Kick Your Game *H.MM x J.WW*

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So I continue to play it crazysexycool. Lost all composure when I laid my eyes on you - TLC - Kick Your Game

"...woo! Wonwoo!" Wonwoo moved a bit, as he slowly opened his eyes to see Seungcheol and Jeonghan, looking over him. "Oh thank goodness you are okay." Jeonghan gave his hand a squeeze. "We were so worry about you." Wonwoo blinked and saw that he was in the hospital.

"What happened?" He asked, trying to sit up. Seungcheol helped him up, as Wonwoo's head was hurting. Seungcheol went to get a doctor for him to get checked out.

"The stage collapses at Music Bank," Jeonghan said, looking at his younger member. "Don't you remember? Most of us idols were standing on stage and the floor just went out. It was a bit crazy, a dozen of idols got hurt, including..." Jeonghan shown him his arm cast, "You got a concussion at least. You been out a day. You made us worry."

"I'm sorry hyung." Seungcheol and the doctor came in for Wonwoo to be checked out. He indeed suffered a concussion and would need to rest for the next two weeks other than that, no injuries besides the gash on his forehead. The doctor change his bandages and told his members that they want him to stay for another 24 hours to make sure he is fine. The doctor left, as Seungcheol called out to someone in the hallway.

"All right, you can come in." Appearing at the door was Jihyo and Momo. Momo had flowers in her hands and a big black boot on her left leg. She was also sporting a white cast on her left wrist. She did hurt her leg from the stage collapse but wasn't broken, just fractured. Jihyo helped Momo into the room, as Wonwoo watched the girls coming in. He couldn't help but had a smile on his face, as Momo moved over to him.

"Thank you Won..." Momo didn't get a chance to finish her sentence, as Wonwoo pulled her into his arms and he held her. Everyone was just staring at them, as Wonwoo held her close.

"Sweetheart, you are all right?" He asked her, as everyone's jaw dropped. "You aren't in pain are you?" He moved away and took the flowers out of her hands. He held her cast wrist up to see the damage.

"Eh...Wonwoo?! Are you all right?" Momo asked, looking confused at him. He nodded at her, as he pulled her into his lap. "Wonwoo..."

"I'm perfectly happy now that my girlfriend came to visit me." He held her close, as Momo look panicking at Jihyo, mouthing help. Wonwoo just had a smile on his face, holding her close.

"I think you need to get that doctor back in, Cheollie," Jeonghan told him, as Seungcheol nodded.
"We aren't asking much," Seungcheol said, as he begged Momo to play along. With the concussion, his memories are all jumbo. He believes he is dating Momo, when in fact dislike her.

"No, I can't do this," Momo told Seungcheol and Jeonghan. They were talking outside the room, as Jihyo hung out with Wonwoo distracting him from the missing Momo. "I can't pretend that I'm his girlfriend. He doesn't like me! He rejected me a couple months ago on Valentine's Day." Momo had a crush on him and gave him chocolates...only to have him throw it away in front of her. Momo left crying of embarrassment, as his members saw everything.

"I know he did something stupid, believe me he got an earful from all of us," Jeonghan said, "But look at him," All three of them look into the room. Wonwoo saw them and waved to them, mainly at Momo. She gave him a weak wave and turn to the boys.

"I don't..."

"Please, just until he is clear with his concussion. It will be only two weeks. After that, you will never have to deal with him," Seungcheol said. Momo sighed and just nodded.

"Just two weeks."

"Sweetheart!" Wonwoo called to her. "You can't be on your feet too long. Come over and cuddle with me." She gave him a half smile.

"I will be over there in a moment..." she replied, "...errrrrr...pumpkin?!" Wonwoo just smile and nodded, before going back to talk with Jihyo.

"Two weeks!"
"What's wrong?" Mingyu asked, as Wonwoo just stared at his phone. "You are getting released soon. You should be happy."

"My sweetheart hasn't texted me today," Wonwoo said. "I was going to text her when I woke up, but some reason her number isn't in my phone." He looked at Mingyu with a concern look on his face. "Did Momo and I had a fight before the accident? I have to make it up to her."

"Well you kinda, sorta did but that was months ago..." Mingyu whispered, "...she isn't mad at you. Remember she got hurt as well and is resting." Wonwoo gasped and chuckled.

"I completely forgot that she was hurt," he said. "I need to make sure she is resting..." he stared at his phone again, looking at Mingyu.

"Yes?" Wonwoo held his phone to him.

"Can you give me Momo's number please?" He was giving him the kitty eyes.

???: Sweetheart! I miss you!
Momo: Wonwoo???
Wonwoo: I'm sorry if you are mad at me! I can't remember what I did but I'm sorry. I ask Mingyu for your number since for some reason your number wasn't on me phone.
That's because you never had it to begin with. Oh I'm going to kill that puppy when I see him.
Momo: Wonwoo it's fine. I'm not mad at you.
More like embarrass
Wonwoo: Okay😃 are you getting some rest? Are you hurting? I wish I was there to cuddle with you and kiss the pain away.
Just two weeks, Momo, you can do it...
Momo: the girls are making sure I am getting plenty of rest.
Wonwoo: I'm getting released in a bit. I can swing by to see you.
Momo: But Wonwoo, you need some rest yourself. You did have a concussion and all.
Wonwoo: Pumpkin...
Momo: Huh?
Wonwoo: You always call me pumpkin. I like that nickname. Please call me pumpkin sweetheart.
I just call you that one time and it was just yesterday.
Momo: okay...pumpkin. But I really want you to rest a bit. A concussion isn't just a simple thing like a broken wrist or fracture leg.
Wonwoo: my members already made a shift chart on who will watch me closely for the next few days. I have it covered, but please let me see you.
Momo: Only if you want...
Wonwoo: Great! We will be there in 30. I just got released. See you soon, sweetheart!😘
He got to be kidding...
"Momo, your boyfriend is here," Tzuyu called out to her, as Momo's eyes widen in surprise.

"He..." she didn't get to finished, as Wonwoo ran over to Momo with a smile. He still had his bandage on his forehead.

"Hey sweetheart," he spoke to her. Before Momo could reply, Wonwoo took her face into his hands and pulled her into a kiss. Her eyes widen, as Tzuyu gasped into her hands. Mingyu, on the other hand, snapped pictures of the newly couple kissing. Chaeyoung just happened to walk in the living room to see this scene in front of her. Mingyu saw his love and gave her a wink.

"Why don't you kiss me like them, love?"

"One, I'm not your love. Two, even if I wanted to, I can't reach you."

Wonwoo pulled away from Momo, having love in his eyes. He sat next to her and held her in his arms, just cuddling with her. Momo just hope she can make it through these two weeks. She knows once it done, they will go back to normal. Him hating her and her still crushing on him despite he broke her heart.

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now