More & More *H.MM x P.CY* Bonus Ship

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Stop pretending. I can see it in your eyes, you're already mine. 'Cause I know you, I know you - Twice - More & More

"Good job, we did well today," said Suho, as the superhero team of EXO came in the room. A team of nine, protecting their city for all that is evil. Even though one stays in base due to his special powers...

(Lay: 😞 I'm sorry I can only heal but the group won't let me play with the weapons...)

Chanyeol yawned, as he checked out his phone. He had ten minutes to pick up Momo. He isn't going to make it in time, unless...

"Kai, I need you to teleport me to campus," he said, getting change out of his super outfit to his normal clothes.

"Why? I'm tired..." complained Kai, as Chanyeol looked at him.

"I am picking Momo up from class and we are going on a date tonight," he said. "It's been a while since I went on a date with my girl. She was starting to think that I didn't love her another with me defending the city and all."

Chanyeol met Momo on her first day of college. She was a freshman, as he is junior. They were in the same class together and something about her caught his attention. It was her smile, how she can bright up a room with her smile. He got close to her and fell in love with her. Momo is the girl of his dreams and would do anything to protect her. The only problem is that Momo doesn't know he is a superhero and has the power to control fire. He kept it hidden from her, as he is scared she would dumped him and think he is a freak. They have been together for over a year and he was going to ask her tonight to move in with him.

"Please just this once. I don't want her to think I ditched her again after I planned this date for so long," begged Chanyeol to him, as Kai sighed.

"Fine." Chanyeol was ready, as Kai took a hold of his arm and teleport them to campus.

"Thanks I owe you!" Chanyeol ran off to meet up with Momo, as Kai teleport back to their hideout.

"Do you think he is going to tell her about his power?" Chen asked, as a Xiumin shrugged.

"I don't know, he doesn't want to freak her out, but I believe Momo would accept him no matter what. She dealt with him for over a year of dating and two years of being friends." Suho sighed, as Lay was healing his wound on his arm.

"We already told Chanyeol if he believes she is the one, he can tell."

"Yeah," Baekhyun added, "Look at Sehun and Tyuzu. They been together forever and she knows his wind power." Sehun coughed a bit, as he looked at his friends/members.

"Yeah...well Tyuzu also has powers as well," he replied, as everyone looked at him. "She has super strength." He remember when he went out with her on their first date, she smack his back on her hand only to send him flying through a brick wall. She cried and thought it was going to hate her forever. Lucky him, he was able to creat a wind barrier from hitting the wall full force.

"What?!" They all explained, as Sehun nodded. D.O thought for a minute and spoke. "Well that did explain how she could lift your car from the ditch a few weeks ago."

"Her friends all have powers." They thought for a second, as Lay spoke up.

"So that means...Momo has powers as well." Sehun nodded to Lay. "Then Chanyeol should not be worry about telling her about his, but do you know what her power is."

"Oh they told me all their powers when Tzuyu revealed hers, but I can't tell you all. Tzuyu might pound me to the ground so hard, I might appears on the other side of the world."
Momo came out of her last class, as Chanyeol arrived to meet her. She smiled to see her boyfriend after a month, as she walk over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora