Anytime *C.SC x H.MM x X.DJ*

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I swear I hear your voice, driving me insane. How I wish that you would call. To say - Brian McKnight - Anytime

"Happy birthday, Cheollie," Momo said to him, as she was running over with a small gift in hand. Seungcheol smiled at her, as he opened his arms for her to get a big hug from her. They shared a quick kiss and smiled.

"Thank you, my love," he said, as he looked at the gift. "Is that for me?" He tried to grabbed it, but Momo slapped his hand away.

"No, you will get your gift at your party. This is for Xiaojun. His birthday is the same day as yours remember?" Seungcheol forgot that her best friend shares his birthday. This is going to be the first birthday since they started to go out together. Momo always spend the day with Xiaojun, but not this year. Seungcheol almost had to beg for Momo, since she has never miss Xiaojun's birthday. His friends are throwing him a nice birthday tomorrow and Momo was going to go and then spend the night with him. He knew Momo told Xiaojun about it and he wasn't happy to say the least, but told Momo he understand.

Seungcheol and Xiaojun doesn't see eye to eye. He know that Xiaojun doesn't like him for taking his best friend away, but whatever they are together and happy.  They been together for about six months now, knowing each other for three years.

"So what did you get him?"

"Oh, Xiaojun asked to get making best friend rings," she replied. Seungcheol just stared at her, as she continue. "I found the perfect pair. I hope he likes it." Momo and Xiaojun has been best friends since they were children.

"I'm sure he will," Seungcheol managed to get out. "Anyways, I'm excited for tomorrow. It's going to be a chill birthday. Just us and friends enjoying time together and afterwards, it will be just us." Momo giggled at him, as he placed a kiss on her lips.

"I can't wait."

"Momoring!" Xiaojun yelled, running to her with a letter in hand. Momo let go of Seungcheol, as he came up to them. "And Seungcheol..." he said in a bored tone.

"Right back at you." Xiaojun turned to Momo and gave her the letter.

"Oh what is this?" Momo asked him, as she handed him his gift.

"Your invite to my birthday on Saturday." He took the gift and smiled. Momo and Seungcheol looked confused at first, as he knew Momo was going to spend Saturday with Seungcheol for his birthday.

"Xiaojun, I'm can't attend. It's Cheollie's birthday and we have plans," Momo said, giving back the letter. "I already told you that I was spending the day with Seungcheol." Xiaojun looked at Momo with a sad face.

"But this year, the party is going to be on a yacht. My parents got it all set and everyone is pretty much coming." Momo just looked at him, like he was serious. Momo turned to Seungcheol to see his reaction. He was keeping a calm face, as Momo looked back at Xiaojun.

"I'm sorry. I promise to spend that day with Seungcheol. Why would I give your gift now? We have plans and we all work hard on them." Seungcheol had to smile at her. He really thought she would give in, but she didn't. Momo put her hand into Seungcheol and looked up at him. "We can celebrate the next day. I mean it will be late..."

"So you rather spend time with some guy you only been dating for a short time, instead of your best friend who you known since we were kids?" Momo was shocked at Xiaojun's outburst, as Seungcheol pulled her behind him to protect. He knew what Xiaojun was planning. He always like to guilt Momo into doing things together. He guilt her one time to go with him to the movies, instead of her going out to dinner with Seungcheol one time. That was one time too many.

"Listen, quit guilting her into doing things you want. I have notice this for years and frankly I'm tired of it," Seungcheol stood up to her best friend. "You of all people should understand her." Xiaojun was getting mad at Seungcheol for interfering. He was so close to ask Momo out himself, but that cherry-picking face of a punk stole his moment and ask Momo out which she agrees. He did not want Momo anywhere near him and does everything in his power to keep her away.

"Yeah I do know everything about her. That's why she should be with me instead of you!" He confessed about liking Momo more than a friend. Momo just looked at him in shock. "I was going to ask her out but you beat me! You ruined everything!" Xiaojun pushed Seungcheol against the locker. People heard them fighting, as they stood and watch. Their friends came to help, as Seungcheol had enough and jumped onto Xiaojun.

"Please stop!" Momo screamed at them, but they were not listening and kept fighting with each other. Their friends were trying to get them away from each other, as Momo tried to step in. "Please stop!" Somehow, but unknown who it was shove Momo away and she went flying into the lockers. She smacked the back of her head against the locker and slumped over.

"Momo!" Someone shouted, getting Seungcheol and Xiaojun to stopped fighting. Sana kneel next to Momo, trying to wake her up. Both boys were stunned, as Sana looked up at them with tears in her eyes.

"Both of you are assholes! Looks what you done!" Sana yelled at them. A moment later, both guys were shove down to the ground. Standing above them was Momo's older brother, Yuta giving them a hard cold glare.

"What the fuck did you do to my sister!" Yuta yelled, as he was ready to pound the two into dust. Johnny and Jaehyun had to hold him back before he did so. "I have trusted the two of you to protect my sister. Instead, you both fight and harm her. Let me go so I can kick their damn ass!"

"Yuta..." mumbled Momo, as he got himself free and hurry to her. She was so out of it, as she reach out to him. Yuta pulled her into his arms and helped her up. "My head hurts..."

"Hey big brother is here. Let's get you to the nurse to get check out then I will take you home," he softly told her. He gave Seungcheol and Xiaojun the ice stare. "As for you two, you are banned from hanging out with her or even making contact with her. If I ever catch you, I'm snapping your necks in half and throwing your body in the river!" Yuta picked up Momo and carried her to the nurse, whispering to her to stay awake.

"You two damn screw up,"  Sana said. "If you come around Momo, I will assist Yuta in your deaths. Believe me I will stab needles in your eyes and crush you with my heels." With that Sana went after the siblings.

"Thanks for ruining everything, asshole," Xiaojun said, getting in a punch at Seungcheol's face before running after them to explain.

Happy birthday Seungcheol and Xiaojun!!! -look at the date again- Yup happy birthday. I didn't mess up this time!
Seungcheol: -blink- how is this a happy gift!!!
Xiaojun: -mad- I'm returning this gift!
Come on, at least I post this on your birthday and gave you a part!
Seungcheol and Xiaojun: -stone death glare at author-
Jeonghan: come on Cheollie, you are going to have a stroke -having Mingyu and Wonwoo guide him away-
Kun: you need a nice bath and some tea -WayV dragged Xiaojun away- you know, they are going to demand a part 2.
Details details...spin the wheel will you?

Next: Momo x Kang Daniel
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See ya next time
Bye sweetie sweetie

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