If You Asked Me To *H.MM x J.WW* Part 2

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Wonwoo slowly walked up to the rooftop of the school. After two years, he didn't think he would be here again. This spot was the place that change a lot of things in his life. Wonwoo moved over to the rails and looked down. He never thought he would return here, but here he is. This is the moment everything has change in his life.


"I love you. I love you too much to let you go! I'm a coward for denying you but I realized it was a mistake in my life. I want you to be with me forever. Please, give me your hand." Momo slowly moved one hand off the pipe and tried to reach out to him.

"I love you too Wonwoo..." she said, trying to get his hand with hers. She was fingertips from his hand.


the pipe breaks.

-End of Flashback-

He felt a hand on his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts. He turned and had a smile on his face.

"I should have know you would be here," Momo said, as she removed her hand from his shoulder. Wonwoo moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close. "When I didn't see you, I figure you came up here." Momo turned to see the spot he was looking at. "Oh Wonwoo..."

"I almost lost you that day," he said, rest his head on her shoulder. "I was so scared that you would have injury yourself or worse." He closed his eyes, remembering that day, two years ago.

-Two Years Ago-

Wonwoo jumped forward and grabbed Momo's hand, stopping her from falling. The pipe went down and hit the ground from three floors. Momo was hanging onto his hand, as Wonwoo slowly pulled her help with his strength he got of a sudden. Momo was able to get her other hand onto his, as he continue to pull her to safety. Once she was close to the rails, he swung his free arm around her and pulled her back over. The only lost Momo had was one of her shoes that took the same trip as the pipe. They both sat on the ground, catching their breath. Wonwoo then pulled Momo into his lap, holding her tight. He was afraid if he let her go, she will vanish from his sight. He rest his head on her chest, listening to her rapid heartbeat.

"Wonwo..." she began to speak, as he hushed her. He hugged her close to him. "Wonwoo...my shoe..."

"I don't care about your shoe," he said, closing his eyes. "I can replace your shoe, but I can't replace you." He moved his head to look up at her. "I don't ever want to replace you, Momo. There is only one Hirai Momo, the girl I love so dear." Momo stared at him, as he continue to speak. "I'm sorry about rejecting you. I wasn't thinking clear. I was so into thinking that Rosé was the girl for me. She was not, as she was the opposite of the girl I want to date and love. You are the one for me. I was just so blind to see what was the best thing in front of me. I'm sorry you transfer to another class because of me. I miss you so much and was so stupid not to realize sooner."

Momo placed her hands on his cheeks, trying to get him to stop talking. "No, let me finish. You are the one for me. You are amazing, kind, caring, wonderful angel that has grace into my life. We have been through thick and thin for a long time and I threw it away for some girl. If I didn't have help to open my eyes, I would have lost my chance with you and you...you..." Momo shut him up with a kiss on the lips. Wonwoo returned the kiss to his one and only. They slowly broke away, staring at each other eyes. "Please be mine, now and forever?"

"Yes Wonwoo." He had a smile on her face and leaned in to kiss her away when someone coughed behind them. They turned to see Mingyu and Chaeyoung standing there. Chaeyoung had Momo's shoe in her hand, as the two new lovers blushed at the sight of their friends.

"I swear, you are going to be the death of me, Momo," Chaeyoung mumbled. "Why in the world I had to see my best friend hanging over the rails! You gave me a heart attack! I saw you get pulled up and your shoe came flying at me. Lucky Mingyu's head got in the way and the shoe landed safety. Can't say the same about that pipe."

"My head still hurts thank you," Mingyu added. "Told you that would get together, Chae. Yet at least I know and saw something before Wonwoo. Momo's choice of underwear." Momo gasped and turned red in the face. "Yeah a bunch of people saw your blue underwear while you were hanging, just for your information."

"Mingyu..." threatened Wonwoo, moving Momo from his lap and getting up. Chaeyoung, with Momo's shoe in hand, started to hit Mingyu everywhere she can reach.

"You pabo! This is why you will never get a girlfriend!" Mingyu was yelling at her to stop, as she continues.

"But babe I..."

"I am not your babe!"


"And they somehow got together," said Momo.

(Mark: Excuse me?! Nobody can't have my Chae-Chae! Fight me Mingyu!
Dreamies: -carry Mark away-)

"Yeah took them a while and Mingyu still have that little scar on his head from that pipe," Wonwoo added. He placed a kiss on Momo's neck. "Rosé was expelled from school for what she did to you with the witnesses." Wonwoo turned Momo to face him and rest his forehead against hers. "After two years, we never have to come back here again. We graduated and now we have our future to look forward to." Momo nodded at him, as he they shared a kiss.

"Come on, let's go meet up with our friends and go out to celebrate," Momo said. Wonwoo gave her another kiss and smiled at her.

"I love you Hirai Momo."

"I love you too Jeon Wonwoo." They started to walk away, hand in hand. "You know you still owe me a new pair of shoes. Chaeyoung pretty much destroyed that shoe on Mingyu."

"I will buy you two pairs. It was worth seeing Chaeyoung using it as a weapon on Mingyu," Wonwoo replied. "For someone her height, she was able to get a few good hits to his tall clumsy face."

"That's how she shows her love to him. He takes it like a champ and shower her with love and affection."

"Like I will shower that to you for the rest of our lives."

Chaeyoung: it was just for the story...I'm not going to go with Mingyu... -Mark hugging her like a koala-
Wonwoo: I'm happy now.

Happy birthday my love, Taeyong!!!! It's early where I live but still! Happy birthday bubu!
Taeyong: thank you so much!

I'm doing sequels because like I stated I can think of new parts for my requests at this time. Sequels will make it easy for me to write right now.
Jimin: she doesn't have to use her brain so much.
-glare and turn head only to be in pain-
Namjoon: you know she is recovering from surgery, Jimin.
I had some cuts here and there and stitch up, looking like a Frankenstein monster. You will get your sequel.
Felix: and me?
Eunwoo: me?
Jaehyun: me?
I don't remember if I left any of yours on a cliffhanger to be honest Jaehyun.
Jaehyun: I just want a part -pout-
Momo: you can do one with Minho!
I don't know if he needs a sequel...
Momo: -look with serious look- make one up!

Let me know what sequels you want, readers. Or help me remember who needs a sequel from either book. I know I have one for Key to do. (Give me the title that need a sequel please, my brain can't remember anything)
Doyoung: you sure you didn't get your brain cut?
Taeyong: Be nice to the author!
Doyoung: I want a part too...

Chan: everyone is getting a bit bitter...
Jeongin: I want a part!!!
Chan: yeah when the author gets her Stray Kids lightstick...
I did get one. -show light stick- the last one at the K-pop store I go to.
Chan: I mean when she get a SHINee plushie...
I got a Key plushie! -show it- still in the box. I almost got Taemin too. It's rare to actually find these in stores.
Chan: err...when she gets 10 limited edition Momo cards on Superstar JYPnation...
Yeah...I got about six through all the card sets...then I got like six more doubles on the 5th anniversary set...that was making up on I never get Momo...
Chan: -blank stare-
Jeongin: So...does this mean I get a part?
Comment and vote.

See ya next time
Chaeyoung: bye...sweetie...sweetie. Mark! Let go!
Mark: never!

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