Feel The Disease H.MM x K.KB*

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Deadly Wicked Now We're Infected - Kissing Violet - Feel The Disease

"Hehehehe," a chuckle could be heard in the dark. A couple stop walking, as they looked down the dark alleyway. The couple took a few steps to see blood running down the ground. The guy pulled out his phone and turned the flashlight on to get a better look. They saw a body stabbed and mutilated as the girl let out a scream.

"Breaking news! EXO's Baekhyun found dead!"
"Third male idol to die the same way. Stabbed, butchered, and mutilated. Eyes have the cat like slits."
"His heart was removed!"
"Who is the cat eye killer?"

"Do you think the killer will go after female idols next?" Mina asked her members, as they were staring at the TV.

"I don't know, but it's serious. First NCT's Ten, Seventeen Hoshi, and now EXO Baekhyun. This is getting serious," Jihyo said. Chaeyoung was holding Momo, as she lost another friend.

Somewhere in a dark room, the killer X out Baekhyun's face with the knife that killed him. The killer chuckle, looking over to a chair.

"Now baby, it's going to be all right, that nasty boy is never going to get close to you." The killer walked over to the chair and kneeled down. He rest his head on its lap and smiled. "I'm doing this all for you, my kitten. Once I eliminated all those parasites, we can live happily ever after." He look at the knife in his hand, "I need you with me always."
The funeral was over, Baekhyun can Rest In Peace, as everyone in the idol world was there. Momo was crying with her members by her side. She can see the members of EXO having a hard time, as she felt someone's hand on her shoulder.

"You all right there?" Key asked her, handing her a tissue. Momo took and and sighed.

"I never thought I would coming to more funerals in the past three months now. They were all friends of mine and..." Momo shook her head for a moment. "I must think I'm crazy."

"You want to talk in private?" Key said, as she nodded. Key guided her away from her members to a private room and they sat down. "Let me get you some water." She nodded, wiping the tears away with the tissue he gave her. Soon, Momo was holding a glass of water in her hands, as well as Key. "Tell me what's on your mind. We all know everyone is really on edge and upset."

"Key...I feel like people are dying because of me." Key looked at her, while Momo took a drink of her water. "I don't know, it's just seem like it. I was good friends with Ten, Hoshi and Baekhyun and now they are gone." Key gently took her hand into his, giving it a squeeze. "I'm scared to even get close to anyone. Oh Key, you might want to get away from me."

"Hey, I'm not scared of anyone now. I been through a lot with losing Jonghyun. He was a dear friend to me." Key remember when Jonghyun passed away while he was gone out of the country. "It does hurt to lose someone but we all learn to move on. You can't blame yourself for their deaths."

"I supposed..."
"Welcome to the club man," said Hoshi to Baekhyun, as they were all angels.

"Why the fuck did he killed me?!" Baekhyun exclaimed, as he was fixing his halo. Ten was sitting on a cloud with a sour look on his face.

"That's what we are trying to find out man and I think I figure it out!" Ten jumped off the cloud and flew over to the group. "Since I was the first who was killed I been following him around. I couldn't go into his home for some reason, even though I'm dead and should phase through things but not his home. It seems like his targets are anyone who is friends with Momo."

"What does Momo have to do with it?"

"He could be in love with her," said Hoshi.

"Like everyone I know who is in love with her...shit they is going to be a long hit list."

"He is taking out the male idols who are either friends or have crushes on her," Ten said. "At least half of NCT are friends or crushes."

"Same as half of Seventeen," added Hoshi. "Yet I think he will stop if he gets a hold of Momo which I hope he doesn't." They all looked down from the Heavens to spot Momo but they didn't see her with her members.

"We got to warn someone that Momo is missing!" Baekhyun said, getting all panic.

"Dude we are dead!" Ten reminded him. "Nobody is going to see or hear us!"

"Can we possessed a body or something?" Baekhyun kept looking down to see Momo, then he notice something. "He isn't in sight too?" Ten and Hoshi looked to see that the killer wasn't with his members as well.
"Momo are you all right?" Key asked her, as she felt lightheaded. "Do you need me to get someone?" Momo nodded, as Key stood up, "Let me go and get Jihyo." He exited the room, as Momo touched her head. Before she knew it, she slumped on the couch passed out with the glass in her hand shattered to the ground. The door reopened and someone slowly walk in the room.

Minho and Taemin were looking for Key to return to the dorm, as a dog came running up to them. The dog barked, as it was clawing on Minho's pant leg.

"Awe what a cute puppy," said Taemin. Minho noticed something on the dog's collar, a piece of paper. He pulled the paper out, as he opened it. Taemin and Minho read the paper, as the dog ran off out of sight.

One by one they will all fall who is close to the peach. Yet once the peach is picked all shall be safe...

"Peach?" Minho said, as Taemin thought about the clue for a moment.

"Wait...Peach...Momo is Peach in Japanese. She was close to Ten, Hoshi, and Baekhyun. Each met their doom...and now..." Minho's eyes widen, as everything clicked.

"This guys is after Momo! Everyone who knows her will be killed until he can get her." Taemin and Minho looked at each other. "Taemin, search for Momo and tell all the male idols about this. We got to save them and Momo. God's know if the killer gets a hold of her." Taemin and Minho ran around, telling anyone they saw about the killer going after Momo and will kill any male idol who are friends with her so he can have her to himself.

"Where is Momo?" Minho asked Jihyo, as she shook her head. "Shit..."

"Oh I saw Momo talking to Key-hyung a while ago," Doyoung said, as Minho cussed again. Now he need to save Momo and Key. "Keep looking, Taeminbis getting the police here."
Momo started to wake up, as she tried to move. She couldn't move, as she opened her eyes to see where she was. Momo gasped to see a wall of male idols in front of her. She saw Ten, Hoshi, and Baekhyun's face X out, as there were blood everywhere on the floor near her. On the counter near the pictures were human's hearts...three of them to be precise.

Momo tried to move, but realized she was tied down to the chair. She heard a door opened, as she was getting scared.  She tried to struggle out of the chair, but couldn't get loose. A person appeared dressed in black, carrying a knife in one hand and a human heart in the other. Momo tried to scream, but her mouth was gagged. The killer slowly walked to the counter and placed the heart there. He set the knife down as well, chuckling to himself.

"Such a pity...he should have stay out of this. Poor little Jungkook..." the killer spoke, crossing out Jungkook's face. Momo's eyes widen to see that was Jungkook's heart. The killer turned to Momo and saw she was awake. "My little kitten woke up from her nap." The killer slowly moved to her, as Momo shake in fear. "Oh baby, don't be scared. I just had to do some cleaning that's all." The killer removed the hoodie to reveal their face to her. Momo's eyes widen, as the killer rest their head on her lap.

"I finally got my Momo and I'm never letting her go. We are going to be together forever and ever, isn't that right my kitten." Key looked up at her with a wicked smile. "And I will make sure of that, count on it."
Happy Halloween...well Halloween Eve for me.
Baekhyun, Ten, Hoshi, Jungkook: -glare at the author-
They aren't happy with me...but I don't care.

Comment and vote for a sequel on this.
Oh and can anyone guess who that cute puppy was?
Bye sweetie sweetie

Baekhyun: words!!!
-fly off on broom stick-
Hoshi: Ya! Get back here!!!

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