Fireworks *H.MM x K.HC*

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You just gotta ignite the light, and let it shine. Just own the night like the 4th of July - Katy Perry - Fireworks

"I can do this," Momo said, slowly walking to the park. "I can do this. I have to be brave," Momo told herself. She was holding her bag tight in her arms. "It's just one night and..." a small boom sound went off near her, as she jumped and screamed. Two little children looked over to her, as they had sparklers in their hand and those popping crackers in a bag in the other. They looked puzzled at Momo, as she just gave a shy laugh and hurry away from them.

"I'm going to die..." she mumbled to herself. She is not a fan of fireworks. She was having flashbacks of the award show, where they went off and she was stuck in the middle. Lucky Sana was there, but still didn't help her at all. Heechul wanted to see the fireworks display and she couldn't say no to her boyfriend. They finally had time off to spend time together. She just have to suck it up.

"You are a strong bear, Momo. Bears aren't scare of anything." Momo finally made it to the park and search for Heechul. She could hear some small fireworks going off, making her jump a bit. Soon her eyes locked with Heechul standing by a tree with his bag. Momo smiled and ran as fast as her little legs to get to her boyfriend. Momo did the best she could in ignoring the sounds of little firecrackers going off. Heechul looked up from his phone to see her running over. He opened his arms for her, as she ran into them, hugging him. "I'm here," she said with a smile.

"I was getting worry my Mourgi was lost or something," he said, giving her a quick kiss on the head. They let go and he took her hand into his. "Come we have a good spot save for the show." Momo nodded, as a firecracker went off not too far from them, making her flinch a bit. "You all right?"

"Oh yeah, peachy, that just got me off guard," she lied, giggling at him. He just nodded and they walked together to their spot. Momo tried so hard to keep herself calm, so she doesn't ruined their time together. Heechul had been dying to come to the show since they finally let big crowd gather together.

"Here we are," he said, as they got to their spot. He frowned to see Donghae and Eunhyuk were chilling and eating from the picnic he prepared for their date. "Really you two?" Donghae looked up in surprise, as Eunhyuk had a sandwich in his mouth. Momo giggled at the two Super Junior members, as Heechul look like he is ready to kill them.

"Oh hey guys," Donghae said, waving at them. "We kept the spot warm for you and well we sort of got a bit hungry."

"Momo, you got to try the sandwich," said Eunhyuk, holding his half eaten sandwich. "Siwon makes the best sandwiches!" Momo took the sandwich from Eunhyuk to be nice, as Heechul took it from Momo and shut it in Eunhyuk's mouth.

"You pig! You could give her a fresh one." Heechul and Momo sat down on the blanket. "Now beat it!" Momo hit Heechul on the arm to be nice.

"Please join us." Heechul looked at Momo with puppy dog eyes. She had her hand on his arm, read to smack it if he was rude again.

"But I want some alone time with you," he whined. Momo giggled at him, as firecrackers went off. She didn't flinched, but she did squeezed Heechul's arm a bit hard.

"Come on, this could be a double date," Eunhyuk said, pushing Donghae to rest on his lap.

"Wait I didn't agree to this," Donghae protested, as Eunhyuk shove an apple in his mouth to shut him up.

"Such a silly boyfriend," chuckled Eunhyuk.

"Fine, you guys can stay," Heechul gave in. Soon the four were eating and enjoying their time together, as it was slowly getting dark.

"I got some sparklers in my bag," Heechul said, as he pulled them out. Momo's eyes widen as she realized this is a huge step. Heechul gave one to Donghae and Eunhyuk, as they were happy like little children. He turned to Momo and gave her one.

"Oh well..." she tried to get out of it, but he put it in her hand. Momo's hand was shaking a bit, as Heechul lit the sparkler and place his hand over hers. It was sparkling pink, as Momo's eyes widen again. She didn't realized his hand was covering hers so if any of the little sparks does fly, it would hit his hand first before hers.

"It's so pretty..." she said, watching the sparkler in front of her.

"Of course it is your favorite color, pink," Heechul told her, getting behind her and wrapping his arm around her waist. "I pick these out just for you." The sparkler went out, as Heechul kissed her cheek. Donghae and Eunhyuk was having fun, waving theirs everywhere like they were in a rave and it was their glow sticks.

Soon it was time for the big show. Momo knew this is where she is going to break, as she will be jumping, screaming, and try to hide herself in fear. She looked up to the sky, as everyone settle down on the blanket. She didn't notice, Heechul was moving around and get something. Momo closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. She opened her eyes to see the fireworks going off in the air. Yet something was different, she could see them, but couldn't hear them. She didn't hear the big boom each time one goes in the air. Momo moved her head a bit and felt something. She moved her hand to feel something hard on her ear. She pulled out her phone and turn the camera on to see what was on her ear. Momo saw that she had pink soundproof earphones on, which was blocking the sound around her. She didn't have this, but then it hit her. Heechul...

Heechul must have knew she was terrified of fireworks from past shows and came prepared for everything. He must have seen her flinched a few times together. The sparkler in her hand early, he put his over hers so she couldn't get burned. Heechul made sure that Momo was safe for this event and she didn't have a clue. He is really wonderful to her. She turned to Heechul, who looked at her with a smile and nudged her to watch the fireworks. She did so, as she felt relax and enjoying herself. Heechul pulled her into his arms, as the firework show. He placed a kiss on her cheek, ever so often and gave her a squeeze to know she was safe. And yes, Momo was safe in his arms for sure.

-crying- HeeMo is over! They aren't together anymore! This is a beautiful part for them, as they are no more.

Momo: -pat author's back- it's okay...I will be fine. We are still friends and all.
Hoshi: -appears- Momo you can cry on my shoulder if you need it.
Momo: Uhh...
Baekhyun: come my dear Momo, I will heal you.
Momo: Err...
Doyoung: you don't need him. You have me.
Jaehyun: -push Doyoung to the side- let your dear prince help you my princess.
Momo: 😓
Suga: back away from Momo or you have to deal with me!
Everyone fighting for Momo.
Jun: sweet she isn't my step mom anymore! Momornig! ❤️

Yeah I keep going back and forth on request and sequels, but this was important!!! But I do have one small request. I do have an idea for a Momo and a Seventeen part but I need you guys to choose which Seventeen member gets the part. Please let me know. It's based off their new song.
All Seventeen members minus Seungkwan: -glaring at each other and wanting that part-
Seungkwan: I already know I don't stand a chance -sipping on milk-

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See ya next time
Bye sweetie sweetie.

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