The Hardest Thing *H.MM x K.DY*

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To turn around and walk away. Pretending I don't love you - 98 Degree - The Hardest Thing

"The biggest match of the year is here," said Taeyong, Doyoung's manager, as Johnny, Doyoung's coach was there with Doyoung in the room. "You are the underdog going in to the match."

"Yet I have won all my matches," Doyoung said. "Never underestimate the underdog."

"You are up against Mingyu and the winner will get a shot against the champion, Seungcheol." Doyoung shifted his glaze at the picture in front of him. Choi Seungcheol, the person who broke his best friend and crush's heart, Hirai Momo. He isn't worry about Kim Mingyu, who happen to have a crush on Momo as well, but Seungcheol. He is ready to destroy him for hurting her.

"Finally I will get to be the crap out of him," Doyoung said. Momo was so heartbroken, as she was with him for three years. Doyoung has nursed her broken heart for four months and finally he will get his revenge.

"Hey we need to focus on Mingyu first," said Johnny. "You won't have a shot with Seungcheol if you lose against Mingyu."

"I'm not going to lose believe me. This is a chance of a lifetime to beat the living hell out of Seungcheol for what he done to my Momo."

"Just admit to her that you love her already," Taeyong said. "You been in love with her for how long, seven years and counting." This was true, as Doyoung has been in love with her, but always put her happiness in front of his. Even when he had to suffered through her and Seungcheol, who was nothing more than a punk. He broke up with her because he needed to be free and explore his options when Momo was ready to settle down and start a family.

"I will tell her when you tell..." Taeyong covered his mouth and gave him a death look.

"Don't you dare say anything, you punk ass." Just then, Momo came into the room with some lunch for the three.

"Hiya! I thought you guys can used some yummy lunch, since you will be training like crazy for the next fight," Momo said, as she set the bags on the table. They got their lunch and Momo sat down next to Doyoung. He placed his hand on her thigh, as she smiled at him.
"And the winner of this match, Kim Doyoung," said the referee, raising his hand in victory. Doyoung was out of breath and did get a few hit from Mingyu. He only has two hours to rest, before he has to go up against Seungcheol. Taeyong and Johnny helped him back to his locker room and hurried to clean him up.

"Man, Mingyu did a good number on you," said Taeyong pressing an ice bag to his left eye. "You sure that you can go against Seungcheol."

"Nobody is going to stop me. I'm going to kick that dude's ass," he said, as Johnny wiped the sweat off his forehead. The door opened up to reveal Seungcheol and his team of Jeonghan and Joshua.

"My oh my, you actually beat Mingyu," he said with a smirk. Doyoung stood up to look at him. "I can't wait to finish what he started."

"You talk a big game, why don't you show me in the ring tonight," Doyoung said, as Seungcheol and him stared each other down. Seungcheol just chuckled at him.

"I will see you in two hours." As he and his friends were leaving, Momo came through the door. Seungcheol stared at her, as he touched her shoulder. Momo shrugged him away from her, as she went over to Doyoung. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face into his chest. "I'm going to be your ass to the ground and show that I'm the better man."

"Unlikely, you were the one that broke up with her," he said, placing a kiss on her head. Seungcheol just snorted at him, as he left the room with his friends.

"He wanted to get back together," Momo said to him, as he looked down at her. Johnny and Taeyong took this as to left the two friends alone and exited the room. The two best friends sat down on the bench, as Momo spoke. "I told him no, as I'm in love with someone else." Doyoung got scared, as someone won her heart that wasn't him.

"Oh really? He has to be a lucky guy," he said, as Momo smiled at him. She moved closer to him and held his hand.

"He is a lucky guy and he is in front of me," she told him. She gently touched the bruise on his left eye. "I love you, Kim Doyoung. I was so blind to see it when I was with him. When we broke up, I saw you in a different light and knew I want to be with you...if you let me." Doyoung let out a sigh of relief, as he pulled her closer to him.

"I was so scared I would have lost you for a second time," he said to her. "I suck it up when you were dating that ass. I would not bare it again if you dated someone that wasn't me. I love you too Hirai Momo, please be mine."

"I'm already yours," she answered, as they leaned in to share a kiss. After a minute, they broke apart and smiled at each other.

"I'm so ready to kick his ass now," Doyoung said, as Momo stroke his cheek.

"Just make sure you get him a good shiner for me."

"I didn't know my girlfriend had a mean side to her," he joked with her, as she giggled.

"If you two lovebirds are done, we need to get ready for the championship match," said Taeyong from the door with Johnny. "You guys can celebrate and be a lovey couple after he wins the championship."

So Doyoung did win the championship belt against Seungcheol after a long battle. He had the belt around his waist, as Momo climbed into the ring to celebrate with him. Doyoung and Momo shared a kiss, as confetti came from the ceiling. Doyoung has won two things: a championship from his rival and his love of his life.

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora