Give Your Heart A Break *H.MM x H.JS* Part 2

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"Calm down, Han," Bang Chan said, as Han was crying his eyes out on his bed. Bang Chan hurried over to his place when Han called him crying.

"My Momo...I want my Momo," he cried into a pillow. "I just want her home!" He has been crying for the last few hours, as Bang Chan rubbed his face.

"Well if you keep crying, she isn't going to come home at this rate. Come on get up, let's go driving to see where she would go?" Han just looked at him with blood shot eyes, tears streaming from his cheeks, and his nose running. "But first, you need a shower. One look at that and she will be running away." Bang Chan pulled him off the bed and pushed him into the bathroom. "You got to look decent at least."

"Good morning, Eomma," Momo said, as she greeted her mother in the kitchen.

"Morning dear, breakfast is almost ready..." she began, as the doorbell went off. Momo's mother went to the door and opened it to reveal a sad Han standing there. Momo stay in the kitchen, where she was out of sight.

"Good morning, is Momo here by any chance?" Han asked her, as her mother gave him a mean look. She never like Han because of everything he had done to her baby girl. She warned her many times about him, but Momo always turned a blind eye.

"No, my daughter isn't here because of you," her mother lied to him. "You have taken my daughter away from me."

"Please, Momo left me last night and I want to find her so I can talk with her." Momo was holding herself back, as she did want to see him but she was just too hurt.

"It's about time my daughter got some common sense. I have told her many times you were no good. Now leave my property." Her mother tried to closed the door, but Han blocked it.

"Please if you see her, have her call me. I really need to explain..."

"You aren't going to be speaking to my daughter again. Now she has seen the light, she will find someone that will suit her needs."

"I know you dislike me, but we are much in love..."

"If that is the case, my daughter would have not left you. Now get off my property." She finally was able to close the door and went back to the kitchen. "Don't worry, my daughter, he is never going to bother you again." She hugged her daughter, as Momo just nodded. "Now that's over, let's have breakfast and we can go and get some shopping done."

"Yes Eomma."

"Momo, you remember Jungwoo?" her mother said. Momo and her mother was shopping at the local market and ran into some of her mother's friends, who so happen to have a son. Momo gave him a smile and nodded.

"It's been a long time since I have seen you, Momo," he said, "Are you visiting?"

"You can say that," Momo replied. Her mother smiled and looked over to her daughter.

"Why don't you kids go eat lunch and catch up. I'm sure you guys have a lot..." Before Momo could give them an answer, she felt someone grabbing her hand and pulling her away. She turned her head to see Han, as he was marching away with her.

"Let me go," Momo told him, as he didn't listen and kept on walking. Her mother was yelling at him to bring her daughter back. "Han, let me go!"

"Not until we talk," he said, as he was heading to the car where Bang Chan was waiting. Momo was able to break free and stared hard at him.

"There is nothing to talk about. I gave you enough chances and you broke my heart for the last time. Please leave me alone!" Han was not taking no for an answer, as he just threw her over his shoulder and walk to the car. "Let me down!" She was hitting his back, as Bang Chan looked over to see what Han was doing.

"Mate, we aren't kidnapping her?" Bang Chan made him set her down. "Please let him talk. He has been worry about you and I had to deal with him crying for hours. I haven't gone to sleep for 24 hours at this point. Now both of you will have a normal conversation, while I catch at least fifteen minutes of sleep."

"...Fine, then I am gone," Momo said, as she is really good friends with Bang Chan and will listen to him. Bang Chan gave Han a look to use his time wisely, as Bang Chan got in the car to get some sleep.


"Look I saw the picture, how could you and with my best friend!"

"Sana wasn't even there! It was just us boys! Bang Chan can tell you." He looked over to Bang Chan, as he gave them a nod before closing his eyes to sleep. "Momo, I'm not the person I was in the past. Yes, I was an idiot back then because I thought I was the best. After hurting you the last time, I vowed to never do that to you."

"You sure did a great job. My mother was right..."

"Your mother always hated me since we got together. I wouldn't be surprised she was the one that send that edited picture. She has always tried to interfere in our relationship."

"My mother isn't..."

"Right, she was already trying to get you a new man. She wants what's best for her, not you." Han took her hand into his and gave her a weak smile. "I love you and only you. I have work so hard to show you that you are the girl for me. Believe me, Sana is not my type. She would never compare to you."

"I don't know..."

"What would it take you to believe me? You want me get on my knees?" He did so, as Momo was freaking out to get him to stand. "You want me to beg for you in front of everyone? Please Hirai Momo, you are the love of my life. I want to spend my life with you."

"Han, get up! This is embarrassing."

"I don't care! I love you and only you. If this hurt my pride, I don't care as long as you come back to me and let me love you with everything I have. If you want, I will ask you to marry me right here right now."

"That is quite enough," Momo's mother yelled at them, as she was marching over there. "You have hurt my daughter enough!" Han looked over to her, as she continued. "I will never allowe you to hurt my daughter again. She will find a nice man that will take care of her."

"Eomma..." Han stood up and looked at her mother.

"I will be that man."

"I don't approve!"

"Momo is old enough to make her own choice."

"Fine then, let Momo choose." Momo's mother looked at her daughter. "If you go back to this idiot, you are not my daughter anymore."

"Eomma! You can't be serious!" Momo gasped at her mother's ultimatum.

"I'm serious. It is either family or him! Now choose!"

And who will Momo choose?
Chan: whoever will let me sleep?
Han: Wait!!! I don't want another cliffhanger!!!
Eunwoo: one of us! One of us!

Next is Momo and Chanyeol!
Chanyeol: finally I get out of the cliffhanger's club.
Eunwoo: Han will keep your spot warm for now.

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See ya next time
Bye sweetie sweetie

Han: -sit in Chanyeol's chair and pout-
Eunwoo: hey it isn't bad.
Moonbin: yes it is.

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