Afraid *H.MM x K.MY*

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Just when it's getting good . I slowly start to freeze - Vanessa Hudgens - Afraid

"Good morning my little sunshine," Momo said to her six months son, Jun. He stretched his little arms and looked up at Momo. He smiled at him, as she picked him up. She gave him a kiss on his chubby cheek, as he was giggled. "Let's get you ready for the day."

Jun's father, Kim Heechul passed away a few months before Jun was born. It was a tragic car crash that took his life. His father family  didn't want anything to do with Momo or Jun. They were so hurt to lose their only son and did not want to be reminded of him. Momo has help from her family and friends, including Heechul's friends. It is sad that Jun will never meet his father and his side of the family.

"Oh my little Jun, you are so handsome like your Appa," she told him, as she got him change. Jun just giggled and waved his arms. Momo sighed and kissed his cheek. "Eomma is going to raise you to be like your Appa. He would be so happy to meet you."

Momo took Jun to daycare, as she had to go to work. Being a single mother has to pay bills one way. She was so lucky that her friend, Jihyo own the daycare so getting Jun in was easy. Momo went to the front and she saw Jihyo standing there with a young tall man.

"Momo, come here," Jihyo called to her, as Momo walked over there with Jun in her arms. "Meet Kim Mingyu, he is our newest worker in the baby room. Mingyu this is one of my best friend, Hirai Momo and her son, Kim Junhui." They both bowed time each other, as Jun's eyes were on Mingyu.

"Good morning, I will be starting today working in the baby room," Mingyu said, giving her a smile. He turned his attention to Jun with a huge smile on face. "Hi there, little Junhui, we are going to have fun today."

"Thank you for taking care of my son today," Momo said. When exchanging Jun, their hand touched sending some electricity through Momo. She turn red in the face and looked over to Jihyo. "I will be here at four." She kissed Jun on the cheek and hurry out of the daycare. If Momo looked up at Mingyu, she would have notice his red face as well.
Momo got to the daycare a little after four, as Mingyu was at the counter with Jun in his arms. Jun looked up to see Momo and giggled. He reached out to Momo, as she smiled and took him into his arms.

"Hello my little sunshine," she said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Did you have fun today with Mr. Mingyu?" Jun just babbled to her, as she smiled at him. Mingyu stood up at the counter. Momo looked over to him with a smile. "Thank you so much Mr. Mingyu for taking good care of my Junnie."

"It's no problem, Ms. Momo," he gave her a smile, as she felt something inside her.

"Please you can call me Momo."

"And you can call me Mingyu."

For months, Momo and Mingyu were getting close talking with each other when she drop off Jun and pick him up. All her friends noticed the change of her mood and were happy for her.they hoe she will be able to move on from Heechul. Mingyu is perfect for Momo and Jun, yet there was a few things keeping her back.

She had a child with another man, yet when Mingyu is with Jun it was so natural for them together. She is scared to love again, as she has fear the person she starts to love would leave her. She doesn't want to be alone but she afraid it could happen again. Her full focus is her son.

One day, Momo gotten ill and she asked Donghae if he could take and pick up Jun from daycare. The next day when Momo took Jun, Mingyu wasn't at front as usual. She waited for a few minutes but he didn't come up.

"Oh I got Jun, Momo," Dahyun, one of her friends that work there came up to them. She took Jun and Momo smiled at her. Momo though that Mingyu was busy to meet her, as she went to work. When she got back, Mingyu was up front with Jun.

"Good evening, Mingyu," she greeted him, as he didn't look up at first. "How was Junnie today?"

"Good as usual." Mingyu looked up at her, as she couldn't read his face. "I met Jun's father yesterday. Really handsome man." Momo looked confuse at him. "All this time we been talking, you never mention Jun's father and your husband."

"Mingyu..." Momo began, but Mingyu cut her off.

"And to think I was starting to have legit feelings for you. Yet you are taken. Were you playing me this whole time?"

"No, let me explain..." Mingyu handed her Jun and shook his head.

"No, we should just keep our relationship just on Jun's care." Mingyu walked away from her, as Momo lower her head, trying not to cry. Jun sensed his mother's sadness and put his hand on his cheek.

"You are the only man I need in my life," she whispered to him, before exiting the daycare.
Lucky for Momo, she was off the next day and didn't take Jun to daycare. She really didn't want to face Mingyu after what happen. He didn't give her the chance to explain that Donghae was Jun's late father's friend doing her a favor. She still wasn't feeling well, but her focus is Jun. She has to plan Jun's first birthday next month, but her head was killing her.

"Momo!" called out Donghae, as he and Yesung entered her apartment. Momo was sitting on the couch with Jun on her chest. Yesung went over to Momo and check her temperature.

"You are still sick," he said, as Yesung took Jun. "Get some sleep. We will take Jun to daycare." Donghae helped Momo up and back to bed.

"I have to plan Junnie's birthday..." she said, as Donghae gently pushed her to bed.

"You have a month, but right now you need sleep." Momo closed her eyes and fell asleep.

A few hours later, she heard the door opened to her apartment, as she sat up from her bed. Momo got out of bed and walked out of her bedroom.

"Yesung, Donghae, I told you..." she began and she looked up to see Mingyu standing there with Jun in his arms and a bag in hand. "What are you doing here?" She let out a cough, as Mingyu set Jun in his playpen. He went over to Momo and help her to the couch. "You didn't answer my question."

"I'm sorry," he said to her, as she was puzzled. "About yesterday, I was so stupid what I said to you."


"I was jealous. When Donghae brought Jun to daycare, I assumed he was your husband."

Mingyu was in the front, as Donghae and Yesung came in with a fussy Jun. He sighed, as he greeted them.

"You have fun, Junnie. Uncle Donghae and Uncle Yesung is going to get something for your Eomma," said Yesung.

"Uncle?" Mingyu spoke up, looking at Donghae. "I thought you were Momo's husband and Jun's father." Donghae blinked and laughed.

"Oh no, my husband would not like that at all. Jun's father passed away before he was born. We are all Momo's good friends helping her. Momo has been alone to raise Jun." Mingyu felt stupid, assuming everything, as Jun let out a cry. He wanted to go back home to Momo, as she is sad and not feeling well. Mingyu took Jun to calm him down, but Jun wasn't having it. He hit his little fist on Mingyu, as he was the cause for his Eomma to be sad. Mingyu had to make everything right between him and Momo.
Thank you for reading and...
Mingyu: Really a cliffhanger?!
Jun: you made my Eomma cry!!! -pointing to Mingyu-
Heechul: I'm dead?!?!?!
Momo: for once it's not me...I mean poor Heechul.
Felix: who care spin the wheel! I want a part
-Spin the wheel and it stopped- Well now this is something else.
Donghae: -look- well I get me a daughter-in-law.
Can someone guess who?
Felix: -look at the wheel- stupid wheel -kick it and wheel fall in him-

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Bye sweetie sweetie
Chan, your child is stuck again...
Chan: every time...

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