Baby It's You *H.MM x C.SB*

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It doesn't matter where we go tonight. Cause if I'm with you I'll be alright -  JoJo - Baby It's You

"Please please please please!" Soobin begged BTS, as he was going to introduce his girlfriend for the first time to his seniors. "I beg you don't embarrassed me."

"Oh honey, we aren't going to embarrassed you," Jin said, "We are pretty much like your parents and older siblings. We have to make sure this girl is going to be right for you. And if she is not, I'm going to rip her to shreds."

"Please don't! I don't know why I agreed to this." Namjoon put a hand on Soobin's shoulder to get him to relax.

"It's going to be fine. I'm sure she is nice," he said.

"Knowing Soobin, he is dating a rebel," said Yeonjun. "He wants to be a bad boy to his girlfriend and got a bad girl."

"I did not. She is the sweetest girl you will ever meet." His members laughed, as Soobin felt his face getting hot. "You will see when she comes over."

"I can't believe Soobin would have a girlfriend before any of us, hyungs," said Jimin to his group. "She must be someone really special for him to get." Soobin blushed, as he was thinking of his girlfriend. She is really special to him.

"She is," he admitted. "Her eyes and smile always light up the room when she comes in. Her giggle is so contagious and you can't help to laugh with her." He had a silly smile on his face, thinking about her.

"Okay lover boy," said Yoongi, sitting on the couch with Jungkook and Taehyung. "You are making us single men sick. When is this girlfriend coming?"

"Oh she should be here now..." the door knocked, as he ran over to the door before anyone could blink. He opened the door to see a smiling Momo standing there with two boxes of cake in her hands.

"Hiya, boyfriend!" She greeted him, giving him a kiss on his cheek. He smiled at her and let her inside the apartment. "Sorry it too me a bit longer to get here. This apartment complex is huge and..." he took a box out of her hand and got her to take off her shoes. He gave her slippers to put on. "...for some reason I think I know someone who lives here." Soobin took her hand and brought her to the living room.

"Everyone, I like you all to meet my girlfriend...." Everyone turned to see the couple, as they were all in shock. " may know here from pretty much everything, but this is Momo, my girlfriend." Momo gave them a bow and a smile.

"It's so nice to see all you away from the idol life. Thank you for caring for my little Binnie." Soobin blushed at the nickname she called him. Everyone was silence, as Momo gave a little giggle. "You didn't tell them I was the girlfriend, didn't you?"

"Nope because I wanted to see their reaction of me dating the most amazing and beautiful girl," he admitted. Jin nearly dropped the pot he was holding, coming back to reality.

"Well this isn't what I was expecting but he made a good choice," he said, setting the pot down. "And you brought cakes."

"Yes, I had a feeling there was going to be more than his members for dinner," she said, as she gave Jin one boxes and Soobin gave the other to him.
"Okay how did you managed to get her to be your girlfriend?" Jungkook asked Soobin, as he pulled him away for a moment. Momo was talking with Hobi and Huening Kai. "Did you use a magic potion or something?"

"No..." he said, looking at his hyung strange. "We bet at the award show and got along really well. We kept in contact, hung out..."

"You sure you didn't use a spell on her?" Yoongi popped in.

"No hyung I didn't use magic. We just have a lot in common..."

"So you think you can get me Tzuyu's number," asked Taehyun, as everyone just looked at him. "What? It's worth a try."

"Momo is a great girl and we just connect. I didn't do anything to make her date me. If she didn't want to..."

"Relax, we are just giving you a hard time," said Yoongi. "I have to say I'm proud of you grating an older woman we all like. Believe us half the girl idols are a bit annoying."

"Or picky," said Jungkook, nodding his head. "Momo is a few we know that can take care of herself and you as well." Soobin smiled as his hyungs and members like her.

"I really thought you guys would be mad or tell me I'm too young for her or something."

"Well we have to admit we are surprise to see the two of you together," began Yoongi, "but we aren't going to stop you from who you date. You have the choice and we will support you like a family."

"Yeah but..." Jungkook looked at him dead in the eye. "You break her heart and I will break your legs. She is far too sweet." Soobin nodded nervously, as he know Jungkook could break him. "Plus you will have her members on your ass. Tzuyu knows how to smash and believe me you never want to get hit by Tzuyu."

"You been hit by her before, hyung."

"Yes and I was hurting for three days after that hit."

"All right, enough chit chatting. Dinner is almost ready. Jimin and Hobi help set up the table for me. Namjoon...just don't break anything," Jin called out from the kitchen. Soobin went over to Momo and sat down next to her. He took her hand, as she gave him a smile.

"They gave you the third degree didn't they?" She asked him, as he nodded. "I heard Jungkook giving you a hard time staying he will break your legs if you hurt me."

"It's nothing I handle. I'm more scared of your members hurting me than him." Momo giggled and kissed his cheek.

"Remember I will protect you, unless Tzuyu is mad than you are on your own. She does hurt!" Soobin chuckled, as he pulled her close and gave her a quick kiss. Everyone was watching them with their phones out recording or taking pictures.

"Our baby is growing up!" Jin said to Namjoon. "He is more of a man than everyone here."

"Just because we are dating doesn't mean we aren't men," said Taehyung.

"Cross the line and I won't cook for you ever again."
I'm so sorry that this part was bad. I'm even more sorry how it got cut off! -kick Wattpad being on the malfunction side- I try to fix it now!

Please let me know who is the next ship. A popular ship.
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Stay safe, stay home, and wash your hands
Bye sweetie sweetie

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