What About Love *H.MM x T.MK*

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The love I'm sendin'. Ain't makin' it through to your heart - Heart - What About Love

"Mark?" Momo called out to her fiancé, as he was sitting in his office in their apartment. He was focus on his work, as Momo stood at the doorway looking at him. "It's late, come to bed." Mark didn't answer her at first, as he was typing away on the computer. Momo walked over to him and place her hand on his shoulder. "Mark?" He looked up at her, as she gave him a tired smile. "Come on, you need to get some sleep before your flight." He just nodded and shut off his computer. He really didn't say anything, as he got up and went to the spare bedroom, where he had been sleeping for the last two months. Momo sighed, as she really wish she knew what was going on with him.

Momo went into their room and lay down on the bed. She looked at the picture frame, sitting on the bedside. She grabbed it, as it was a picture of them, when they got engaged. That was about eight months ago, but the last two months, Mark has been acting distant. He isn't affection like he was in the past. He hasn't spoke to her much as well. It really hurts her, as she begged him to tell her what is wrong, but he didn't want to tell her. He just told her he is fine and leave it at that. Momo held the picture close to her, wiping the tears from her eyes. She looked at her ring and wonder if he made the mistake of asking her to married him.

Mark is going back to America for a while. He didn't ask Momo to come with her or even tell her that he was planning to go. He just told her three days ago, he has most of his things pack and moving in with his parents. Momo tried to get some answer out of him, but he just say he needs space. She ask if he needs space from her as well, but he never answer. Momo tried to speak with his friends, but none of them would answer her. She was at her limit with everything. Momo looked around to see one of his bags were still in the room. She got an idea, as she grabbed a paper and pen and wrote a letter to him. She finished the letter and put her engagement ring around the paper, keeping it in place. She put the letter in the bag and crawled back into bed. She covered herself with the blanket and let some tears flow. She did fall asleep, unknowing what is going to happen tomorrow.


The next day Momo woke up, as she saw the bag was gone. She hurry up and move around the home to see that Mark and his things were gone. Momo grabbed her phone, as she called Mark.


"Mark, why didn't you wake me up so I can tell you bye?"

"Didn't want to. Hey, we should break up." Momo was stunned at Mark, as he continued to speak. "This isn't working out and I'm not coming back to Korea for a long time. I deserved better."

"But Mark I don't under..."

"I know  you been cheating on me with Chan."

"I would never..."

"Everyone has been seeing you with him and both of you came out of the hospital with a happy look. I hope you have a good life with him and your child."

"Mark what are you talking about. He went with me to the doctor because..."

"I don't want to hear it. We are done. Never contact me again. I can't believe I trust you and you just completely took it for granted. You are nothing but a cheater, liar, and worthless piece of crap! Goodbye!" He hung up, as Momo stood there in shock. She fell to her knees, as she began to cough. Soon she was coughing blood, as she rushed to her phone and called Chan.

"Help..." she was able to croak out because she slowly passed out.


Mark was home now, getting settle, as he got a phone call from BamBam. He picked up and phone and answered.

"Hey BamBam, what's up?"

"If I ever see you again, I'm going to fucking kill you Tuan Mark," yelled Nayeon over the phone. "How fucking dare you!!!" He had to hold the phone back from him due to how loud Nayeon was being.

"Nayeon, calm down babe or you are going to have a stroke," he could hear JayB telling her as someone got on the line.

"How can you leave Momo behind knowing she is ill," Sana said, "you are so freaking cruel!" Wait, Momo is ill? She never look ill to him but it isn't his business anymore.

"Let her new man, Chan take care of her. I'm done," he replied, going to hang up.

"What do you mean? Chan was the one that had been taking her to her appointments. Momo never wanted to ask you since you been stress due to not renewing your contract," Sana said to him. Mark was digging through his bag and found the letter and ring. Sana was going on what everything, as Mark opened the letter and read it.

My dearest Mark,

I don't know what has been to us in the last two months. We were happy and going to plan our future together. Now...looks like it is not going to happen. You hate me for some reason but I guess I will never get the reason.

I didn't want to tell you this because it will destroy you. I am terminally ill. I have Bang Chan take me to the appointments for the last two months, as I knew you were so stress with everything. I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't bare to. I didn't want another thing to be on your shoulders. Treatment has been going all right to say the least. I will have good days, I will have bad days, but I hid them from you.

I just wish you will tell me why are you so distant? Why you don't love me as I feel like it is the case? I have gave you everything but it is not getting to you. Now you are leaving me and I guess this is the only thing I can do. I will let you go free and don't worry about me. I am in good hands with doctors and have our friends support. I just wish I could tell you face to face, instead in a letter. Maybe you would stay with me, but I doubt it.

Goodbye Mark and I wish you well
Love Momo

"...Mark! Tuan Mark! Are you listening to me?"

"How long has Momo been ill?"

"About two months when she got the diagnosis. Why are you asking this?"

"Momo never told me anything! I thought she was cheating on me with Bang Chan!" He explained to everyone over speaker, as Nayeon just screamed at him for being an idiot. JayB had to take her away from the phone, as Sana sighed.

"You are an idiot like Nayeon said."

"And you will definitely get a Tzuyu's Smash when I see you again," added Tzuyu.

"I'm sorry, I am an idiot. I'm going to call Momo right now and explain..." he began, as Sana spoke up.

"Momo won't answer you. She is in the hospital, currently in coma. Her illness took a turn for the worst." Mark stood up and hurried to gather things in a bag. He pick up Momo's engagement ring and put it in the bag.

"I'm coming back home!"

The winner of part 127 is Taeyong!
Taeyong: oh goodie I won.
Johnny: -being sour-
Doyoung, Yuta, and Jaehyun: -being sour as well-

And now the next part is Momo and a group.
Momo: oh I haven't done a group in a while. -whisper- it's not Seventeen right? -still has the memories of the last two group parts-
Nope it is a new group. -walking to a curtain- it's a group I have never done a part with any members. -pull the rope- it is Momo x Enhypen!!!!

-curtain pull away to reveal Sunoo standing alone awkwardly-
Ohhh...right...the others are in quarantine because of that nasty bug...-bow- please get well soon.
Yoongi: we will step in and take over.
Soobin: no we will.
Jungkook: are you fighting with your hyungs?
Taehyun: you try to take over our part last time.
-BTS and TxT argue-

Sunoo: -giving Momo sad puppy face- I alone!
Momo: -pick up Sunoo- let's go watch Disney movies.
Sunoo: Yay! -leaving with Momo-

Anyways Momo x Enhypen is next. Then Momo x Taeyong

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See ya next time
Bye sweetie sweetie

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