For You I Will *H.MM x K.MY*

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When you're feeling lost in the night. When you feel your world just ain't right. Call on me, I will be waiting. Count on me, I will be there - Monica - For You I Will

"Ming Ming!" Momo called out to him, as he had a huge smile on his face. He just finished filming their performance for Ellen, as he ran over to Momo and picked her up. He gave her a bone-crunching hug, as she just giggled at her silly boyfriend. He looked up at her with a smile.

"Hi," he replied to her, as she just giggled at him. She placed a soft little kiss on his lips.

"Now put me down you silly puppy." He set her down, but kept his arms around her waist. "You did amazing today."

"Thank you, we all work hard to show everyone our passion." He hugged her tight with a smile. "I'm glad you were able to come and watch."

"Of course. You know I would do anything for you, Ming. If you want the moon, I would lasso it. It might take a while but I will get it. In fact..." she got him to let go of her and called someone. "Jun! Come here!" Jun wander over to them with a confused look. Momo grabbed his arms and placed him in front of Mingyu. "One Moon Junhwi for my puppy!" Mingyu just laughed at her, as Jun was even more confuse.

"What? Why are you saying my Korean name?" Mingyu took Jun from Momo and pat his head.

"She just brought me the moon, now run off and play with the kitty." Jun nodded, running and pouncing on an unsuspected Wonwoo, who yell in surprise. Mingyu just held her to him again, as she giggled. "You are so silly, love. Wait for me to change and then we can go out." Momo nodded, as he placed a kiss on her forehead. He hurry to get out of his performance outfit to normal clothes. When he came out, Momo was waiting for him.

"You ready?" She asked him, as he nodded. He took her hand into his, fit like a glove.

"Hyung! We are off!" He called to Seungcheol and Jeonghan.

"Be home before midnight," Seungcheol told him. "We have to film tomorrow."

"You two have fun. Momo, keep Mingyu out of trouble," replied Jeonghan.

"I'm not trouble!"

"Mingyu, do I have to remind you the time you went out with the boys and end up in a tree drunk because you were a bird wanting to fly." Mingyu's face turned read and Momo was giggling at her boyfriend.

"You swear to never bring that up again..." Jeonghan just smiled, as Momo gave the two oldest a nod.

"No worries, I will make sure Ming gets home on time and be on his best behavior."

"Just because you are older than me by a few months..." Momo gave him a kiss on the cheek. They took off before Jeonghan could tell anymore embarrassing stories. They walked down the streets, enjoying each other's presence.

"And I just get you crying to be on the phone when you're drunk to come over and take care of you," she pointed out.

"I don't want you to see me drunk," he admitted to her. "I do some...unusual things when I'm drunk." That's why he never drank in front of Momo. He does not want her to see how he acts, especially around the 97 liners.

"Even so, you know that I will be by your side taking care of you." He knows that is true. When Seventeen had their famous TTT, he called Momo crying and drunk. A hour and half later, she was at his bedside, wiping away his sweat and making sure he was getting water in his system. He pulled her in bed to sleep with her for the night, but she had to leave before they film the rest of the TTT. Mingyu didn't like it one bit but he survived the filming because he went over to Momo's afterwards for a cuddle session.

"I know, babe. Come let's enjoy our time together." They went straight to an arcade to play some games. Mingyu and Momo played the basketball game together. Momo kept missing, as Mingyu was getting all his shots in.

"I knew I was bad but not this bad." Mingyu got behind her and showed her how to shoot the basketball. Other couples in there watch and the girls awe at how Mingyu was helping Momo. Momo shot the ball and made a basket finally. She cheered in joy and hugged Mingyu. He placed a kiss on her forehead, as all the girls around die of the cuteness.

"I wish my boyfriend could do something like that," said Lisa, gushing at the cute couple.

"Your boyfriend is listening you know," BamBam grunted, as Lisa just waved him.

"Maybe you need to learn some pointers from them," replied Jisoo. "That means you as well boyfriend of mine."

"Next time we have a double date, I'm picking the place," said Yugyeom. "And I'm going to kick Mingyu's butt at the next outing."
"Ming, it's almost midnight," Momo told him, as they were just lying on the grass in the park, looking at the stars. They had dinner and a nice walk before stargazing.

"We can always say we lost track of time," suggested Mingyu, as Momo giggled.

"You remember the last time you were late going back to the dorm?"

"Yeah, Seungcheol was sitting on the couch with a timer in his hand when I walked through that door. Boy he gave me a hour long lecture on why I must follow the rules and how it will affect me for not getting enough sleep." Momo sat up and look down at him. "Even Jeonghan didn't shown up, he would have lecture me until the sun came up." Momo leaned over to him and kissed his forehead.

"That's why we need to get going. You know if I don't show up fifteen after midnight, Jihyo send out the boys. Chan is all right as he knew sleep, but the rest...yeah I got scolded for ruining their sleep." Mingyu sat up and pulled Momo into a hug.

"Just five more minutes," he whined, as she gave in and rest her head on his chest. "Love you."

"I love you too."
I will do better next time....I promise

So I decide it will be sequel time once again.
All male idols: -groan-
Eunwoo: here is the list you owe!
Felix: can she even make a sequel with some parts?
Jungkook: she can.
Sequel time and it will be a Momo and to read back on his parts to see if I can...if not he will be saved for another day...
Wonwoo: how I wish I didn't caved to get Mingyu my spot.
Dino: oh she can do a sequel for me!
Seungcheol: Nope! Nope! Nope! We all read your one part and it will stay like that!

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Promise the next part will be better

See ya next time
Bye sweetie sweetie

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