Flashlight *H.MM x P.JY* Part 2

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"Jinyoung...I...I just can't," said Momo to him, getting away from him. "It's just too hard to look at you, knowing you were in love with my sister at one point. I don't want to be her replacement."

"You aren't her replacement!" He told her, standing up. "Momo, you are not Hana! You are you and I love you for you! How can I prove it to you?" Momo just stared at him for a moment. "I don't want to lose you..."

"...like how you lost my sister." Momo went to the door and sighed. "We need to keep our relationship to a professional level for now. I...I need some time to think this through. So if you excuse me, Mr. Park, I need to get back to work." She exited his office and shut the door behind him. Jinyoung let out a scream and went to his desk. He was ready to throw things, but he didn't. He just sat down in his chair and cried into his hands. Momo, on the other side of the door, could hear him crying, as she was crying too. "I'm sorry...this is for the best."
For the next week, Momo kept her distance from Jinyoung, unless it was work related. Jinyoung tried everything he could to convince Momo otherwise. She would not listen to him, as it was really getting him upset and frustrated. He gave her flowers and gifts everyday, but she rejected them.

"Please, love," Jinyoung begged her, as he managed to catch her off guard in his office one day. "You can't keep doing this to me...to us." He held her hands into his. "Whatever was in the past, stay in the past. I want you in present and future." Momo sighed and shook her head.

"How many times I have to tell you, this is not going to work."

"We can make it work! Please, I only want nobody but you." He pulled her closer, only to have her fight back. Momo escapes his grip, as he spoke again. "Momo please..."

"Stop it! Your friends sees me as a Hana clone. Soon you are going to see that and get rid of me because I remind you of her!"

"You don't! All I see is Momo!" Momo just stared at him, not believe him. "Look just give me a chance to show you." Momo sighed, knowing he is not going to give up.

"Fine...but if i get compare to her, we are done. I will quit this job and get out of your life forever."
Momo was nervous, as she was waiting for Jinyoung to come and get her for their date. She walked around her apartment and stopped in front of a picture frame. She picked it up, as it was her and Hana there a few weeks before her death.

"Oh Hana, I do miss you so much," she said, looking at the picture. "I just can't believe I am dating your ex. I don't feel right to do so, as he was yours at first."

"He was but he is yours," she heard her sister's voice, as she turned to see her sister, Hana sitting on the couch. Hana patted the seat next to her, as Momo went over and sat down. "How many times must I tell you, he loves you."

"But you were..."

"Listen," Hana told her, "Yes we did date, yes it was about a year, yes when I died our relationship was done. Jinyoung was in a lot of pain with me gone, but you came in and heal him."

"I don't know, everyone still compares me to you..."

"Hey, it's their opinion. It shouldn't effect your relationship with him. Listen here, he loves you for you. He has love in his eyes when he see you. He doesn't see me in you. Sure, we were together, but it is a different love he show to me. He was love that we had but it wasn't going to last. We weren't a perfect fit. We just wanted company. The love he shows to you is more than of something that will last forever. He sees a future with you, something we both never saw with each other." Momo looked at Hana, as she smile. "Don't let this chance slip away from you. You will regret it in the end if you let him go."

"I supposed..."

"No I know. I want you to be happy. You are happy with Jinyoung. Momo, it's okay to love even if he was with me. I want you to be happy."

The door knocked, as Hana started to fade away from her. "I will always watch over the two of you. Please be happy with each other. Don't let me stand in your way to happiness." Hana faded away, as Momo looked down at the picture. She had a smile on her face, remembering her sister's words. She set the picture down and went to the door. She opened it to reveal Jinyoung, holding some pink roses to her.

"Roses for my beautiful Momo," he said, as he hand them to her. She smiled at him and took a smell of them. "Are you ready to let me prove that you are the one I love as you."

"You don't have to prove it to me," she told him, looking at him. "I know you love me for me." Jinyoung smiled at her and took her in his arms. "Im sorry for being childish over all of this. I do love you, Jinyoung..."

"Shh, everything is in the past. Let's just focus on the present and our future." Momo nodded, as he moved away only to claim her lips with his.
"It's a girl."
"Our sweet baby girl is here!"
"Do you have a name for your baby girl?"
"We do, Doctor."
"Park Hana, after my dear late sister. Welcome Hana."
"Our Park Hana. She is like your Eomma."
"And also like her Appa."
"I love you, Park Momo."
"I love you too, Park Jinyoung."
Sorry it's short and terrible!!!

Happy birthday, Baekhyun!!!
Baekhyun: it was yesterday...
How many times will I tell all of you, I live in America so it's a day late always!!!
Baekhyun: I like to return your gift.
But I didn't get you one....
Baekhyun: you gave me a Momo and Jinyoung part on my birthday!!!!
Ten: Now you know my pain when I got a Momo and Taeyong on my birthday.
... T_T ...
Jaehyun: don't make her cry.
Eunwoo: she did it to me with Momo and Mingyu!
Okay that one I forgot your birthday....
Eunwoo: and I'm your bias in my group and you forgot!!!
Baekhyun: I expect a part next!

Comment and vote...we are close to part 25 and right now it's Hobi winking!
Hobi: Yay! -dancing around-
Stay safe...
Baekhyun: we aren't done here yet!!!
Bye sweetie sweetie-run away-
Baekhyun: -chase away- get back here! As President of the Momo FanClub, I demand respect and a part!

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora