A Year Without Rain *H.MM x L.DM*

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My world is an empty place. Like I've been wandering the desert - Selena Gomez - A Year Without Rain

"Pass it to me," Moonbin said to MJ, as the group was playing foot volleyball. Momo was sitting under a big umbrella, watching them, clapping at their goals and laughing if they did something silly. The guys were shooting their Astro Zone and Eunwoo invited Momo to hang out with them. The group didn't mind as they love Momo like she was a sister to them, but Eunwoo loves her with every fiber of his heart and soul.

It was nice for them to get away, as they haven't had time and plus their schedules has been busy. Momo's world tour and his drama, they haven't had time to spend together. This was perfect for them, despite his group is filming. Eunwoo looked over to see Momo cheering on the members. She looked at him and gave him a wave. He smiled and waved at her back before getting hit on the head with the ball.

"Hey love," Momo softly spoke to him, as he joined her under the umbrella. The game was finally over and his team won of course. "You had a good time?" Eunwoo wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him. Her head rest on his shoulder, as he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Yeah, but you know what?" She looked up at him. "I get to have an even better time with my sweetheart next to me." She gave him a smile and snuggled closer to him. Eunwoo just held her for a few minutes, as Moonbin came up to them.

"We have to film the pool challenge in a few minutes," he said, as Eunwoo nodded. "Momo-Noona should join us...I mean it would be..." Moonbin didn't finished, as Eunwoo kicked him away from them.

"Only my eyes get to see my sweetheart in the pool," Eunwoo said, protecting Momo from his member.

"We have all seen 'Dance The Night Away' video."

"And that is the closest you get to see her in swim wear." Momo shook her head, knowing how protective Eunwoo is to her. "My eyes only after that."

"But seriously, we have filming in ten minutes. Get change and meet us at the pool," JinJin announced. Eunwoo released Momo and stood up. He offered his hand to her, as she took it and got up. Eunwoo took Momo to their room for the night, as they group was spending the night there.

"It shouldn't take long then I will be back to cuddle with you and then we can have an early dinner," he said, as he was changing into his swim wear.

"It's fine, I understand that you are busy, love," Momo told him, taking a seat on the bed. "You go and have some fun with your members. Remember, no drowning them okay?" She joked with him. Eunwoo just rolled his eyes, as he finishing changing. He gave Momo a sweet little kiss. "Love you."

"I love you too, keep the bed warm for me?" He gave her a wink, as Momo gently slap his chest.

"Go before they come and carry you out." He gave her one more kiss and went to join his members for filming. Momo lay down on the bed but a few minutes later, her stomach decided to go against her. She hurry off the bed to the bathroom and empty her stomach in the toilet.

Momo had a secret she was going to tell Eunwoo tonight. She was pregnant with their first child. She has been feeling sick for the past three weeks. At first, it was the feels (aka the virus) but after she recovered, she was still throwing up at random times of the day, feeling drained, and starving all the time. She did get check to find out she was pregnant. She must have got pregnant while she came back from the US tour and spend time with Eunwoo on his free day. She was nervous to tell him that they are going to be parents. They have been going out for over a year and have been careful but not careful enough.

She flushed the toilet and wiped her mouth, but was still feeling like she needs to puke her guts out again. She stay where she was, throwing up a little here and then. She wasn't paying attention to the time, as she just chill by the toilet, hoping her stomach would just let her have some rest.

"Sweetheart..." she heard Eunwoo's voice, as his hand was on her back. Momo just groaned and threw up once again. He rubbed her back, trying to make her feel better with a concern look on his face. "Momo, do you need something? I can send my manager to the store to get you something." Momo shook her head, but Eunwoo wasn't buying it. He called the manager and told him what Momo was going through and needs some medicine. "It's all right, sweetheart. He is going to run down to the local shop to get you something." After a few minutes, she was finally done and she flushed the toilet again. She looked over at him, looking terrible. "Let's get you wash up and back in bed. I will get you something to eat."

Eunwoo helped Momo up and clean up. He got her back in bed to relax a bit. He hurry to get something to eat for her. Soon he came back with a plate of her favorite jokbal. Before he could get to her, Momo got a smell of it and her stomach turn once again. She ran to the bathroom and threw up once again. Eunwoo set the plate down and went back to her, rubbing her back and holding her hair.

"Maybe we need to get you to the hospital," he told her. She shook her head and got control of herself.

"No, it isn't going to help," she said softly. "I already went last week and..." she looked up at Eunwoo. "It's just morning sickness...well more like random time sickness. It will passed." Eunwoo stared at Momo and started to put two and two together.

"Sweetheart...you're...you're pregnant?!" Momo nodded at him, as she flushed the toilet. She turned to look at him, as he had tears in his eyes. He gently rest his hands on her non-existed bump, rubbing it softly. "We are going to be parents?" Momo nodded at him, as he gave her a kiss.

"Eunwoo..." she whined, pushing him away. "I just puked my guts out."

"I don't care if you taste like dog food, I would kiss you many times. A baby, we are going to have a baby."  He hugged Momo close to him, kissing her forehead. "I'm just so happy that we are having a baby."

"I was going to tell you at dinner but yeah pregnancy already sucks."

"You don't have to worry, as I will help you along the way. I love you so much and we are going to be the best parents for our baby," he said. "But there is one thing we need to do now?"

"What's that?"

"Since we are going to be a mother and father, we might as well be wife and husband." Momo looked at him stunned, as he smiled. "Well it's not a traditional proposal but Momo, will you do me the honor of being my wife?" Momo started to get teary, as she nodded at him.

"Yes...yes I will." Eunwoo gave her a kiss and held her close.

"We will go out to get rings when we get back into town. Now come, you need to eat to gain your strength as you are eating for two."

"Get rid of that thing you brought. I can't stand the smell."

"But it's your favorite food in the world."

"I been wanting hot wings and pickle juice..." Eunwoo had to force himself not to make a face.

"Already with the cravings. I can live with that. My wife will get whatever her little heart desires." Momo smiled at him, as they share another kiss.

"But seriously get rid of that plate. I don't need to throw up again."

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now