little extra gift right here," Jungkook said, giving Jisoo a kiss on her chubby cheek. Jisoo giggled, as Momo smiled.

"Yes she was our special gift." Jungkook moved over to Momo and gave her another kiss. "I love you."

"And I love you too. Now let's get ready for the Christmas/birthday for them."
Everyone came for the triplets birthday and Christmas party. Everyone was enjoying each other's company and the children were happy and calm...for now. Jimin and Mina's son, Wonwoo has been playing with Jisoo since they arrived. He didn't leave Jisoo's side at all, which made Jungkook a bit jealous. This was his only baby girl and someone was already trying to take her attention away.

"But on the plus side, we could be in-laws," Jimin said, as Jungkook just stared at him to shut up. Seungmin was playing with Namjoon and Jihyo's son, Joshua, while Felix was glued to Momo. He got tired of playing and wanted his mother. Momo picked up Felix and held him, as he snuggled to her.

"Was Joshua or Wonwoo clinging to you?" Momo asked, rubbing Felix's back.

"Joshua was more clingy to Namjoon," said Jihyo. He didn't want anything to do with me. I thought I was a bad mother at first."

"Wonwoo was clingy at first to me, but that went away when he saw Jisoo for the first time. Now he doesn't like to cling to us," Mina said. "It is normal for a child to cling onto a parent." Jihyo nodded, as Felix looked at Momo with a smile.

"Eomma kisses?" Momo smiled at him and gave him kisses all over his face. Momo was about to set him down, but he cling onto Momo. "No!" She sighed and kept him in her arms, where he was happy again.

"Believe me you will miss it when he stop. Namjoon was sad for a week when Joshua stopped being clingy to him."
"Finally they are all out for the count," Jungkook said, coming into the bedroom, as Momo was getting ready for bed. It took about twenty minutes to get Wonwoo away from Jisoo when it was time for him to go home. He scream at the top of his lungs when Jimin got him in his arms, demanding to go back to Jisoo. He even bit Jimin, but they left with an screaming and crying Wonwoo. Felix would not go to sleep, as he kept running to Momo. Jungkook held that boy so close to him, as he rock him to sleep for the past 30 minutes. He just pray Felix doesn't wake up to try to climb out of his crib...again. Jungkook fell into the bed, as Momo giggled at him. Momo went over to him and sat down next to him.

"You are a great father you know that?" She told him, as Jungkook sighed. "Really you are, baby."

"And you are an amazing mother. You managed to keep this family going no matter what. Okay so Felix favor you more than me. Seungmin likes to copy Felix at times but he is neutral. Jisoo, our miracle baby...I'm fighting a two year for her attention." Jungkook turned to Momo, "Yet they survived a year with us and have seventeen more to go." Momo leaned down and kiss Jungkook on the lips.

"I love you," she told him, as he smiled at her. "Let's get some rest before..."


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