Antifragile *H.MM x H.HJ*

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Lovey, lovey, lovey. Dovey, dovey, dovey - Le Sserafim - Antifragile

"What time is it?" Momo asked, as Chaeyoung looked at her phone. The two girls were in the studio, working on a special project.

"1 in the morning," Chaeyoung said with a yawn. "We been here nearly all day. Let's call it a night." Momo shook her head, as Chaeyoung sighed. "We can finish this tomorrow." Momo sighed, as she looked at her phone to see many text messages from her boyfriend.

❤️DramaKing Hyunjin❤️
Hey Princess, hope the project is going well
When are you going to be home?
I had Lee Know cook some dinner for us
Just tell me when you are leaving the studio
Also Felix made some brownies
You love his brownies
It's ten and I haven't heard from you
Don't work yourself too hard
Do you want me to stop by?
I can just sit and draw while you work
I texted Chaeyoung since somebody isn't answering
Are you even reading my texts?
Is your phone dead?
Are you dead?
Answer me Princess! Your Prince wants some attention!

"Maybe we should go home," Momo replied to Chaeyoung, as Chaeyoung cheered. They shut down everything and was about to leave, until they heard lightning and rain pounding outside the building. "Great, it's raining and we didn't bring a car or umbrella."

"Let's just call someone to come and pick us up. I would call Mark but someone has to be in Japan right now." Momo pulled out her phone and dialed HyunJin. Knowing her boyfriend, he might be sleeping. She let it ring a bit, but she only got his voicemail. She put her phone on the arm of the couch and sighed.

"Drama King is out. I could call Chan. He is usually up...oh he is in Australia with Felix," Momo said. "Hyunjin doesn't like me taking a taxi or Uber this late."

"Same as Mark. He has a sixth sense when I try anything. Watch." Chaeyoung pulled out her phone to get on the Uber app to order them one. Not even a minute on, Mark send her a text.

Why are you still up?
Aren't you working with Momo on a project?
Don't tell me you are still in the studio?
I can call Johnny to pick you guys up

"See, I swear he knows everything. I even had my phone check to make sure he didn't bugged it," Chaeyoung said, texting him back that she was going to sleep.

"Well, let's just wait out the rain," Momo said, as she went back to the chair and turned back on the computer. "Might as well get some more work done." Chaeyoung agreed, as the girls sat back in front of the computer to get work done. Unknown to them, Momo's phone was going off, as it vibrates off the arm and into the cushions of the couch.
Momo felt something warm on her hand, as she moved a bit. She felt something soft on her cheek, as she slowly open her eyes. She turned her head to see a sleepy but smiling Hyunjin sitting next to her with his arm under his chin. Momo did look to see his hand holding hers, as she stared at the computer to see it is almost 4 am.

"Hey Princess," he whispered to her, as she slowly sat up. His jacket almost felt off her shoulders, as she let out a yawn.

"When did you get here?" Momo asked, rubbing the sleep away from her eyes. "I did call you but you didn't answer."

"I'm sorry, love. I did try to call you back but you never answer. I got a bit scared and pretty much kicked the living day out of Changbin to get up and drive me here." Momo looked around to see that Chaeyoung was missing. "Changbin took her home, as she did wake up. You, on the other hand, was not budging at all. It took me a bit to get your hand off the mouse."

"You didn't see my project did you?" She asked him.

"I saw what you were working on, but I didn't hit anything." Momo opened up the computer and quickly saved her project. "Yet I am curious why this project is taking my princess away from me." Momo stood up, as Hyunjin got her to sit in his lap. She cuddled against him, pulling his jacket closer to him. He wrapped his arms around her, enjoying his time with her.

"It's a special song for a very special fan of mine," she told him, as he looked up at her.

"Don't tell me you did this for Jeongin! I knew he is a baby and all but..." he joked, as Momo just rolled her eyes at him and lightly smack his arm. She moved her hand to the mouse and click on her project. It was Momo singing a sweet song, as Hyunjin listened. How he love her voice, her real voice that she hardly gets to use. He rocked her gently in his arms, listening to the magic coming out of the computer. Momo clicked the song to stop, as Hyunjin pouted a bit.

"But I want to hear more," he whined, as Momo giggled at him.

"Just a preview for my special fan. You will have to wait just a bit." Hyunjin smiled at her and nodded.

"I can wait, but right now, let's just enjoy each other." Hyunjin made sure he had a good grip and stood up, holding Momo. She let out a little laugh, as he carried her to the couch. He sat down and snuggled with her. "We have a few more hours before Changbin comes back to pick us up. We should go out later. I know a good cafe we should try out." Momo put her hands on his cheeks and nodded.

"I would like that a lot." Momo pulled him closer and gave him a few pecks on his lips. "We haven't been on a date for a while now."

"Yes but it's worth the wait." He gave her a few kisses as well. "I love you, Momo."

"I love you too, Hyunjin."

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