Kiss Me Thru the Phone *H.MM x M.YG*

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Baby you know that I miss you. I wanna get with you tonight but I cannot baby girl - Soulja Boy

"Good morning my Princess," Yoongi said to Momo, as they were on FaceTime. Yoongi was in America with his group for their tour, as Momo was in Korea. "I miss you so much."

"I miss you too and look who else miss you." Momo moved her phone to show Holly resting against her six month pregnant belly. "Holly is doing a wonderful job protecting me."

"And I hope my little man is protecting his eomma as well." Momo felt their baby kick her, as she smiled.

"Yes little Jihoon is always active when he hears his appa's voice," Momo said, rubbing her belly. "He miss his Appa."

"I will be home soon." Momo moved her phone back to look at her husband. "When I get home, let's go out and eat."

"We both know when you get home, you are going to sleep the day away." They both laughed, as they know it's true. "How is the tour going?"

"It's going well, we have sold out at all cities and even added a few more shows."

"You make sure you get rest, Yoongi. I know how you get when you don't get sleep." Momo gave him a stern look, as he laughed.

"I know, Princess. Everyone is making sure I keep my sleep schedule in line. We just finished our show and I have to call you before I go to bed. I love to hear your voice. It calms me down and it's my lullaby."

"You are just too silly. Just another two months and you will be home. Jihoon wants his Appa home soon."

"And what about my Princess? You want me home too right?"

"Of course I want you home, Suga. I love to have my husband by my side, giving me cuddles and kisses. Nobody can beat you, let Holly might take your place soon."

"Now we cant have that," he said, resting on his hotel bed. "I made it clear to management and the members once you hit eight months, I'm on break for a while. Got to be there for my wife and son."

"I know you will. You never break your promise," Momo said, giving him a smile.

"I'm not going to miss the birth of our first child that's for sure." He sighed, as Momo notice his mood changing.

"Talk to me, Yoongi."

"I just can't believe that I'm the first in my group to get married and start a family. Everyone was betting on Taehyung or Jungkook to be first. Hell even I had money omg Taehyung, but it was me. I'm so glad that it was me. I have an amazing wife and soon a baby boy."

"Yeah tell me about it. I'm the first in my group as well. We all thought it would be Jihyo and Daniel to get married first, but I'm the lucky one," Momo said, sitting up a bit on their bed. "But you know what, I don't regret anything. I'm glad to be married to the man of my dreams and to have a little bouncing boy on the way."

"We surprise ourselves but you know what I wouldn't change a thing," he smiled at her. "I love you Momo."

"I love you too, Yoongi." Jihoon gave her a kick, as she rubbed her belly. "And Jihoon loves you too."

"I love my little man as well."

"Get some sleep, you have a busy day tomorrow." Momo blew a kiss to him. "I love you." He caught the kiss and smile at her.

"Love you too."
Two months later

Momo was finishing up cooking dinner, as she heard the door opened and closed. She thought it was one of her members checking up on her, as she set the spoon down. She turned around to be face to face with her husband, Yoongi. Momo wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him, as he hugged her back.

"Hey there," she said, giving him a kiss on the lips. "I thought you will be home tomorrow."

"Surprise, we got done a day early," he replied. He felt the baby kicking, as he moved to rest his hands on her belly. "Hello my little man. Appa is home now. He can't wait for you to come and join us." Jihoon continued to kick Momo, as she giggled.

"He is so excited for you to be home."

"And you aren't, I'm hurt." Momo rolled her eyes at him, as he kissed her on the cheek.

"You know I'm happy my husband is home and just in time. We only have a month before Jihoon is born. We still have to get the baby's room done, since you didn't want me to lift anything heavy. We have the final doctor's appointment on Friday to see Jihoon. Also the girls are throwing a baby shower on Saturday and..." Yoongi chuckled and kissed Momo on the forehead.

"We have plenty of time, Princess. Don't get yourself too work up. I'm off for a while, so I'm going to be here to help. I got to take care of my Princess and little prince coming." Momo smiled at him.

"Go take a shower and change. You are lucky I make plenty of food since Jihoon loves me to eat." He gave Momo a quick kiss and went to their room.

After dinner, Momo was sitting on the couch, as Yoongi was resting next to her belly. He was leaving kisses all over and talking with Jihoon.

"You can be whatever you want to be. You don't have to be idols like your Eomma or Appa. We want you to be whatever you want to be. We are going to teach you to be a good man so when you are old, you can find someone that loves you as much as I love your Eomma." Momo just smiled, as Yoongi kissed her belly. Jihoon gave a little kick, as Yoongi smiled. He looked up at Momo, giving her his gummy smile. "We are ready to be parents?"

"Yes we are ready to give our child love like we do with each other," Momo replies, stroking Yoongi's hair. Yoongi move to sit next to Momo and wrapped his arms around her. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and let her snuggle with him. I'm just a month, their Jihoon will grace them, changing. Their life for the better.

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang