Oath *H.MM x P.JS* Part 2

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Please go back to Book 1 to read Oath Part 1
(Jisung: Great...they are going to murder me...😭)

"What do you see?" Doyoung asked, as the five members of the same group were spying on their youngest member. He was on a date with the girl of their dream. They were fueled with passion on how Jisung was able to get Momo to go on a date with him.

"Stop moving!" Ten told his friends, as he was peeking through the window to see the two of them enjoying lunch together. "They are just eating right now."

"How did he get a date with her?" Jaehyun mumbled, kicking a rock to the road. "I have been trying for so long and get rejected."

"That's good because it gave us a chance to win her heart," Yuta said. "She is my wifey after all. She is playing hard to get or maybe she is trying to get me jealous? Oh my sweet Momo, you don't have to make me jealous, as I only have eyes for you."

"Oh snap out of your fantasy," Haechan said. "At least I'm the only one who had interaction with her."

"Oh really, giving her a lipstick counts as interaction," Doyoung said, giving him a look. "You gave it to her and ran away like a little girl." Haechan was ready to pounce on Doyoung, while Jaehyun and Yuta stared each other down.

"Shut up, I'm trying to read lips here!" Ten yelled at them, watching Jisung and Momo. "It's hard when I can hear all of you yelling."
"Is that Ten?" Momo said, as she glanced up at the window. Jisung turned around to see all five guys staring into the window like a hawk with their eyes focus on them. Jisung sighed, covering his face with his hands.

"They are going to ruined this for me," Jisung said, uncovering his face. Momo took his hand and gave it a little pat. Momo happened to look up and see the five of them jumping a bit. Momo leaned over to Jisung and smiled.

"Hey want to get them back?" Momo said, as Jisung looked at her. "Let's make this date as real as possible."

"You going to get me killed by them?!"

"They will not lay a finger on you, as long as I'm around," Momo said, as she bop him on the nose. "Now the next step you want to do is tell her a good story, which doesn't involve stuff you already said on YouTube or interviews. Tell her something that has not been shared."

"You realized I have twenty members that spill everything to everyone."
(Shotaro and Sungchan: Wait! Where is us?
Author: you weren't in the group yet...moving on!)

"Well," Momo rest her chin on her hands and smile at him. "Surprise me!"
"I hope Chenle is ready to be the youngest in the group," said Yuta, gripping Doyoung's arm tighter and tighter. "He is getting too close to my wifey."

"Get off me you idiot!" Doyoung pushed Yuta away, as Ten was trying to read their lips through the window.

"Why in world are they talking about a lion and a rose? Is this code or something? Maybe Mark and Taeyong? Well Taeyong does favor Jisung but Mark as well?"

"Why is she smiling at him like she is in love?" Jaehyun said, seeing the eyes Momo is making at Jisung. "She should be looking at me that way, not the little monster!" Jaehyun grabbed Ten and shook him. "What is that monster's little secret? I need to know!"

Haechan was staring at Jisung so hard that Jisung could feel the flames of his eyes on him.

"Okay you five need to get lost," the owner said to them, coming out of the cafe. "You are starting to scare my customers!" All five of them looked up to see the big and scary owner, glaring them down. "You get away from my cafe or I will call the police on you!"
"They don't give up do they?" Momo said, as the two were walking in the park. They end up following them and hiding behind everything so they wouldn't be caught.

"No, you are their crush after all," he told her, as she just giggled. "Yet you have rejected all of them haven't you?"

"Well, yeah I have because I don't think I'm good enough for any of them," she replied.

"Why noona, you are perfect and amazing just the way you are," Jisung told her, gently taking her hand into his. He heard Ten gasping and Yuta angry yell in the distance but he didn't care about them at this time. "Anyone wants you just like you are. You should never doubt yourself. You are helping me through a lot right now and I'm happy."

"Well..." she looked down, "I actually had my eyes on someone but I can't confess to him."

"You can tell me anything Momo-Noona. At least I can help you since you are helping me." They sat down on the bench near them, as Momo took a breath to begin.

"Well there is this one guy I do like. He is younger than me..." a scream was heard in the distance.

"She likes younger guys! Suck it old folks!" Momo had to laugh at Haechan's outburst.

"Too bad it isn't him I'm talking about. This guy is really sweet, filled with innocent and a lot of love to give to anyone. I just wish it could be just for me but that is asking way too much of him. I don't want to be greedy, as everyone loves him as well."

"Well I'm sure if you talk to him, he will give you the love that you want. He can still love everyone and you at the same time," Jisung told her. "I might not be experiencing in love but I'm sure everything can work out in the end." Momo patted his hand and nodded.

"I supposed you are right." Momo looked at her watch and sighed. "I better get you back to the dorms. Taeyong may have finally came out of shock by now."

"I'm not going to hear the end of this from Johnny-hyung." They got up and went back to the dorms.
"How long do you think they will continued to cry?" Haechan asked, as Doyoung, Yuta, and Ten were crying about how Momo likes younger guys.

"I don't know, but I only have you as competition and I'm not losing to you," Jaehyun said, running back to the dorms to catch up with a Jisung and Momo.

"Hey!" Haechan went after him, leaving the three babies to cry in their pity.
"Thank you so much for all your help, Noona. When I see Wonyoung, I will ask her out," Jisung said, as they got to his dorm. Momo smiled and leaned down to kiss him on the cheek.

"Good luck to you and let me know how it goes all right." Jisung nodded, as he gave her a kiss on the cheek as well and went back in his dorm.

"Jisung! My baby! Tell Eomma all about your date with an older woman," cried Taeyong, as Momo chuckled. She turned to walk away and sighed to herself.

"Too bad I won't get to confess to the one I like," Momo said. "He already had someone in mind and I just help him seal the deal." She gave a smile and walked away, as Haechan and Jaehyun was hiding behind the wall. They heard her confession, as they were in shock.

"Momo likes Jisung?!"
Jisung: I like you too!!!
It's already over, Jisung!
Jisung: No I accept Momo-Noona!!!
Moving on...-Johnny carry Jisung away who is crying-
It's bonus ship time!!!
All male idols: -groan-
Hey I haven't done one in a while, so I had my cousin's friend choose the ship and it's....
-watching D.O drama-
Yuta: snap out of it!
-blink- oh sorry! It is....
-make the card appear in her hand and reading it-
Momo and Chanyeol....-shrug- okay

Have a happy new year...please be good to us 2021...let's see how many times I write 2020 instead of 2021 in the first month.
Stay safe and be healthy!
See ya next time
Bye sweetie sweetie!

Jisung: -running back in- Noona, I like you too! I swear...-being pick up by Johnny again- Wait! My part can't end like this!!!!
Johnny: it's over Jisung! Come on, it's past your bedtime. -carry Jisung again-
Jisung: -point at Author- you will give me a new part! I will have Momo!
Only if people ask for you...-wave bye to Jisung-

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