Walking On Air *H.MM x L.TM*

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This is pure paradise. Even heaven is jealous of our love - Katy Perry - Walking On Air

"I'm sorry you want me to get what?" Taemin asked her, as they were on the phone. He was at a SuperM practice as Momo whined.

"Please baby, just this one time!" Momo begged him.

"Princess I don't know about that. Please can't one of the girls do it?"

"Taemin, you are close to the store just pick one up. There is nothing to worry about." He whined a bit, as his members watched him.

"But I will look silly carrying it! I don't even know what you want!"

"I will send you a picture. Just this once I swear." He hates to say no to her but this is a little extreme for his liking.

"I don't..." Momo started to cry on the phone, as he jumped. He didn't think she would.

"You don't love me enough to do this!" She cried, as Taemin looked around for help, but everyone was just enjoying the show. "It breaks my hear you can't do this for your girlfriend!"

"All right, all right! I will get them after dance practice."

"Yay!" Momo said, not crying anymore. "It has to be the exactly one in the picture I will be sending you. Don't come back without them. I love you so much!" Momo hung up, as Taemin groaned. His phone went off and he looked to see the picture she send.

"So..." began Baekhyun, "what does Momo want?" Taemin grunted, shoving his phone in his pocket.

"We are all going on a shopping trip," he said.
"Hyung, I'm scared," said Lucas, holding onto Mark's arm. His eyes shown fear, as he looked around.

"Even Chaeyoung never ask me to do this..." Mark mumbled, looking down at the floor. The two youngest were shaking in their shoes, as Ten, Taeyong, and Kai weren't bother in the aisle they were currently in. Baekhyun was amazing at everything around him, as Taemin smacked his head with his hand.

"Why did I agree to do this? They are so many!!!" He whined, as he stared at the boxes on the shelves. "I don't know where to start?"

"Let's look at the picture to see what kind she needs," said Taeyong. "I get them for my sister when I was living with her."

"Same," said Ten.

"So what does the R stand for? Regular? Regular what?" Baekhyun asked, holding one of the boxes in hand.

"Can we go please?" Mark begged his hyungs. "People are looking at us strange, plus I'm losing feeling in my arm." Lucas let loose of his grip on Mark, but kept his red faced down.

"Super? So this means she is super?" Taemin wanted to cry, as Kai pat his shoulder.

"It's not so bad if you don't make it a big deal like Baekhyun." Baekhyun read the box and his eyes widen.

"Oh so this is what they call a tampon..."

"Let's hurry and find what she needs," mumbled Taemin, going red in the face. "Everyone buy a box as well, so I will never have to come back to this place again." Mark and Lucas were frozen in freeze, as Baekhyun jumped for joy.

"This is good practice for boyfriend material."
"Three stores just to find her box," said Taemin, ready to shoot himself and he held a box in his hand. All SuperM were holding a box. Taeyong, Ten, and Kai weren't bother, as they did this for their sisters. Baekhyun was like super excited to be the perfect boyfriend role model and was holding it with pride. Mark and Lucas were so scared they thought the box was going to eat them. They held it so far from their body, as females were giggling at them.

"Hyung!!!" Mark whined, as they went to the front of the store to pay. The clerk looked at the seven handsome men, holding a box of tampons in their hands. She had to giggle when she saw their facial expression. Taemin set the box on the counter, as she scanned it.

"For the special someone?" She asked, as he nodded. "So sweet not a lot of boyfriends or husbands does this for their girlfriends or wives. I wish my husband would do this when we were younger."

"Please, I need to get them to her soon as possible."

One swipe, two swipe, three swipe, it would not read. The box would not scanned for the clerk after many attempts, as she had a smirk on her face. She went for the mircophone, as Taemin's face turn white.

"Price check for a 18 pack of Tampax Pearl Regular Tampons," the clerk said over the intercom. People stopped to looked up front, where Mark and Lucas were using the box to shield their face. Baekhyun held his up with pride. Taemin covered his face with his hands, groaning. "Yes, a price check! This young handsome man is buying tampons for his special someone! He needs to hurry as well. Price Check!" Taemin hit his head on the counter, as Kai pat his shoulder to comfort him.

"Never again..."
The door opened up, as Momo looked up from her book.

"Babe is that you?" She called out to him, as the door closed. A few minutes later, Taemin came in the living room with seven boxes of tampons for her. Momo's eyes widen, as he set them down on the coffee table. "I only need one box."

"I got you enough to last you for the next two months." He sat next to her on the couch, exhausted. "I have never been so embarrassed in my life." Momo curled up next to him, as he wrapped his arm around her.

"It's can't be that bad."

"It was bad enough. People were staring at us and girls were giggling. Baekhyun was acting like it was the best shopping trip in the world and trying to be a boyfriend role model. Mark and Lucas are scarred for life."

"I was wondering what Chaeyoung meant when she text me earlier. Mark couldn't stop turning red and couldn't look at her. He kept muttering 'the horror'."

"Taeyong has his hands full with Lucas. Poor kid is worst than me." Taemin closed his eyes and relax, as Momo leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you so much Babe. This means a lot to me. You are the best boyfriend in the world," she told him, as he just smiled. He looked over to Momo, who had a huge smile on her face. Taemin loves it when she smile and makes him feel so much better. Even though he was so embarrassed to do it, he gets to see the end results. A smile on his girlfriend's face. Momo kissed his cheek again. "I will make you our favorite tonight."

"I would love that Princess."
Yeah...nobody was physically hurt during the making of this part. Mark and Lucas are going to therapy over this.

Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. Wash those hands and stay home!

Who's next: Eunwoo and then I have no idea.
Eunwoo: -sour- I didn't get a birthday part! Mingyu took it.
I'm sorry I forgot it was your birthday all right! You have the next part!

Comment and vote! Let me know who you want ship with Momo.

Bye sweetie sweetie

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