4 Page Letter *H.MM x K.DN*

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I Always Had My Eyes, On This One Particular Guy. I Was Too Shy, So I Decided To Write - Aaliyah- 4 Page Letter

Dear Daniel,

I'm writing you this letter, as I am too shy to speak with you face-to-face. You can call me a coward but I'm think if I did, I would embarrassed myself. I'm not the kind of girl that is confident in myself. I am always in the shadow of everyone I know. They can stand up for themselves and let themselves know. As for me, I don't mind blending in but I must tell you. This is the my only chance I can before I chicken out.

I remember seeing you in Math class sophomore year. I was new to the school and didn't make any friends yet. Frankly, I still don't have friends, maybe acquaintances you can say but not true friends. I got to sit next to you in class and it was something else. Everyone loves to flock to our desk just to talk with you, as I just sat there either reading or looking down. I did not want to be rude whatsoever, but I was the new girl. The thing that got me to notice you is your smile.

Your smile can bright up the room and make people happy. It is genuine that's for sure. I like you when you smile, yet I could never make you smile, as I was too shy. I never want you to lose your smile because of me.

We rarely did talk to each other in class, which it is a blessing but also a curse. When we did have to speak, I always get tongue-tied. Only because you are actually talking to me. I made myself look like a fool each time we spoke, thinking he is never going to take me serious, either as a friend or a lover. I never push you to talk to me, as I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable.

You are so popular with all our peers, as I'm just that girl nobody wanted to know. I don't know if it was because of the baggy clothes I worn that didn't show off my curves like all the other girls. Reason for that is that my family is struggling and can only afford simple clothes. Or maybe it was because I worn those big round glasses. Again the reason was because I can't afford contacts. I was just a simple girl that wasn't anything special to share.

I had to work all the time after school, while you got to hang out with our peers. I never got the chance to hang out with anyone but then again who would hang out with me? I didn't have friends remember. I was working hard to help my family out with debts and paying for my education. I have thought about dropping out of school many times, but then I would never get to see your smile. Also I had a goal that I want to achieve myself. I will write about that later.

There were some moments I get to watch you play basketball with your friends. It might be for ten minutes, but it was enough for me to enjoy your happiness. You were really happy playing basketball. I always saw your smile and it brings joy to my heart. You are good and maybe you could teach this klutz of a girl. The only time I'm not a klutz is when I dance. Nobody can tell me how good or bad I'm doing, because it makes me calm and plus nobody is ever watching.

When I heard you were dating someone, my heart aches, but I know that I'm going to be all right. As long you were happy it was all that matters. When I see you walking with your girlfriend, I do wish it was me next to you. What am I saying, we would look like the odd couple and it won't for your image. I got to protect you so you can stand out to everyone. You would be a sore thumb, if you were with me. Sorry, I'm not trying to sound so negative but I just looking out for your best interest.

Well Daniel, I just want to tell you that I really do like you. Heck I can go as far as saying that I love you. I love everything about you from your smile to your mannerism. You have a gentle heart for everyone, including me when we actually spoke. You are so talent and well all-around guy. I wish I could say this to you face-to-face instead through about a four page letter. Yeah I do write a lot, so I'm sorry if this is a lot to read. You can toss the letter once your done.

By the time you do get this letter and read it, I will be on my way to Russia, I got accepted to the number one ballet school in Russia. Working all those shifts, studying, and dancing did pay off. Even though I was only here for a year at your school, it will still be a year I will never forgot. I will make your proud, Daniel and graduate from the school at the top of my class. I don't know when I will be back in Korea, but don't wait go on with life. Only the Heavens will know if we are bound to meet each other again. I'm just glad I got to know you for a short period of time.

Well here is to new adventures for the both of us. You will do well in your future like I'm going to as well. Hope in the future we will meet once again. Until then keep on smiling and do well. I know you can.

Love from afar,
*Five Years Later*
Momo returned from Russia after graduating top in her class. She want to continue her education of completing college as a fallback in case her ballet career doesn't go well. She signed up with one of the top ballet company in Korea and has since change herself. Her baggy clothes were replaced with clothes that show her figure and looks modest on her, like a mature lady. Her glasses were still around, but she only wears them at night. She know has contacts and wears them during the day and when she is dancing.

Momo stills remember of the boy with the greatest smile in the world, but it has been five years. He probably studying elsewhere than in Korea, as he was amazing in everything. She wish him the best that's for sure.

Momo entered her first class of the day, which was a Math class and sat down at an empty desk. She wanted to sit next to the window so she can stare out because believe or not she still hate Math. She didn't notice someone took the seat next to her, as she was already daydreaming for her first performance with the ballet company in the next month.

"Your smile can bright up the room and make people happy," a voice spoke up, snapping Momo out of her dream. "It's genuine that's for sure." Momo slowly turn her head to the person sitting next to her, as her eyes widen. Daniel had a smile on his face, the smile that made her fall for him, holding the four page letter she wrote five years ago. "Does that still hold up? I mean it's been five years and I don't want to be wrong. After all, you wrote that my smile is what got you to love me."

Momo was so surprise that she was seeing him again and plus he kept the letter after all these years. She did not think she would see him again.

"I guess the Heavens wanted us to see each other again," he said to her, slowly taking her hand into his. He brought it to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on it. Momo gave him a nod, as his smile grew big. "It's so good to see your again, Momo. We have a lot to catch up."

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