Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know *H.MM x W.JS*

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I need to hear you say. You need me all the way - Britney Spears - Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know

"I swear to everything that is good, if you don't tell her how you feel, someone is going to snatch her up," said JB to Jackson. Jackson was not paying attention to him, as he was awing over Momo. He was watching her practice her dance, as he sighed happily.

"Isn't she so lovely?" He said, keeping his eyes on her. JB was ready to smack him, as Jinyoung stepped in before bloodshed started.

"Jackson, just go up to her and ask her on a date." Jackson sighed, as he continue to watch her. "Dude are you listening?"

"How can she be so perfect?" Jinyoung now understand why JB was ready to kill him. He had to get Jackson's attention and he knew how.

"I heard BamBam is wanting to ask Momo on a date for Thai food," he told him. That got Jackson's attention, as he grabbed Jinyoung by the shirt with fire in his eyes.

"Where is that skinny little ass! I will snap him in half so help me if he tries to do anything to my Momo," he threatened him, as Jinyoung gave him a look.

"Now that I have your attention can we please talk about your major crush on Momo," he told him, "and no Bambam isn't going after your precious Momo. You should worry about Stray Kids more than anyone." Jackson gasped as he was right. He knew Lee Know has a huge crush on her.

"You're right, I need to stop him from getting to my Momo. Oh I know, I will ask Momo to dinner!" Jackson let go of Jinyoung and ran towards Momo.

"Momo! I have something to ask you," called Jackson. Momo turned to see him, as Jackson decided to show his graceful moves. Okay he didn't decided, it just so happen he tripped over his two feet and face placed onto the ground below him.

"Jackson," Momo said, running over to him. He was still face down, as she kneel down and shook him. "Are you all right?"

"I'm all right," he mumbled, lifting his head to her. His nose was bleeding from the fall, but he didn't seem to notice and care. "But I have an important question to ask you."

"Let's first take care of your nose," she said, standing up and running to get a towel. She came back with a towel and pressed it on his nose. She tilted his head back, as Jackson started to speak.

"Momo, will..."

"Jackson, stop talking and let's get your nose to stop bleeding first. After that, you can ask me anything." He listen and let Momo care for him for a few minutes. She removed the towel and check his nose to make sure it was not bleeding. "There! You are good now, so what did you want to say?"

"Momo," he began, as he was getting nervous. His hands were shaking and sweating "Momo...will you...will you..." Mark couldn't watch his friend suffer any longer and stepped in.

"What he is trying to say, would you go out to dinner with him? Tonight if possible?" Jackson nodded and pointed to Mark about what he said. Momo just giggled at them, as Jackson looked at her with his puppy dog eyes.

"All right, I would be honor to go to dinner with you tonight," she said. "7 pm at my dorm so we can go together." Jackson nodded, as Momo leaned over and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "I will see you for our date." Momo got up and left, as Jackson day there in shock.

"Date?! She is calling it a date?!" He said, holding his heart. "I have a chance! I need to get ready!" He got up, as Mark looked at him.

"Relax you have six hours before..."

"That's not long enough! I have to look perfect for her!" Jackson ran to the door and was almost out until JB grabbed a hold of him.

"We still have practice!" Jackson shook his arm free and looked at JB with a puppy look. "That doesn't work on me. It's just two hours..."

"But it only gives me four hours to get ready and meet up with Momo. I have to look good. She believes it's a date, so I must make it the best date ever!"

"I don't care if it is your wedding day, you will practice!"

"Why are you being mean!"
"That was a good meal," said Momo, as they were leaving the restaurant. Jackson just looked at the ground mumbling. "Jackson, it's all right. It was an accident." Jackson, the klutz, managed to strike again at dinner. He accidentally spill his ice tea on Momo's white shirt, staining it. He gave her his jacket to cover up the stain. "Jackson..."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be this klutzy," he said, looking at her. "It's just..." he sighed, as he turned away. Momo took his hand and guide him to a bench near the restaurant. They both sat down, but she didn't let go of his hand.

"It's just...I have a crush on you. I really do like you Momo," he admitted, as she squeezed his hand to continue. "You are just amazing, beautiful, cute, talented, beautiful, sweet, kind, beautiful...did I mention beautiful?"

"Quite a few times," she told him, giggling. "Well I can say it's about time you came out and confess. I was wondering when you will ask me out." Jackson looked up at her, as she had a smile on her face. "You know I would have waited longer."

"You...knew?!" Momo nodded, as she stroke his hand with her other one.

"Yeah, pretty much everyone knew you like me. It wasn't hard to tell, but I wanted you to make the first move because if I did, your pride will get hurt." Jackson pouted at her for the statement, but he knew she was right.

"I feel like an idiot," he said, as Momo shook her head.

"No, I thought it was just cute to see you try. Yet here we are." Jackson nodded at her, as he slowly moved closer to her. Momo closed her eyes, as Jackson was close to give her a kiss. Yet the sky decide otherwise and started to pour down rain into the city. Jackson and Momo were getting wet, as he looked up at the sky and sighed.

"Seriously?! You can't let me have this one moment without a mess!" Momo just giggled and pulled him closer to him.

"I always wanted to kiss in the rain with someone I like. I really like you too Jackson." Momo closed in and captured his lips with hers. Jackson smiled in the kiss and return the kiss, as it continue to rain on them. The date wasn't perfect, but the kiss, it was.
Hope everyone is safe and sound. Please let me know who should be ship with her.

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Wash your hands and stay home!
Taeyong: then follow your own advise.
Sorry, I'm considered essential worker so I have to come to work.
Jaemin: we will take care of you if you get sick.

Bye sweetie sweetie

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now