Scientist *H.MM x M.YG*

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Don't try to be a genius. Why so serious? - Twice - Scientist

"Almost done, just a few more seconds," Momo told Chaeyoung, as they were finishing up their latest project. Both of them were working on making a love potion. They were trying to perfect the potion to show off at the science fair in a few weeks. Chaeyoung's boyfriend, Mark has been a great test subject for them when they make their potions. Poor Mark has been through a lot of side effects from skin color change to puking his guts out to even getting allergies reactions. If he didn't love Chaeyoung so much, he would have never do this.

"Done," Chaeyoung said, as she got the bottle in her hand. "This has to be it! We work so hard to get this right. This is going to win first place at the fair. Now let me go and get Mark to test this."

"Chae, I think we need someone who isn't already in love with you," Momo said. "I mean what if it reverse his love for you?" Chaeyoung gasped, as she nodded.

"You're right. I would die if Mark lost his love for me. Hmm...maybe we can get someone else. How about Haechan?"

"He has a crush on me..."


"His crush is even bigger."


"And give Johnny a heart attack that Taeyong is in love with someone than him....might be worth it but I don't want to hear Johnny cry." Chaeyoung thought for a moment and got a huge smirk on her face.

"Choi Minho!" Momo's secret crush. "This could be the chance he falls for you."

"I don't know..."

"Come on, you been crushing on him for years. This could be your chance to get a date with him." Momo just nodded, as she did like Minho. "Let's get going then and give him this. I mean what the worst could happen." Momo and Chaeyoung were about to leave the lab, as the door slammed open making both girls jumped out of fright. Momo with her clumsy fingers, the potion flew out of her hands and it splashed onto the person coming in the room.

"What the hell is this?" Momo and Chaeyoung knew who that voice was, as Momo looked up and saw Yoongi was covered with the potion on his shirt. Yoongi is the coldest guy she has ever met. Yoongi would look down at Momo, as she is not his type at all. He has belittled her so many times and now she is going to get another lecture by him again.

"Yoongi-san, I'm so sorry," she said, as she got a rag and tried to clean up the potion. Great, now they will have to make another one.  "I will repay you for the shirt." Yoongi's hand stopped hers, as he held it. Momo looked up at him, as he had a soft gaze at her.

"Hey, it's an accident. No harm," he said in a soft tone, as Momo was in shock. "Now are you hurt? I mean I didn't mean to scare the two of you coming in?" Momo tried to speak but she was in shock of him acting nice to her. Chaeyoung was in the same boat as Momo, shocked. "Momo?"

"Uhh...I'm fine...really," she was able to answer. "We were just leaving and..."

"Have you eaten? Let me take you out to dinner?" He said to her, as he gave her hand a little squeeze.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you? I mean I ruined your shirt..."

"It's just a shirt. I have millions of shirts," he said. "Let me take you to dinner? Tonight would be great, but wait I have a meeting tonight. How about Friday night?"

"Why are you acting weird to me. You don't even like me." He looked confuse at Momo. "You have always been mean to me."

"I'm so sorry about that, Momo. I mean, how could I ever be mean to the girl I truly care for," he said to her with love in his eyes. "Please let me make it up to you, Momo. I really do like you." Momo froze hearing his confession, as Chaeyoung realized what is going on.

"OMG..." she grabbed Momo from him. "She will get back with you." Chaeyoung and Momo ran out of the lab, without waiting for Yoongi to reply. They made it to another classroom. "I think our love potion work."

"But of all people, it had to be him!" Momo exclaimed, burying her face in her hands.

"We will have to work on an antidote for this."
"There you are, I have been looking for you," Yoongi spoke up, as Momo was hanging out with her friends. Sana and Tzuyu was confused that Yoongi was even talking to them.

"Can we help you?" Sana asked, as Yoongi moved over to Momo, ignoring Sana.

"I got you something to show my affection for you." He pulled out a pink rose from his back and hand it to her.

"Oh...thank you? But you really didn't..."

"It's no problem at all, Momo." He took her hand, as Sana was having a heart attack of what was happening. Tzuyu just watch, as Yoongi spoke. "I was still hoping we can have dinner on Friday. Please say yes." Momo was trying to get words out, as he stroke her cheek.

"What is going on? We have to be in the Twilight Zone! Min Yoongi is actually tolerating Momo!!!" Sana screamed out. He looked at Sana with his cold look.

"I'm not tolerating her. In fact, I have fallen for her bad." Momo took her hand back from Yoongi and stood up.

"Could you give me some time to think?" She asked him, trying to end this scene. Yoongi turned to Momo with a loving look on his face.

"Anything for you, my princess." Lucky her, Namjoon was walking by as Sana called to him.

"You take this thing away from us. He is scaring us with all this mushy talk towards my Momoring!" Namjoon looked to see Yoongi, trying to be all lovey dovey with Momo, as she was uncomfortable. He grabbed Yoongi's arm and dragged him away.

"Okay you are going overboard..." Yoongi turned back to look at Momo one more time.

"I will meet you later, Princess." Once they were gone, Momo let out a huge sigh.

"So that is the effect for that love potion," Tzuyu said, as she nodded. "You could have pick a better test subject you know."

"I didn't think splashing him would cause all of that," she said, putting the pink rose in her bag that join a bunch of other roses she got over the day from him. "This is starting to freak me out. He doesn't like me, it's the potion! I got to find an antidote soon!"

"I think it's actually cute and you should go with the flow," Tzuyu replied, as Sana shook her head.

"No! My Momoring should be with someone like Choi Minho or even Byun Baekhyun. Min Yoonginis just the opposite and mean to her since the beginning of our freshman year!" Momo sighed, wondering how she was going to fix this mess.
"How long you are going to mess with her?" Namjoon told Yoongi, as Yoongi shrugged. "You are scaring that girl to death."

"It's the only way I can show her that I do like her. That potion did failed but knowing how hard she has been working on it, playing with her isn't going to hurt anyone. Beside like I said, this is good chance to show her that I like her."

"I swear this is going to backfired when she finds out the truth."

"Don't worry, I got this."
Next: Momo x Zuho (SF9)

Comment and vote and let me know who you want pair with Momo.
Yoongi: great a cliffhanger
Eunwoo: you aren't allow in the cliffhanger club! If I can't join the Momo fanclub, you can join ours.
Yoongi: like I want to

See ya next time
Bye sweetie sweetie!

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