Blue Orangeade *BTS x H.MM x TxT*

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I can stay young cuz of you - TxT - Blue Orangeade

"Do you all need to come with us?" Taehyun asked, as all the members of BTS followed their young label mates to their photoshoot. It was rumor a female idol should be with them at the shoot.

"We just want to make sure the girl that is working with you is going to be a good match," Jin said, holding Huening Kai's hand.

"Do you really have to hold my hand?" Jin gave him a smile and squeeze it hard, making him yelp in pain.

"Don't question me." They made it to the set, as the photographer smiled.

"It's about time and..." he saw BTS was with TxT, "Was it really necessary for all of you to come?"

"They wanted to make sure we are breaksfast," Soobin said, as they nodded. "RM-hyung and Jin-hyung were supposed to come with us..."

"Sorry I'm not leaving these monsters I. The dorm alone after the last time," Jin said.

"We told you that we are sorry," said Jungkook.

"You almost burn the dorm down because someone which I still don't know left the stove on!" All the BTS members started to fight with each other. Huening Kai was still trying to get his hand out of Jin's grip, as his members were trying to help him. It went on like this for a few minutes, until a giggle burst through the yelling, making everyone stopped.

"You guys are so funny," Momo's voice spoke up. All twelve men turn to see Momo standing there with her hands covering her mouth from giggling. "Thanks for the laugh. I was actually getting nervous on who was joining me in this shoot."

It was a sight to see these boys are in. Jimin was on Jin's back with his hand tugging his hair. Jungkook had Yoongi's hat in hand and raise it above to where Yoongi had to jump for it. Taehyung was on Namjoon's back and Hobi was on the ground with his arms around Jin's legs. Huening Kai was in mid bit of Jin's hand, while Soobin had his arms around Huening Kai's waist and Beomgyu was on his back. Taehyun and Yeonjun were trying to get Jimin off Jin's back.

"So who am I doing the shoot?" Huening Kai bit down on Jin's hand, making him release his hold. All five of TxT ran to Momo like puppy dogs with tails wagging.

"Us," they exclaimed, as she clapped. Only to have Jungkook, Yoongi, and Taehyung pulled the young boys away.

"What they meant to say us," Yoongi said. Momo gave him a confusing look. Yeonjun kicked Yoongi in the shin and he ran to Momo, hugging her arm.

"Noona," he started to whine, "Hyungs are being really mean to us." Huening Kai went over and hugged her other arm.

"Hyungie would not let go of my hand and it hurts now." Momo looked at his hand to see it was red. "We were so excited to come but they..." he started to fake cry, as he buried his head into Momo's shoulder. The others got the hint and started to cry as well.

"Oh you poor dears," Momo cooed at them, as she turned a gave BTS a mean look. "Shame on you. How could you be so mean to them?"

"But we..." Jimin began, as Momo hugged the younger boys.

"It's okay, they are not going to bother us today," she told them. She motion for the photographer to come over and whisper something to him. He gave her a nod and whistle for someone. A team of security guards surrounded the BTS members.

"Escort them off the property," the photographer said. The guards jumped onto the group and carried them out. TxT were smiling to see them being carried out. Jungkook saw the boys smirking at them, as he pointed his finger at them.

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