Lovefurypassionenergy *H.MM x N.YT*

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So go paint your face and,. Proclaim thy warrior soul. Cause life is a brutal, Fight until we show. - Boy Hits Car - Lovefurypassionenergy

"Do you think he will come?"

"He will, after all we have his most precious thing in the world with us." Eyes were on a tied up Momo, sitting in the corner. Her hands and ankles were tied up and she had a blindfold and gag over her mouth. She was covered in bruises and dry blood from trying to escape. They have hit her and slap her to stop and obey them. Soon she caved in, as she didn't want to get hurt.She can hear what is going on, but can't speak and see.

"We send the picture to him and..." someone came into the warehouse, running and out of breath.

"He is here." Everyone got in position, as one of the guys grabbed Momo and pulled her up to her feet. She tried to struggle a bit but got slapped across the face.

"I will tell you that you have some spunk but you need to learn your damn place. Try it one more time and I won't hesitate to give you a proper punishment." Momo gave in, as he dragged her to a chair and sat her down. "Now be a good girl." The door slammed open, as footsteps could be heard. Everyone looked up, except Momo, who couldn't see and didn't want to show her bruise face. Yuta and his friends walked in the room, ready to raise hell.

"Yuta, it's been a while since I seen you."

"Cut the shit, Yoongi. Where is she?" Yuta was ready to jump on him, if Jaehyun and Johnny wasn't holding him back.

"Oh you mean your cute little peach princess," he moved out of the way to show her sitting on the chair. Yoongi moved over to her and removed her blindfold off. He grabbed her chin harshly and pulled her face up to have her look at him with the bruises and cuts on her face. Yuta was pissed as hell to see his beautiful princess in the state she was. He was ready to lunge, as the grip his friends had around him were tight.

"Your beef is with me. How dare you bring her into this? She is innocent," Yuta growled at Yoongi, as he kept his eyes on Momo. He can see the tears wanting to come down, but she was fighting to keep them back.

"Oh come now. We were having a bit of fun with her. You know that she is a screamer," he joked. "...well I haven't tested it out in bed since she is quite a stubborn girl. I had to teach her a lesson a couple of times."

"You dirty mother..."

"Language good sir. You don't want to corrupt her innocent," he gave him a grin. He let go of Momo's chin. "Now let's get down to business, you have the cash and I have the girl. Trade and the girl is free to go with you." Yuta looked over at his girl, knowing he has no choice but to do what he says. He need to get her out safety. Yuta looked over at Mark and gave him a nod. Mark was holding a suitcase in his hand, filled with the cash Yoongi wanted.

Momo happened to look up to see a red light pointing over Yuta, by his head. She barely could make it out, as Yuta's red hair blending in the light. Momo's eyes followed where the light was coming from, as she could see Taehyung with a sniper in hand, ready to shoot. Momo had to do something but what. She managed to maneuver her hands to her feet and grabbed her one high heel she still had on. She gripped the heel and pray she didn't miss. She moved her arms back and fling the heel towards Yuta's head.

"Duck," Johnny called out, as they dodged the flying heel and the bullet from Taehyung's sniper. They saw Taehyung standing up with the sniper.

"You had one damn job," Yoongi yelled at Taehyung, seeing him. Johnny and Jaehyun finally let Yuta go, as he bulldozed Yoongi to the ground. Everyone had their guns out and started to shoot at each other. Momo shimmy to the ground to avoid the bullets, as she pulled her legs close to her chest to work on the knots on her ankles. It was a bit of a challenge but she managed to get her ankles free. Yoongi pushed Yuta away from him and ran over to Momo, yanking her hard to her feet.

"You stupid bitch! You ruined everything!" He slapped her across the face, as he got his gun out to shoot her. "This ends now." Before he could point the gun, Momo brought her head back and headbutt him hard. He dropped his gun, pushed Momo to the ground hard as Yuta went back to attack him. A few minutes of struggling, Yoongi managed to get Yuta on his back, hands on his throat blocking the air.

"She should have been mine at the beginning," Yoongi told him, as Yuta was having trouble breathing. "I should have been the one fucking her every night! You stole her from me and I'm going to finish you and that bitch as well." Yuta tried to swing at him, but he was getting lightheaded. Then a bang went off right next to them. Yuta felt the grip on this throat loosen so he can breath. Yoongi fell forward with blood forming in the bad of his head. All the fun shots seized around him. Yuta looked up to see Momo standing there with Yoongi's gun in her tied up hand with smoke coming out. Her eyes were full of fear of what she did, as she sunk to her knees. Yuta pushed off the dead Yoongi and moved to her quickly, hugging her. He took the gun out of her hand and set it on the floor. He removed the gag from her mouth, as she let out a few sobs.

"I didn't...I...he was going...Yuta..." she managed to get out, as her head rest on his chest. Yuta kissed her forehead many times, as his crew finished off the last of Yoongi's crew. "I'm..."

"No, you did what you had to do," he replied, untying her wrist. "Besides he deserves it. He hurt my princess." He held her, as she did let some sobs out. "I love you no matter what."

"Yuta, we have the car ready. Taeyong and Kun went back to the mansion, waiting to check Momo for her injuries," Johnny said. "We will stay back to clean up." Yuta nodded as he picked Momo up. She wrapped her arms around his arms, buried her face in his neck.

"Let's go home," he said, as she nodded.

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