Touched *H.MM x P.CY* Part 2

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"I had no ideas she was the girl you told me about," said Chen. Chanyeol met with Chen about Momo. They were interrupted by Chen, greeting them. Momo and the child left them alone, as Chanyeol wanted to run after her, but he need answers. "My guard, Xiumin and Sehun found her on death's door at the edge of the woods and brought her here. Doctor Lay healed her and it was discovered that she was with child. Lay had to monitored Momo through her pregnancy because of the wound she sustained to make sure the child is born healthy. Unfortunately, the child does have a weak body. He can't do a lot of things normal children does, but Momo has done a wonderful job taking care of him."

"I do thank you for taking care of my love and my son," Chanyeol said. He knows that is his child, as they never been with anyone intimate but each other.

"So what will you do? She doesn't have any memories of you or the kingdom she was from." Chanyeol pulled out Momo's ring from his pocket. He always had her ring with her.

"I will have to get her to know me all over again. I never gave up on her and still I will not."

Chanyeol was walking down the hallway, thinking what he can do to start a talk with Momo. He does not want to scare her away from him. He already send a message back to his palace that he isn't return anytime soon. When he does return, he want to return back with Momo and their child.

He felt something bump into his leg, as he looked down to see the little boy who was with Momo, his son. He saw the sparkle in his eyes that was like his when he was a child.

"Hello there," he said, as he kneel down to meet the child's height. "What are you doing here alone?" The boy just smile and laugh, as Chanyeol chuckled at him. "You are a silly boy, aren't you?"

"Sunoo!" Momo called out, as she was coming around the corner. She saw them, as she ran over to them. "Sunoo, you can't go running off." Chanyeol stood up to look at Momo. Momo turned to Chanyeol to give him a smile. "I'm sorry if my son disturbing you."

"No, he isn't. He just remind me of myself as a child." Chanyeol patted Sunoo's head, as the child laughed.

"Come Sunoo, it's time for lunch," she said. Sunoo just wrapped his arms around Chanyeol's leg, shaking his head. "Sunoo..."

"It's quite all right," Chanyeol said, looking down at the child. "Do you want me to join you for lunch?" Sunoo nodded his head and removed his arms from his leg. Sunoo reached up to Chanyeol to pick him up, as Chanyeol did so. "Well I will if it is all right with your mother." Sunoo look over to Momo with puppy eyes.

"All right, baby, he can join us." Sunoo laughed, as the three of them walked to have lunch.

"I'm so surprise that Sunoo isn't scared of you," Momo said to Chanyeol, as they were having lunch. "He is usually shy around everyone."

"I always have a gift with children," he replied. I mean he is my son after all. "I do have to apologize to you about earlier. I didn't mean to scare you. You just look like someone so familiar to me."

"Oh who was it?"

"The love of my life. I haven't seen her for two years," he began to tell the tale. "She was accused of a crime she didn't committed but took the fall. She was send far away without me knowing. She was cleared but we could never find her. She took my guards before she vanished that she would meet me again by the peach tree on a full moon. I went to that peach blossom tree every full moon to reunited with her, but she never show up." Momo was silent for a few moments, as she spoke.

"I'm so sorry to hear that," she said. "I hope you are able to find her again. I think she would understand what happened to you."

I did found her but she doesn't remember me.

The moon was full, as Chanyeol stared at it. This would be the first time in two years he doesn't go to the peach blossom tree because he isn't home. He was about to retreat back to his room, as he got something from the corner of his eye. He saw Momo, coming out of the palace and heading down a path. He got curious, as he stood up from his seat and followed her. He kept his distance from her so she couldn't see him following her. They walked a bit from the palace, as Momo stopped near a meadow. Chanyeol stopped as well and saw where Momo led him and he gasped. Momo walked up to a peach blossom tree and leaned against the trunk. He didn't think there was a peach blossom tree here, as they aren't native in this kingdom, only his. Then it hit him. Momo remember their promise of meeting, but they have been going to the wrong tree.

Chanyeol moved over to Momo, as she heard his footsteps. She looked up to see him, standing in front of her. She didn't get to saw a word to him, as he just took her into his arms and kissed her like there was no tomorrow. They both suffered two years without each other and he was not going to let her go again. She returned the kiss, as they kissed for a few minutes. They broke away to get air, but Chanyeol still held Momo in his arms. He dug out her ring from his pocket and held it up to her face.

" ring?!" She managed to say, as he slipped it back on her finger where it belong. " love..." Tears were coming down her face, as she finally remembered everything. "You're alive! Oh my Chanyeol!" She reached out and placed her hands on his cheeks. "I'm so sorry..."

"No. It is all in the past. I'm glad you are alive and also our dear son." Chanyeol smiled down at his beloved and kissed her. "Never again we will be apart."

"Be careful Sunoo," Chanyeol called out to his son, as he was running over to his grandpa. The king smiled at his dear grandson, as he helped him get a fishing line set up.

Chanyeol brought his family back to the kingdom and the palace. Everyone was surprise and glad that Momo is alive. Baekhyun and Kai still beg for forgiveness to Momo, as she told them it's fine and they were doing their jobs. They swore to protect her and the little prince. The king was thrilled to see his son happy once again and waved the exile against Momo. The king was more glad to meet his grandson and he knew this was his grandson, as he has similar traits of Chanyeol. The Queen, on the other hand, she doesn't dare to get close to anyone and stays in her chambers. Chanyeol would never let his mother close to Momo and his son after what she did.

"Sunoo is going to be all right. He is getting stronger each day," Momo said to her husband. Oh right, they were married soon as they return. Chanyeol pulled Momo into his arms, as they watched their son, trying to catch a fish.

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