Best Friend *H.MM x B.SK*

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... Maybe some pretty girls are in your world. Excuse me, I could also be your girl - Toy-Box - Best Friend

It was a warm evening in Seoul and the moon was shining. Two individuals were laying on the top of the rooftop, watching the stars appear in the sky. Drinks and snacks were everywhere around them and a metal chair under the handle of the door, so nobody disturb them. It's just two best friends hanging out without having a 12 wheeled group hovering over them.

"How long do you think they will notice we are missing?" Momo asked Seungkwan, as they staring at the stars.

"As long as Hoshi hogs the karaoke machine, singing his little heart out. That's when they will notice why one of their main vocalists isn't singing. So we have at least a hour before they sent a search party for us."

"Remember when we took off in the amusement park a month ago?" Momo spoke, as Seungkwan chuckled at the memory. "We book it from the group, before Seungcheol could even start the rules."

"I got yell later back at the dorms but it was worth it. We had a great time with some basic rides, the games and of course the food." The two got to pig out on foods that they couldn't have due to their diet, but there were no comebacks for them so they could enjoy the day.

"Mingyu look like he was shot when he found us, eating funnel cakes without him," Momo said. "He was so close in tears. I felt so bad, I let him have the rest of the funnel cake, which wasn't much."

"He got over it once you fed him the cake," he snorted. He remembered Momo feeding him and Mingyu sticking his tongue at Seungkwan every now and then. Seungkwan was ready to throw his funnel cake at him, but Chaeyoung came and took him away, shoving the cake in his mouth so he doesn't whine. God bless Chaeyoung, as she is the only one that knows his deep and darkest secret.

Yes if you all must know, Boo Seungkwan has a huge, massive, super duper, ultimate, humongous, mega, world wide, out of this galaxy, truly outrageous...
(All male idols: We get it!)
...crazy in love crush on Hirai Momo. His best friend, the one that scarred her before of a stupid joke she didn't get and took it serious. took him months to make it up to her.

"Yeah. I still love how we kept running away from Seungcheol. I never seen a person turn redder than Jihyo. She actually look calm throughout the day."

"Because Seungcheol was doing all the worrying for everyone. I swear how he hasn't gone bald dealing with all of us, including us." When Momo and Seungkwan are together, trouble is around the corner. They have prank Seventeen many times from whip cream in the face, freezing their clothes to TikTok pranks. Momo had a nice bruise on her hip from the towel prank with Seungcheol throwing her to the ground...lightly to his standard. The rest of the boys were having heart attacks, while Seungkwan was laughing so hard, he was crying. That got them to be in time out for a week, unable to have any contact with each other, as they were stuck in their dorms with no phone.

Now who was really getting punished? The two best friends or their members? Momo wasn't that bad, as she just moped and watch drama all day. Seungkwan, on the other hand, let's say after a week, they literally threw Seungkwan at Momo, the moment she came to visit. They did not tell the terrors of that week and never again they ban the two best friends from each other. Momo wanted to know, but Seungkwan would never tell.

""Imagine a bald Seungcheol?" They both turned to look at each other and broke down laughing.
Meanwhile in the dorm, Seungcheol's head snapped up, as Hoshi finally stopped singing his sixth ballads, wobbling on his drunken legs. He looked around the room to see two spots empty, where Momo and Seungkwan was sitting with a drink in hand. Their drinks and two plushies were left in their spots.

"Not again," he said, looking over to Jeonghan. "Double Trouble have escape once again."

"I got this," Jeonghan said, motioning Mingyu over. Mingyu looked at him, as Jeonghan pointed at the last known spot the friends were.

"Wonwoo, Minghao, Vernon, Dino," Mingyu called, as the guys turned, "they got loose." They groaned, as this could be a long night.
"Oh look it's the Little Dipper," Momo pointed out to him, as they continued to watch the stars. They were pointing out constellations they knew.

"And that is Leo," he said, as Momo was trying to make it out. "You see, there is the head and the body."

"Oh okay. I see it...sort of...Oh there is Scorpius aka Scorpio." Seungkwan was going to say something, a shooting star appeared, blazing through the nightly sky. "OH! A shooting star! Make a wish, Seungkwan!" Both of them made a wish.

I wish for Momo to notice me

I wish...
"...Three!" Wonwoo and Mingyu hit the door on the roof and it finally open up. Vernon saw the chair that was blocking the door on the ground, as Dino marched around the roof to find the best friends.

"Oh there..." Dino stopped to see the two friends sleeping on their backs, with them holding hands. "...Found them!" Wonwoo went over and stared down at them.

"They aren't dead, are they?" Vernon asked, nervous.

"They are asleep..." he said, as Mingyu bend down to pick up the two bottles of wine next to them.

"...and they are going to have the biggest hang over tomorrow morning."

"I will let Seungcheol know to call Jihyo that Momo is spending the night," Minghao said. Wonwoo pulled their hands apart and picked up Momo, bridal style. Dino and Vernon just dragged Seungkwan to his feet and wrapped their arms around him.

"Momo...I love you..." Seungkwan mumbled, trying to move his head to kiss Vernon. Vernon just pushed him away and helped him walked down the stairs.

The secret is out...and boy he is going to get the tease out of him by the boys tomorrow.
Seungkwan: ...-blink-
Dino: he got a part!
Vernon: he got a part?!
Seungcheol: I'm surprised...
Jeonghan: not as surprised as him.
Seungkwan: ...-faint and DK and Minghao caught him-

26 parts left...
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Let me know who you want with Momo?
See ya next time
Bye sweetie sweetie

Joshua: I think we need to get him to the doctor

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