Girl On Fire *H.MM x P.JM* Part 2

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"It's all right, Momo," Jimin told her, as he gently held her hand. Johnny kept an eye on her and the prince, as well as to his husband who was putting a soft yet sturdy bamboo gag over her mouth. Momo growled a bit, but Jimin got her to stop and she took the gag with ease. Yoongi put a binding spell on it that only him and Taeyong could remove it.

"I'm sorry, Lady Momo, but it is for everyone's protection," Yoongi said. Momo just gave him a death look.

"But she needs to eat," Jimin said with concern.

"Feral only eat once a week due to the natural powers inside of them. We will make sure she does get her food intake," explained Taeyong, as he held a needle out. Momo was trying thrash a bit, as Jimin placed his hand on her forehead. Though she is feral, she still has some of her personality inside of her and she does not like needles. "I'm sorry Lady Momo, but we do need some blood to find out what cause this and how to turn you back to normal." Jimin turned her head to look at him, as she gave him a smile.

"It's all right, Momo. I'm here with you. Taeyongie would not hurt you. If he does hurt you, I will punished him," he told her, hoping she will understand him. Momo's blue eyes looked at him, as her body was relaxing a bit. Jimin took her hand with his free hand and gave it a squeeze. "It is just a little pinch. You can squeeze my hand if it does hurt."

Taeyong slowly stuck her with a needle to get a vial of blood. She did flinch a bit and squeeze Jimin's hand a bit. Her nails did dig in his skin a bit, making him bleed. Jimin try not to show pain, as Taeyong got the vial.

"All done," he said, giving the vial to Yoongi. "My prince, your hand." Jimin look down to see her nails marking his hand and the blood.

"It doesn't hurt, I promise you." He looked at Momo, who eye his hand. "Hey it's all right. I'm fine, but you know what, you did really good." Her eyes lit up a bit at him. Jimin knew that his Momo was still inside her body, but it is hard for her to surface up. "I promise you, we will find a cure for you to become human again. After you are back to normal, we can move forward with our wedding."

"My prince, let's clean those wounds and wrap them," said Yoongi, as Taeyong chant a sleep spell on Momo. She was slowly falling asleep, as Jimin kissed her on the forehead.

"It's all right, my love, just rest." Momo did closed her eyes and fell asleep. Yoongi clean and treated Jimin's wounds, as Johnny and Taeyong made sure the restrains were tight to be safe.
"Father, I'm worry that Momo will be stuck like this forever," Jimin spoke to his father, as they were in the throne room.

"Jimin, Taeyong and Yoongi are working hard to find a cure for Momo," Chanyeol told him. "Have faith in them. Plus it seems that she still display herself with you. You are basically the only person that can connect with her." The door opened up as Prince Baekhyun came in with sword in hand and a smug look on his face. His guards were behind him as well.

"Prince Jimin, I challenge you to a duel for the hand of Lady Momo," he said, as Jimin stood up with his sword in hand.

"You damn bastard, have you already cause enough trouble! You kidnapped Momo!"

"That might be true, but she should be my wife! I mean, I'm handsome, sweet, loving, perfect all around..."

"A pain in the butt and who didn't make the top 100 handsome faces list this year!" Jimin countered. "But if you want a fight, let's do it." Baekhyun and Jimin fought each other, as Momo woke up from her sleep. She was struggling against the restraints, as she managed to snapped them one by one.

"This might take some time, but I think we can heal her," Yoongi said, as Taeyong and Yoongi entered their lab. They saw that Momo wasn't on the table anymore. "Oh shit..."

Baekhyun managed to get Jimin on the floor with a cheap trick and raise his sword in the air.

"Lady Momo is mine and you will be dead." Baekhyun swung his sword down. Jimin closed his eyes to take the blow, knowing he won't get to see Momo turned back to normal. He heard a gasp, as Jimin opened his eyes. Momo stood in front of him, holding the blade of the sword between her bare hands. Blood was running down, as Baekhyun looked at her.

"What the hell did my mages do to you? She is a feral!" Momo ripped the sword out of Baekhyun's hand and toss it to the side. She continued to stay in front of Jimin, like she was protecting him. "Ferals don't have any human feelings! They are savages and should be ripping you apart." Momo growled at him, showing her hands in signs she may attack. Never once she did not move away from Jimin.

"Momo..." Jimin spoke to her.

"Well there is no use for me to marry her since she is feral. Guards, take her down," Baekhyun ordered his guards. The guards just stared at Momo, ready to attack if she has to in order to protect her prince.

The guards took two steps before Momo slashed her claws at them, denting their armors. The guards just ran off, as Baekhyun hurry to pick up his sword. He charged at Momo, when she wasn't looking and slash her on the shoulder. Momo didn't even flinched, as she managed to grabbed Baekhyun around his throat, ready to crush it with a squeeze. Her eyes were glowing bright, as Baekhyun was trying to scream, but couldn't.

"Momo, stop!" Jimin yelled at her, throwing himself at her and wrapping his arms around her waist. "You aren't a killer! Please you are not like this! You are kind, gentle, and loving! Please I know you are protecting me, but what will this accomplish!"

"Getting Baekhyun out of our hair," mumbled Chanyeol.

(Baekhyun: Hey!!!)

Momo's blue eyes glow dimmed, as she slowly released her grip from Baekhyun. He dropped to the ground and scrambled away from them, fleeing for his life. Yoongi and Taeyong ran into the throne room to see Jimin holding Momo, who was bloody from the sword. Jimin let her go, as Momo turned to look at him. He could see her eyes and pat her on the head. Momo closed her eyes and it seems like she enjoy it.

"I promise you, we will turn you back to normal. For now, stay by my side." Momo gave him a nod, understanding what he spoke.
Jimin: is this another cliffhanger? Why torture my soul!
Baekhyun: way to take jabs at me. 😭
Jimin: you try to kill her!
Suga: and how are you still president of the fan club!

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