Boyfriend Material *H.MM x K.SY*

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That you and your perfect smile. Are both timeless and never going out of style - Ariana Grande - Boyfriend Material

"I never thought in a million year, that I would be seen this trending," Momo said, looking at her phone. She was on Twitter and saw that her boyfriend was trending...well not exactly her boyfriend...more like her boyfriend's butt and his drinking. She knew that Hoshi loves to drink but seeing him drunk she didn't like.

"He isn't shy that's for sure. He got nearly all his members to do that dance," Chaeyoung said. "Believe me, I think Mingyu was so proud he can move his hip like that."

"Didn't he cry over the phone with you on how he threw out his hip afterwards."

"Yes...I just let him whine while I was painting my nails. Still don't know why I'm the first he would call and complain to me about everything."

"He has a huge crush on you."

"I'm dating Mark remember. Anyways, those videos with Hoshi, so hilarious." Momo sighed and sat down next to her.

"Don't get me wrong. I really do love him but his drinking. He is a totally different person when he drinks and I don't like it. I love him like he is but when he drinks, it's like another person takes over."

"Mark is usually an emotionally drunk when he drinks. The boys would call me to get him to calm down. Yours...he likes to take it to the extreme at times."

"I know like he wanted to go skydiving with DK and Mingyu. Those two called me in tears begging me to talk Hoshi out of it. He knows those two are terrify off heights." Momo just looked at her Twitter to see another clip of him drunk. "I have spoke to him about it and he says he will slow down."

"Just talk to him again. He will get it through his thick head. Or fall on it wherever happens first."
"Let's celebrate our success of the Seventeen's leaders video," Hoshi said, raising his glass up. All the members of Seventeen and Momo were at their dorm, celebrating. Momo looked over to her boyfriend to see him drinking his glass of soji. She looked down at hers, as Hoshi set his glass down and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Babe, you all right? You really haven't touch your drink. It's your favorite flavor as well," Hoshi said, as Momo just shook her head.

"I'm sorry, I just don't feel up to drinking tonight," she admitted, setting her glass down. Hoshi was concern over his girlfriend. He just pulled her closer to him and placed a kiss on her forehead. Momo rest her head on his shoulder, as he thought about a conversation he had with her best friend and his members.

"What is going on with Momo?" Hoshi asked Chaeyoung, as he pulled her to the side at an event they were at.

"She is fine, why you ask?"

"I send her an invite to do the challenge with me and she never answer."

"Did you send it to her actually sober?"

"Well...I did have a hangover but I do want to do the challenge with her." Mingyu and Wonwoo were listening in, mainly because Mingyu was too curious about what they were talking about. Plus it was his crush standing there with his member.

"Well after that show you did, drinking like a fool, Momo was seeing clips of you being drunk." Hoshi sighed, rubbing his face with his hand.

"Okay not my best, but she has seen me drunk before."

"Yeah she has, but let me ask you. Do you think she likes to see her boyfriend drunk on television? YouTube? Twitter? Look I'm not saying you have a drinking problem, but it doesn't show you in the best light to Momo. She loves you, but honestly you are a different person when you are drunk."

"What, I'm still the same Hoshi she loves, just a bit more...loud." Chaeyoung raised her eyebrow at him.

"Loud? Well that is true but you don't think. You asked the two chickens to go skydiving with you. You know they are chickens when it comes to height. Could you imagine DK or Mingyu jump out of a plane over 50000 feet with just a parachute that might not open! You could put your member in danger, where he could be critical injury or even killed. Do you want that blood on your hand!" Wonwoo and Hoshi just stared at her, as she does have an imagination. Yet it got to the tallest member.

"I'm not a chicken!" Mingyu yelled, as everyone who was around just gave him a stare. "Okay...but just heights okay?" Mingyu wrapped his arms around himself, as now he couldn't get what Chaeyoung just said.

"But to piggyback on what Chaeyoung said, I have to agree with her," Wonwoo agreed. "We aren't saying you are a drunk, but tone it down." Hoshi looked down the hall to see Momo talking to Jun and Minghao, seeing her laughing and smiling. He really hasn't made her smile in a while and it is his job to keep her happy.

"You guys are right. I need to act better for me, the group, and for her."

" all right?" Momo called to him, as he snapped out of his thoughts.

"I'm sorry what?"

"I ask if you want another drink."

"Nah I'm good tonight. Want to enjoy the company of friends and my girlfriend." Momo looked a bit shock, then nodded and smile at him. Hoshi rubbed her arm gently and giving her forehead a kiss.
"So why is Mingyu in the corner, rocking himself?" Momo asked Chaeyoung, as the little rapper had a smile.

"I just gave him a wonderful vision of being a fly...crashing into a squash bug." Chaeyoung giggled. "That should keep him off my back for a while. Oh?! Right!" She held out her hand. "I think I got through Hoshi so that will be that coupon." Momo just giggled at her and hand her the coupon. "Finally, I can take Mark out on a date."

"Usually the boy takes the girl out."

"Please, I love to embarrass that boy too much. Johnny and Haechan helps me to turn him into a tomato. I love how his face gets so red, it's cute."

Momo just shook her head at her member. Momo looked down the hall to see Hoshi waving ay him and blowing kissing at her. Momo smiled and caught the kisses.
Nothing against drinking and Hoshi, it is funny to see him drunk at times.

Next: Momo and Wonwoo

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now