Let's Be Us Again *H.MM x T.MK*

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Baby baby what would I do, I can't imagine life without you - Lonestar- Let's Be Us Again

"He is still out there isn't he?" Momo asked her best friend, Chaeyoung, as she looked through the peephole.

"Yup and he doesn't look like he will be leaving soon. It looks like he has a sleeping bag and a cooler now. Jackson must have dropped it off," Chaeyoung said, trying to make out more. "Momo, he has been here for three days now, isn't it time to at least talk to him." Momo sighed, looking at her best friend.

"I don't know if I can talk to him without crying," she answered, sitting on the couch. "He really did humiliated me in front of everyone. People think..."

"They do not that's for sure. You know how Mark gets when he has too many to drink...yet he did have too much that night." Momo closed her eyes as she remember that night.

They were going to spend time with their friends. It has been a long week and they deserved to go out to the club and have some fun.  All was great, then Mark had a bit too much to drink with his pals and it took a turn.

Mark started to get a bit more physical with her in front of everyone. Sure they have been a couple for three years and they show PDA, but nothing like this. Mark was holding her close to him, like someone was going to take off with her. She can feel his fingers digging into her skin each time a guy walked passed them. Momo doesn't have any interest in anyone but Mark.

But later into the night, it got worse. Mark and Momo got into an argument about something so stupid she can't remember. Momo tried to escape from him, as she know her is drunk and they need to cook down. Mark grabbed her arm to stop her only for Momo to hit his arm. What she didn't expect was Mark to slap her across the face, making her fall to the ground.

He went off on her how every male in the club trying to steal his girl and how she is so naive to see it. He continue on how she doesn't pull her weight in the relationship and he does everything. He even went far to talk about their sex life and how she was pleasing him enough. Momo was in tears, as everyone in the club were staring at the couple. Her friends, Sana and Chaeyoung were in shock at Mark's behavior because whatever he was saying was true. JB and Jackson has to hold Mark back from trying to touch Momo, once she got back up from the floor.

Momo grabbed a glass of whatever from the table and splash him with its liquid in his face. She didn't realized it snapped Mark out of his drunken state, as she took off her couple ring and threw it in his face, declaring they were done. The girls left the club and went back to their apartment, where they remain for three days. Only because Mark has been camping out their front door so they really couldn't leave without seeing him.

"Maybe it's time you talk with him," said Sana, coming into the kitchen with some bags of foods. "Chaeyoung and I really can't be going out the fire escape all the time." That was their only way they could leave was the fire escape on their balcony. "JB gets worry each time I have to go onto that old escape." Momo sighed, as she opened her eyes.

"I know but what if everyone he said was true. People who are drunk are honest about everything and..."

"Mark is honest when he is sober," said Chaeyoung. "If I didn't know better, I bet work and his parents are stressing him out." Mark is in a male idol group, GOT7, as Momo is a dance teacher. His parents has been bugging him about marriage and children, but both of them weren't ready yet.

"That could be true. I remember JB talking to me about how stressful this comeback is," Sana said, as she mention the conversation she had with her boyfriend. "Mark has been put on a lot of a pressure to perfect his dancing and stunts." Momo felt really bad for Mark, as she knows he hate being under pressure.

"All right, let me speak with him." Momo stood up, as the girls were watching from the kitchen. "I meant alone." They pouted at her, as they went to their rooms to give them privacy. Momo put her hand on the doorknob and unlocked the door. She opened the door to see Mark, sitting on the sleeping bag, with his phone I. Hand, waiting for her to call or reply. Mark heard the door and saw her looking at him.

"Momo..." she motioned him to come in, as he stood up and entered her apartment.

"Chaeyoung wasn't kidding about the sleeping bag," she said, closing the door. She turned around and Mark held her waist. He studied her and saw the light bruising on her  cheek from where he slap her that night.

"Oh babe," he said, pulling a hand on her cheek. "I'm so sorry, I never thought I left a mark. I forgot how easily you bruise." Momo sighed, as she nuzzled her cheek in his hand. "Babe, I'm so sorry about what happen. I..."

"You been under a lot of stress have you?" He nodded, as she looked at him. "Did we agree to talk when you are stress?"

"I know, but I didn't want to put the burden on you. Yet I fuck up, by saying pointless and untrue things about you. I even slap you and I never put hand on you ever. I'm so pitiful."

"Mark, no you aren't, yes I was hurt with everything you say and did, but what hurts me more than you didn't talk to me about it. I can help you relax. I hate seeing this side of you and never want to see it again." Mark nodded, as Momo leaned in and gave him a kiss on the lips. "I love you no matter what, Mark. We can get through this together."

"Even my parents?"

"Especially your parents. Once we are ready we can take that next step." Mark smiled and her and gave her a kiss. He reach in his pocket and pulled out her ring.

"So we are back?" Momo nodded, as he put her ring back on her finger. "I promise I will talk to you when I feel stress."

"Good and I will always listen."

"Now help me with my things, your neighbor had threatened to call the cops if I didn't leave the hallway when they got back."
The winner for part 50 is...
....a tie for everyone so that means....
-Felix and Jeongin push in the magical wheel-
We finally get to spin the Wheel of Idols.
All male idols: -groan-
What? I have 50 male idols on the wheel. Some the readers pick, some are ship we love, like, strange and rare, and some I threw in for fun!
-spin the wheel as everyone wonder who it will be-
-wheel stop-
Okay we have a winner! Part 50 is the giant baby himself, Lucas!
Lucas: -surprise- Me?
Yes you! I haven't don't a Lucas in so long.
Yoongi: I was so close!!!
Eunwoo: it passed my name!

So Part 50 is Momo x Lucas

See ya next time
Bye sweetie sweetie
Male idols: we hate that wheel...

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora