Love Me Harder *H.MM x L.CH*

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If you know about me and choose to stay. Then take this pleasure and take it with the pain - Ariana Grande - Love Me Harder

(Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away...
Ten: -step in- Oh no you don't! You are going to write this part right!
Author: but I love Star Wars!
Ten: you gave Taeyong my birthday part and people want a happy Tenmo part! I'm going to stand behind you and make sure you do it correctly or -show taser- Any questions?
Author: Why you got to be so mean... T.T ...Fine the true part)

"Welcome to Bangkok! Please enjoy your stay in our beautiful country," the flight attendant announced, as the plane safety landed. Ten looked over to his girlfriend, Momo, who was staring out the window. He took a hold of her hand, as she turned to him.

"I'm really excited to see your homeland," Momo told him. Sure she had been here before with her group, but this is more special to her. She is here with her boyfriend to meet his family and have a vacation with him for a week. She did have to admit she is nervous to meet his family in person. "I can't wait to see where my handsome Tennie grew up."

"We have all the time in the world to explore the town. My mother is picking us up and we are going to have a nice cook meal first," he said, praying in his head they did not put up any embarrassing pictures of him in the home. The last thing he wants is Momo looking at a naked baby picture of him in the bathtub. Momo gave him a kiss on his cheek, as they got ready to get off the plane.

After about fifteen minutes, they were finally down to luggage to get their bags and meet his mother. Ten held Momo's hand, as they walked closer to their carousel luggage.

"My baby boy is here!" Ten heard his mother's voice. He looked forward and groaned at what he saw. Momo look over and had to hold back a giggle. Ten's mother was waving her arms like crazy, as his little sister held up a banner saying "Welcome Ten and Momo". A band was playing behind them to greet the couple, as his mother was calling to Ten. "Chittaphon! You best not be ignoring your mother!"

"Oh my god, Ma! You are making a huge scene!" Momo was really trying not to laugh at this sight, when his mother came up to him, grabbing and pinching his cheek.

"I did not carry you for nine months and raise you, just to be rude to your dear mother!" Ten was fussing at her, as his mother turned to Momo. "My goodness!" She let go of Ten and admired Momo. "You are so beautiful in person than video chat!" She took Momo's hands into hers and continue to talk. "How did my lazy son get a beautiful woman like you?"

"Ma!!!" Ten whined, as his mother waved him off.

"Go get your bags and we go home. Now Momo, I hope my son has been a gentleman to you, unlike he is with his mother." Momo giggled and nodded her head.

"Your son has been nothing but amazing to me, ma'am."

"Oh please call me Ma, you are practically family. Son, hurry and get the bags!" Ten knew what he was walking into when he took his family he was coming with Momo for a week. Ten went to get the bags, as his mother walked with Momo to where the band and his sister were at.
"Ma! Did you have to invite the whole family over!" Ten asked her, as they were in the kitchen. Everyone was in the living room with Momo and he means everyone. His aunts, uncles, cousins, his grandmother and grandfather were all here to meet Momo in person. He thought it was going to be a small dinner but it's pretty much a party now.

"Why yes, everyone was excited to meet Momo. Your grandmother insisted to have a party and you know nobody say no to grandmother." Ten sighed, as she was right. "Come, help me with getting the food on the table."

Soon everyone was eating, talking, and having a good time. His grandmother adores Momo, which that is the biggest praise anyone can get in this family.

"And this is my lovely grandson, Chittaphon," his grandmother said, showing Momo pictures of him as a kid. "He always love to shake his little butt at everyone, especially when he is happy." She pointed to the famous bathtub pictures he has been dreading.

"Grandmother, Momo doesn't have to see those pictures," he whined, as he sat next to Momo and wrapped his arms around her.

"Come on, you were the cutest baby in the world. Your wife needs to know what her husband is like, especially when you have children. They need to be strong."

"Grandmother, we aren't married," Ten said to her. "Well not yet anyways." Ten looked at Momo and moved to be in front of her. He took Momo's hand and got on one knee. "I was really going to wait until later on in the week, but since my family is here this is the best time for it. I love you Hirai Momo. We have been through so much in the last two years of our relationship. No matter what you stood by me and it's swells my heart to know how loyal you are. I have given you everything in my power and you have done the same. You were there at some of my lowest points in life. You have a sweet nature everyone adores..."

"Ma, I'm hungry."
"What is Chittaphon doing?
"Oh this is romantic?!"
"My little Chittaphon...."

"...okay this is my proposal to my girlfriend here! I want quiet!" He turned to his family, giving them a look. Everyone stopped and went back to Momo, who had tears coming down her cheek. " where was I? I can't remember now! I love you and want you to be my wifey." He pulled out a box and opened it to show her the ring. "Hirai Momo, please give me the honor of being your husband forever. Give me the honor to let everyone in the world you are my wife. Will you do me the honor and marry me? Hirai Momo will you marry me?"

"Yes! Yes I will," she said, wiping her tears away. Ten out the ring on her finger and help her stood up. Momo gave him a kiss on the lips, as his entire family was cheering for them. Ten smiled down at Momo, as he was beyond happy to ask her to marry him.

"I love you," he whispered to her.

"I love you too."

"Come now, let's eat more and we plan for wedding," his mother said, as Ten groaned.

"Ma! We just got engaged!"

"It's never too early to plan. Come now, let's eat more." Ten rest his head on Momo's shoulder, as she giggled at him.

"If this is what our engagement is, the wedding is going to be a hit," she teased him, as he shook his head.

"Knowing my family, we are all going to be at the alter marrying you. But even if that is the case, I'm glad I'm will be marrying the girl of my dream," Ten said, giving her a quick kiss. "You ready to be a part of this crazy family?"

"Oh it's not as crazy as my family," she told him, "but yes I am."

"Chittaphon, I need grand babies as well," called his mother to the kitchen. "You and Momo could get started on my grand babies tonight!" Momo's face turned red, as Ten shouted to his mother.

"Ma! Really, we just got engaged."

"Chittaphon! I want a great grand baby before I pass," his grandmother popped in. Ten can't win with his family, as they were going on and on about the wedding and grand babies. He looked over at Momo, who was still red in the face. He gave her a kiss and smiled.

"Okay you win the crazy family battle. At least my family is willing to wait for us to be married before having kids." Ten's sister walked by them, getting her coat on.

"Chittaphon, Ma is sending me to the store. Do you need anything there? Condoms, lubes, a pregnancy test?" She smirked at him. Ten let go of Momo and went after his sister. His sister ran out the door laughing, as Ten chased after her. Momo just giggle at the sight, while Ten's grandmother came back in the room.

"Come, come, you need more food, Momo dear. You need to be strong to be able to carry a Leechaiyaporrnkul child. They are big babies and weigh a lot. Chittaphon was almost 10 pounds when he was born and gave his Ma nasty heartburn through the pregnancy." Grandmother took Momo's hand and guide her back in the kitchen.

"Let me tell you how Chittaphon got his head stuck in the stair railings when he was five. When you do have a baby, you need to know what you are walking into."

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now