Ten Minutes Ago *H.MM x Y.JH*

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I wanted to ring out the bells. And fling out my arms. And to sing out the news - Rodgers and Hammerstein- Ten Minutes Ago

"Eomma..." Shotaro called to his mother, as she gave him a smile. He was standing at the doorway of their little home, holding his teddy bear.

"What are you doing up?" She asked him, walking over to him and picked him up. "Did you have a nightmare?" She shook his head and snuggled against her. "Did you miss me?" He nodded, as Momo gave him a smile. "It's all right, baby. Eomma is here. Let's go to bed." Momo carried Shotaro to their little bedroom. Their home was really a shed in the back of her step family's property. It had a kitchen, bedroom, and a small private bathroom all in one space.

Momo accidentally got pregnant young and her family pretty much disowned her. The father of the baby, Yuta, was lost at sea on a fishing trip. Her father passed away on the same trip and she is a slave to her step-family. Due to her getting pregnant young, they keep Momo and Shotaro hidden most of the time because they are embarrassed she had a child out of marriage. She will work for her step-family and earn so little. She will make sure Shotaro gets what he needs before she does. She hopes to save enough to get out of this place and town. She wants to raise him in a great environment and full of love.

She laid her son in the bed and got him all comfortable before she joined him. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his forehead. "Go to sleep, tomorrow will be a good day." About a hour later, Shotaro woke up and snuck out of bed. He went to the only window in the shed and looked out to see the stars shining down.

"Please..." he whispered. "I wish for something happy for my Eomma. She deserves happiness."

The next day, Momo was carrying all the bags for the family, as they were shopping for the Royal ball tonight. It was the ball that the prince was looking for a wife and everyone is allowed to go to the ball....except Momo. Her step family will not let her at all. Momo was walking across the path, as a carriage was heading to the palace. She heard the horse, as she looked up to see the carriage coming. Someone grabbed her and pulled her back as the carriage went by. Momo was so startle that she dropped all the bags. She hurried down to her knees to gather the bags to her arms.

"Those royals never think about others," someone said, as Momo looked up to see a handsome man, kneeling next to her, helping her get the bags.

"It must be important," she replied, as he just gave a laugh. They got the bags together and stood up.

"What's your name?"

"Momo and..." the clock tower went off as it was four. "I'm so sorry but I must be going." She got the bags, gave him a bow and ran back to the home. The young man just stood there, as a guard came up to him.

"Your highness, we have to get back to get ready for the ball." He wasn't listening, as his eyes were on the back of Momo before she was out of sight. "Jeonghan.."

"Fine Joshua. Hopefully after night my parents will stop bothering me in getting a wife."

"Eomma why you don't go to the ball?" Shotaro asked, as they watched the family leave to the palace all dressed up. Momo sighed and pat her son's hair.

"Eomma can't leave you alone now." They enter their small shed and she was going to get dinner ready for them. There was a knock on the door, as Shotaro opened it.

"All right, we don't have much time," said Chaeyoung, coming in the shed with things in her hands. Sana and Mina followed in after her. "This plan will be perfect." Momo looked at her friends in confusion. They were staffs in the family home and treated her like family. "You are going to win the prince's heart and be his wife so you and Shotaro can get out of here."

"Consider is your fairy godmothers," Sana said, holding the dress. "Let's get started."

"But what about..." Mina grabbed her arm and dragged her to the small bathroom.

"We will watch Shotaro. Come on, you are going to blow everyone away at the ball."

"Just get out there," Joshua told Jeonghan, as the ball started. "You can't hide forever."

"I can surely try," Jeonghan grumbled. At the end, Joshua managed to get Jeonghan out of his hiding spot and to the ball room, where the kingdom and others were there. He was forced to put a smile on his face, as many, many girls were waiting to get a dance with the prince. He did dance with some and his poor feet were aching from getting stepped on. After the tenth girl, Jeonghan tried to run away again, but he was caught by his father, the king to discuss any girls that spark his interest.

"No for the thousand times. I just want to fall in love on my own." He was ready to run, as a vision of beauty walked down the grand stairs.

Dressed in a light blue ball dress, Momo slowly walked down the stairs. She was surprise that her friends got her all ready for the ball. Shotaro was telling her how pretty she was. They even got Mark and Jungwoo to get her to the palace, but she has to leave at midnight to get home before her step family finds out. She didn't realized the prince was walking towards her. When she reach down to the bottom, Jeonghan stood in front of her. Momo gave him a bow looking down, as Jeonghan gently grabbed her chin to lift her head up to have her look at him. He had a smile on her face, as she slowly return the smile. She stood up, as Jeonghan held his hand out to her to dance with him. Momo took his hand and they both went to the dance floor to dance. Everyone watched them with interest, but they felt like they were the only two in the room. The King and Queen had smiles on their face, knowing that their son finally found the one.

Soon time was slipping away from them, as Jeonghan and Momo went outside to the fountain. Jeonghan couldn't keep his eyes off of her, as they stood in front of the fountain.

"You are the one," he replied, making Momo blushed. "I want you to be my wife."

"My prince, I don't think it can happen," Momo said, moving away from him. "I'm like the other girls here."

"I don't care about your past. I do want you to be my wife. I will give you everything that you need."

"I don't know. I mean...would you still accept me when you..."

The clock struck midnight.

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