Diamonds*H.MM x L.CH*

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When you hold me, I'm alive. We're like diamonds in the sky - Rihanna - Diamonds

"Next," the manager called out the next fan for the meet and greet. This is the first in-person meet and greet WayV had in a long time. Ten was the first in line, as he wanted for the last fan to come up over to him. A young girl walked over to him, as he was getting his pen ready. Before he could look up, a note was slide over to him. He picked up the note and read it.

I'm sorry but I am deaf. This is the best way of communication with me, as I'm terrible reading lips.

Ten looked up from the note, as his breath was taken from him.

Ten looked up from the note, as his breath was taken from him

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"Oh wow," he said, as the girl looked at him with a smile. The girl slide her album towards him to sign, as Ten took the album. He got the paper that he read and wrote on it. He was glad she was the last fan of the day, so he can take his time with her.

What is your name, beautiful?
The girl saw what he wrote and her face turned red at his comment. Ten had to hold back with all his might, not to jump over the table to hug her. She wrote back to him and slide the paper back to him.

My name is Momo and you are my bias.

"Is he all right?" YangYang asked, as Ten was just staring at his phone for the past hour. "He has been like that since we got back from the meet and greet."

"He gave that last fan his phone number," said Xiaojun, as everyone looked at him. "I saw his phone number in her album when I was signing it." Ten's phone went off, as he hurry to pick it up and check it. It was a text message from Lucas, as Ten's face went sour.

"Not funny," he said to his group, setting his phone down.

"This is a first for you to do something like this," said Kun, looking at his member.

"I know, but I can't explain it. Something about her drawn me close to her," Ten explained. "She is so beautiful like a princess and I don't care if she is deaf. I can sense she has a gentle soul and...I think it is love at first sight for me." Ten has a vision in his mind of Momo, which made him giggle like a school girl. His phone went off again, as he grabbed it and saw a text. He opened it so fast, he thought with his swipe would have fling his phone out of his hand.

Hello, is this WayV's Ten? This is Momo, the deaf girl from the meet and greet.

Yes yes this is Ten. I'm so happy you text me back!

Oh good I was really nervous texting you. I didn't think it was your number at first...I was thinking it could be one of your members.

Oh no! I would murdered them if they try to trick you. It's me really. Let me send you a selfie.

Momo🍑❤️Oh it is you! Here is a selfie of me

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Oh it is you! Here is a selfie of me

Ten's heart was ripped out of his chest and flying away, as he stared at his phone with a dopey smile on his face

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Ten's heart was ripped out of his chest and flying away, as he stared at his phone with a dopey smile on his face. She was gorgeous, perfect for him, as he was stunned by her beauty. YangYang looked over his shoulder to see the picture she sent him.

"If it doesn't work out for you, I will be happy..." he didn't get to finished, as Ten attacked him. "It's a joke! It's a joke!"

"My princess!" Ten yelled, pulling at YangYang's hair. "Get your own princess! I will claw your eye out if you ever stare at her again!"

Kun just sighed, as him and Lucas went to separated them. "Ten, can't afford a new member right now."

"Just have Taeyong give birth to a new member. He does it like every year," Ten said, trying to get back at YangYang but Lucas held him back.

For three months, Ten and Momo has been texting non-stop and he was falling deeper and deeper for her. He did not want to admit it to her yet. He has been learning sign language for Momo on his free time, she she knows it. It was hard for him, but he knows five different languages what's one more going to do. Taeyong was so proud of him, learning for the girl he had been crushing on. Johnny said he is doing so much better than Taeyong learning English, which left Johnny banned to sleep in Taeyong's room for two weeks. No cuddles for Johnny as well.

Ten asked Momo to meet up with him to hang out, really low key date, but he doesn't want her to get scared that an idol is asking a fan out. It's just Ten and Momo, not idol and fan. Momo agreed to him, which the whole dorm got a happy dance from Ten for about ten minutes. They decide to meet at the local cafe to have lunch and then a walk in the park.

"I can do this, I can do this," he kept telling himself, as he walked to the cafe. He got to the window of the cafe and saw that Momo was already inside. Ten hurry inside the cafe and went over to the table. Momo looked up to see him, as she gave him a wave. He sat across from her, as she pass the notebook to him to communicate with her. He got his hands ready and started to sign to her, as he spoke.

"Hello there, Momo. Glad you can meet with me." Momo's mouth opened in shock, as he had a smile on his face. "I have been learning for a speak with you...still not the best...but...I'm trying." He was forgetting some of the words but made it through. Momo gave him a smile that shines like a diamond. Momo started to sign to him, but she was going so fast for him to try and keep up. "Slow down, slow down, I'm still new." Momo blushed and nodded her head.

"Sorry, I'm just so excited. Nobody learn sign for me but my friends and family." Momo signed slowly for him. "It's rare for any idols to know sign let alone learn."

"Well, I'm one of a kind."

Ten and Momo walked down the path to the park and stood by the pond. Ten slowly moved his hand and slipped his into her. Momo was a bit surprised and looked over her with big eyes. Ten gave her a smile, as she blushed a bit. He moved closer to her and they share a kiss.

"Oh this is like a love story," YangYang whispered. YangYang, Johnny, and WinWin were hiding not too far from them. "Why are we out here?"

"I need to get back in Yongie's grace. Pictures of Ten's first date will make Yongie happy again," Johnny told him, taking pictures. "You know that you wanted to be here too."

"True but why WinWin is here?"

"Johnny just grabbed the first person to join him and it was lucky me."

Ten and Momo broke the kiss and stared at each other. Ten pushed her hair back behind her ear and they share another kiss again. This is a start of a beautiful relationship.

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now