Ain't No Other Man *H.MM x I.JB* Part 2

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Momo leaned against the rail of the rooftop of JYP, looking in the distance. She closed her eyes and remember the day they confessed their feelings for each other.

Momo came up to the rooftop, after she got a note during dance practice. At first, she was nervous about going up there but her members told her to go. Sana made Stray Kids stay on the staircase to the roof in case Momo needs saving. She opened the door and walked on the roof. There was someone standing there with their back turn to her. She took a deep breath, as she looked back to see the boys still there.

"Just tell for us and we will come busting in," said Chan, as the boys nodded. She gave them a nod and closed the door behind her. She slowly walked over to the person and spoke. "Hi, I got your note." The person turned around to show themselves, as Momo was in shock and dropped the note. JB stood in front of her, as Momo tried to speak but couldn't.

"Surprise I bet," he said to her. She was able to nod, as he took a step to her. "I'm sorry this is out of the blue, but this is the only way I could speak to you in private without anyone interrupting us." Momo nodded forgetting Stray Kids were chilling at the staircase. JB took a deep breath and spoke. "I like you. I really do like you. I haven't had the guts to tell you until today. I didn't want to lose my chance as I know there is a lot of people who like you."

Momo stood there, looking at him for a moment. Her heart was beating fast, as she didn't think in a million years, JB from GOT7 would be confessing to her. She put her hands over her heart and gave him a smile. "I like you too," she replied in a soft tone. JB smiled at her, as he took another step to her. "I have always like you since I started here." Momo moved one of her hands and held it out to him. JB took her hand and gently pulled her to him, giving her a hug.

JB ran up to the roof and swing the door open. He looked around to see that Momo wasn't there anymore. He looked around the rooftop but there was no sign of her. He let out a frustrating sigh.

Momo find herself at the Ferris Wheel park, where she and JB had their first date. She sat down at a bench and watch the wheel slowly moved. She remember how scared she was, but with JB she was so scared.

"This is such a nice view," JB said, as he was looking out the window. Momo was just trying to breath, as they were going higher. Why did she agreed to this. She hates heights and she know one look out the window and she is going drop like a sack of potatoes. JB looked over to her and see that was was scared. He took her hand into his and vote her to look at him. "You didn't have to agreed to this."

"No, I know that you really wanted to go on this," she said, taking a deep breath. "I don't want to ruined your fun." He smiled at her and squeeze her hand.

"Hey now, you will never ruined anything for me. I want you to be comfortable and relax." Momo leaned her head on his shoulder and was starting to feel better. The wheel stopped at the top, making their carriage moved a bit. She jumped a bit, as JB pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back. "It's all right I got you." Momo looked up at him, as he stared at her with his sincere eyes. They both leaned in and shared their first kiss together. Usually kissing on top of the Ferris Wheel will bring good things to the couple.

JB made it to the Ferris Wheel and looked around. No Momo in sight. He saw the person running the wheel and ask if he seen Momo.

"Oh I saw her her, watching the wheel go around for a while. She left here about fifteen minutes ago. She had such a sad look on her face."

Momo placed her hand on the tree which had their initials on there. It was the same tree they had their engagement and wedding photos at. She smiled at the initials, remembering their wedding day.

"Yes, it is still here," Momo said, as the couple moved over to the cherry blossom tree. She had JB's hand and dragged him over there. "Yes!" She saw their initials on there that JB craved when he proposed to her. Momo ran her hand on their initials, as JB hugged her from behind. They were in their wedding gear still and on the way to their reception. Momo wanted to stop here first to get some pictures with JB. The photographer followed them and started to set up.

"I want to come back here again to take pictures when we have our first child," Momo told him, turning to look at him. "This is a special spot for us."

"That it is," he replied, kissing her cheek. "Where I promise to be the best husband to you and you to be my wife forever." Momo smiled at him. "And promise to show our children where Eomma and Appa made their vow of everlasting love."

"It will be nice for our children and maybe one day, their name and their love ones will be under ours." JB leaned over and kissed Momo on the lips.

"I love you, Mrs. Im Momo."

"I love you too, Mr. Im Jaebeom." They shared another kiss, as the photographer came up to them with a smile.

"Ready?" The photographer got them in position in front of the tree and took some pictures. Momo and JB placed their hand on their initials on the tree, showing off their wedding rings.

JB had his hand on their tree, running his fingers on their initials. He was so sure that he would have found her here. Yet every place he wen, she wasn't there. She must have never came or left before he got there. He just want to hold his wife and let her know everything will be fine. He want to kiss her senseless, letting her know they will be together. JB turned around and just let a painful scream, before sinking to the floor.

Momo made it to JB's little office where he creates his music. She sat down in his chair and looked at his desk. JB is a bit messy that's for sure, but she loves it. She slowly picked up the picture frame of their wedding picture and ran her hand over the glass. She held back her eyes, as she wish she was with him. She set down the picture and open a desk drawer. She saw all the notes, the little gifts she made, and pictures she had given to JB over the years. She started to cry a bit, as she felt so touched he held them over the years. She closed the drawer and cried into her hand. Unknown to her, JB quietly enter the room. He was relief to find a Momo at last. He slowly moved to her and kneel down in front of her. Momo felt something, as she looked up to see her worry husband staring at her.

Momo didn't get a word in, as JB engulfed her into a hug. She just cried in his arms, as he held her close to him. They stay like that for a few minutes, as JB moved back and took her face into his hands, making her look at him.

"I'm sorry, I'm just scared..." she began. "I want to have the perfect family but our child could go blind like me. You deserve someone much better than me." He wiped her tears away. "I understand..."

"But I have everything I want," he told her. "I have the perfect life. I have a beautiful wife and will have a beautiful baby soon. Our child doesn't have just your DNA, he has mine as well. Even if he doesn't get your genetic, he will get mine. You don't have to be scared alone. I'm scared that I was going to be alone without you by my side. I'm scared as well, Momo. No matter if our child can't see or hear, or has a disability, we will be there together to make sure our child has the perfect life we can provide for them."

"But you can do whatever you want I can be alone with..."

"You will never be alone. You have family, friends, and especially me. Without you with me, I'm terrified of a future without you. We will get through everything. You don't have to run from me, run with me. We will be the best parents in the world. I promise you in sickness and in health I will be with you. I will take care of my wife. I will be your eyes." Momo stared at him for a moment, letting everything sink in. She nodded at him, as he pulled her into a hug. She cried again, knowing JB was right about everything. "Never leave me ever again, Momo. My heart hurts so much without you."

-crying- so much feelings for me!
Now for the Seventeen part to be written soon:
Wonwoo: 5
Jun: 3
Hoshi: 1
Everyone else: 0
Please vote on which members. It could be Wonwoo, Jun, or a wild dark horse like Joshua or Seungcheol. I don't know.
Dino: or me

Comment and vote. I'm switching back and forth with new parts and sequels.
Next: Momo and Yoshi
Hoshi: It's Hoshi!!!
No, Yoshi from Treasure
Hoshi: -grunt-

See ya next time
Bye sweetie sweetie

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