Beauty and the Beast *H.MM x X.DJ*

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Just a little change. Small to say the least. Both a little scared. Neither one prepared - Ariana Grande and John Legend - Beauty and the Beast

Momo was sitting at the kitchen table, staring at the paperwork in front of her. Divorce. This is her only way out of this loveless marriage. He doesn't love her, like she loves him. She had try to engaged with him, but he would drown himself in work and with his friends. Momo didn't think she would do this but the straw that broke the camel back was her seeing her husband kissing his secretary when she tried to be a good wife in delivering his lunch.

They were marriage because it was her grandfather's last wish before he died. He was close friends with his husband's family for a long time. Her parents died and she didn't have siblings. She lived with her grandfather since she was four and he took the best of care for her. Momo did know her husband growing up, but he never had any interests in her at all. He was cold towards her, as she was nothing but friendly. Her grandfather gotten ill and she knew he wasn't going to be around long. Her grandfather asked her husband's family to please take care of her since she has nobody. They both agreed a marriage between them would be the best. Momo agreed because it was her grandfather and he knows he wants the best for her. Her husband silently agreed, knowing if he doesn't he will be cut from his family. They were married and her grandfather got to see her married. He passed away four months into their marriage.

Momo sighed and reviewed all the paperwork again, making sure she filled out everything. They only been married for six months and that is enough. Momo knew everyone was doing this for her grandfather, but now he is gone, she didn't want to be a burden to anyone. Her husband's family has been so kind with her, but her husband...he just didn't want anything to do with her. She rather live alone than with someone that didn't show any feelings toward her. She took off her wedding ring and placed it on top of the papers. She already had her bags packed and she knew her husband would not be home until late.

"Goodbye Xiaojun," she whispered to herself, getting up from her chair. She went to her bags that were by the door and gathered them up. She was just slipping her shoes on, as the front door opened up and Momo looked up to see Xiaojun coming in. They both stared at each other for a moment, as his eyes went to her bags in her hands.

"Where are you going?" He asked, not moving from the door. Momo took a deep breath, trying to think what to tell him. She didn't not think he would be home this early, in fact he never came home early since they got married. He set his case down at the door, eyes still on Momo. "I ask where are you going?"

"I...I...was..." she tried to tell him, but in fact she doesn't know where she would go. She was thinking a hotel for the night and maybe go back to Japan. He walked by her, as she took a breath. She was ready to go to the door with her things, as she felt something grabbed her arm. She looked behind her to see Xiaojun giving her a cold glare.

"What is the meaning of this?" He said, pulling her away from the door and back to the table, where the divorce papers and her ring were. "Explain?"

"There isn't anything to explain. This marriage is not working. I'm giving you your life back." Momo tried to get out of his hold, but he tighten his grip on her arm.

"You are not the person who make the decision. I have a say so too and we are not getting a divorce."

"Why? You don't love me so why torture me?" Xiaojun just stared at her, as he picked up her ring. "You are so cold to me. You are always working late. You are always hanging with your friends instead of me. I even saw you kissing your secretary. We only hang out at functions with your business and then I still feel lonely."

Xiaojun pulled her to the living room and made her sat on the couch. Xiaojun kneeled down in front of her, keeping his hand on her arm.

"You think I don't love you, I would have never agree to marry you." Momo just stared at him with confusion. "You think I would marry you because of a promise. I always have love you since we were children."

"But..." he leaned over and kissed her to shut up. She was frozen in shock, as he moved away from her.

"I...I don't know how to share my feelings all right. I'm terrible at sharing, but it never meant I did not love you. I work late to earn money..."

"But you are rich..." he kissed her again to shut her up.

"You keep interrupting me I will keep kissing you. As I was say, to earn money to give us that honeymoon we never had. We didn't go because of your grandfather's health. I would never forgive myself if he died if we were on our honeymoon. I know you always interesting in going to Hawaii." Momo wanted to speak, but she knew what he was going to do and frankly she is getting overwhelmed.

"I hang out with my friends a lot because they are coaching me how to express my feelings. Believe me, they have work with me so much, though Ten believes I'm a lost cause. That secretary, she is fired for pulling that on me. I never kissed her back and told her that I will not hurt my wife I love so dear."

"You have a fun way to show it." Momo covered her mouth, as he chuckled.

"Yeah I know I'm terrible. Yet you had to notice the ways I show my love for you. I glare at all the men who tried to steal you away at functions. I did not want to bring you because of that reason. You are my wife and nobody's else. I made sure your grandfather was so comfortable in his last months and he thank me so much for loving and caring for you. I hate to admit it, your grandfather was the only person who knew how I felt for you."


"Yes, he knew that you would be in good hands and I promise him that you will. I always kept my eyes on you no matter where we go. I leave little gifts around the home for you, like those new oven mitts you got two weeks ago. I make sure there is always fresh pink roses in the kitchen for you when you come and get your coffee." Momo was holding in her tears. "I always love you. Seeing you with your bags scares me. If I didn't do anything now, you would be gone forever." He moved to held her hands and stared into her eyes. "I might be cold, no emotions, and not right for you, but I know you are perfect to me. It's like beauty and the beast, we are different but we can make it work." Momo just nodded at him, as he slipped her ring back on her finger. He leaned over and give her a kiss, as this time she return it.
I had to rewrite this three times....

Next Momo x GOT7 and no I am not calling JB...Jay B in this part.
JB: I'm fine with that
And they are going to do a fun activities of....hide and seek in a mall.
Baekhyun: we did that before
Chan: we did that but in a amusement park
Jackson: this is going to be fun
Momo: I'm going to be the best hider in the world that they will never find me.
Well you are the hider and the winner will get to have a one on one dinner with you.
All other male idols: we want to join!!!!

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See ya next time
Bye sweetie sweetie

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