No Air *H.MM x I.JB*

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'Cause my world revolves around you. It's so hard for me to breathe - Jordin Sparks feat. Chris Brown - No Air

"Jae..." Momo gasped, as she reached out her hand. "Jae..." Soon a warm hand wrapped around hers, giving it soft kisses. She opened her eyes to see her fiancé, Im Jaebeom. He had a sweet smile on his face, rubbing her hand with his thumb. Momo tried to return the smile, but she let out a sound of pain.

"Baby, I'm here, all right." Momo nodded and closed her eyes. She was trying to keep what she ate for breakfast. Jaebeom did not like to see her in so much pain. He wish he could take away her pain. He placed a kiss on on her forehead, looking over to the IV next to her bed. She was in the middle of her treatment for cancer, breast cancer to be exact.

She was diagnosed a few weeks ago, but lucky in the early stage. They were so in shock about the diagnosis, but the doctor states it is treatable. Momo and him decided for her to do treatment to give her a longer lifespan. Momo went on hiatus with her group, as Jaebeom continue to support the both of them. He has been with her to every treatment, as they were in it together. Jaebeom is being the strength for the both of them. Lucky them, their groups have been so much help to make Momo comfortable.

"Jae...I want to go home," she whined, opening her eyes to look at him. Even though she is sick, she was still beautiful to him.

"You have a few more minutes before treatment is done," he told her, giving her hand a kiss. "After this, we can cuddle in bed and I will get you strawberry ice cream." Momo gave him a nod, as Jaebeom squeezed her hand. "You are strong and I'm here to the end of time with you."
Jaebeom woke up to the sound of crying, as he turned to see what time it was. It was two in the morning. He turned over to see that Momo was not in their bed. He sat up, rubbing his eyes to wake up. He saw the light in the bathroom, as he got out of bed. He walked closer to the bedroom, as he heard crying.

"Momo," he called to her, opening the door to the bathroom. Momo was sitting on the ground, crying into her hands. "Babe, what's wrong, did you throw up?" Momo looked up at him and held her hands out. He looked at her hands to see lumps of her hair in her hands.

"Jae..." she cried. Jaebeom got down to his knees and look closely to her hair. She was starting to have spots, which is a side effect of the chemo. She was starting to breath hard, as Jaebeom brought her to a hug, as she cried into his chest. The lumps of her hair fell to the floor.

"It's all right, your hair will grow back. You are still beautiful to me." He kissed her head, rocking her back and forward.

"Am I going to die?" She whispered.

"No babe, you will survive this. This is not going to beat you. You will beat this." He moved her to get her to look at him. "You are strong, brave, loving, and this is not how you will go out. If you do have to leave this world, it will be when we are so old, our own children will not know what to do with us." He got Momo to giggle a bit. "I'm going to be by your side through this. Once you are recovered, we will get married and go on your dream honeymoon." Momo looked at him with tear stained face and gave him a nod. "Come let's get some rest and we will figure what to do with your hair."
"You ready?" Jaebeom asked her, as they were in the bathroom. He had clippers in his hand, as Momo looked in the mirror. She nodded, as he started to buzz her hair. Slowly long lumps of her hair fell to the floor, the counter, and in the sink, as Momo had tears running down her face. After a few minutes, her long hair was gone and replace with a shave cut. It did hit her hard, but it has to be done. Momo ran her hands through what hair she had. She was paying attention to what Jaebeom was doing, until she heard the clippers turned back on. She looked at the mirror to see he was buzzing off his hair was well. Her eyes full of tears, watching his hair fall to the ground as well. Soon he had a matching hairstyle as her. He turn off the clippers and set them down.

"You..." she turned to look at him, slowly running her hands through his shave cut. He just smiled at her and pulled her into a hug.

"I told you that we are in this together. You aren't fighting this alone." Momo just cried, as he held her close. Jaebeom gave her a kiss on her head, letting her cry and rubbing her back.

"I love you so much," Momo managed to say through her tears.

"I love you too." They shared a kiss, as Momo broke the hug and went to get her phone. He looked at her in confusion, as she hugged him and held her phone out. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, I want everyone to know what a wonderful man I have. He even shave his head for me and I know you been growing that hair to be long."

"My hair will grow back like yours." Momo took a picture of them and post it on Instagram.

I love this man. Supporting me through my darkness time. He is the light that shines in my world. Can't wait to marry this man.

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now